View Full Version : need feeding advice PLEASE!

12-23-2007, 12:26 PM
Jack FINALLY started eating this past week, and I'm just not sure how much to feed him. Every time I drop fish in he eats, but it's been several days.
I made notes for when I fed him, and here's how it's been this week...

-Monday ate 2 fish, 1 large & 1 small
-Tuesday ate 1 fish
-Wednesday ate 2 fish
-Thursday ate 1 fish
-Saturday ate 3 fish, 1 large & 2 very small

So basically he's eaten 9 fish since Monday, and it's now Sunday morning. When should I offer him food again??
And what type of schedule would you recommend??

Thank you so much!!

12-23-2007, 12:47 PM
how big is jack? Also ill have to check with others on this, but i think snakes eating habits are to have one big meal and then wait around a week until another feeding. But i think its okay in the begginning just to get him started eating

12-23-2007, 01:57 PM
I think he's around 1 foot, maybe a little more

12-23-2007, 02:27 PM
At his size, I would feed twice per week four or five fish or a couple of small pinkies at each feeding.