View Full Version : The "you know your a herp addict when"thread
12-09-2007, 08:46 PM
I just wanted to start a fun thread
10.Your freezer has more frozen rodents than frozen veggies.....
9.Feeder bill is higher than your food bill.....
8.You go to garage sales to find old furniture to turn into enclosers..... your work holidays around reptile shows.....
6.Your kids are all het for blue eyes,brown hair etc......
5.If you have ever thought"look an empty cage,what should I buy for it?......
4.If you have ever said to your partner"just one more honey,you wont even know its there,or I need a mate for the 5 females I got last time you gave in.....
3. If all your conversations start with I bought a snake/lizzard/herp ....
2. You have more pics of your herps then your kids or wedding day...
1. You make Christmas cards with your herp in them and not the family...
Natalie, How did you know all ten items on your list described me!!!
12-09-2007, 09:06 PM
I've seen that list before..goes on and on.....and I fit most of them!!!! lol!!:D
12-09-2007, 11:49 PM
... you check your herp-forums before leaving home for work:D
12-10-2007, 02:08 AM
Let me add to the list:
You basically only have 1 room and the wallpaper looks more like enclosures:D
12-10-2007, 02:27 AM
I only fit about half of them. the moment. ;)
12-10-2007, 06:27 AM
... you check your herp-forums before leaving home for work:D
Does checking it before school count?:)
12-10-2007, 06:39 AM
- "when frozen dinners" are F/T mice- You stay home because your female might be gravid- you have to wake up on a sat at 7:30 to turn on heat lamps
12-10-2007, 09:10 AM
I only fit about half of them. the moment. ;)
Yeah, me too. But I'm aspiring to complete the list gives me a goal in life!!:D:D
12-10-2007, 11:30 AM
1. You've bred rabbits for 15 years, yet have no idea what their average life span is.
2. You hear someone describing their new high-resolution 20" monitor and wonder if 3. it's Australian or Indonesian.
4. The neighborhood animals start disappearing as your Green 'Conda passes the 200-lb mark.
5. Your snakes spend more time in your bathtub than you do!
6. You check the "free to good home" ads daily, yet have no desire to own a mammal.
7. You and a friend are overheard talking about your babies & someone asks about them, and you reply "yeah, my 'baby' is 15' long & weighs around 125 pounds!
8. You have a special drawer to keep perfect sheds in.
9. Your freezer is full but the kids whine that there's nothing to eat!
10.You're the customer at the pet store but answer all the herp questions.
11.You purchase contacts that look like snake eyes so you fit in with your little world at home.
12.You do a double take at the latest prime specimen in your local herp store haunt & as your significant other begins to glare you say "This is it!! The last one I promise!! I promise!"...and you are believed for the very last time!
13.Your mom knows about you & your excursions out into the woods and into the local pet store, and now frisks you down as soon as you enter the house!
14.You tell your girlfriend/mother "that IS the same just changes colors and body shape. Yeah, it really is growing fast - I changed its name from "Mr. Cal King" to "Annie Anaconda."
15.You quit smoking not to better your health, but out of concern for the effect of second hand smoke on your herps.
16.Your arms say you're an I.V. drug user...your python says you're dinner!
17.Your mind races endlessly as you imagine hatching your next clutch of designer ball pythons.
18.Your bedroom smells worse than your bathroom.
19.You feel guilty picking your "pet" rabbits in front of a group of bunny-adoring children.*
20.You bypass your girlfriend's Victoria's Secret catalog to get to your latest Reptiles Magazine.
21.The employees at the local pet store give you dirty looks every time they see you heading for the small animal section.
22.You've learned that defrosting rodents in the microwave does not work!
23.Your snakes are having a better sex life than you & you're happy about it.
24.You have way more pillowcases than you have pillows.
25.Your best friend's cat died & you wonder if you can have the body.
26.You name your rodents things like "Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner."
27.You drive around on recycling day looking for the biggest piles of newspaper!
28.Your girlfriend gets mad because you spend way too much time in the Rubbermaid container section dreaming of ways to use them!
29.You do your best to give the guy wearing snakeskin boots your dirtiest look & start to wonder if you could get off on just manslaughter.
30.You can get to the center of the newspaper on the first try.
31.People spend big bucks to get rid of rats & mice and you spend bigger bucks breeding them.
32.There is always space to set up yet another cage for your next herp.
33.You stop in a pet store just to look at the reptiles and end up buying a fake plant for a buck so you don't look stupid.
34.Your freezer contains more dead mice than ice cream.
35.You keep your apartment at a constant 85F, with lights pointed at the couch to make a 95F basking spot.
36.Upon seeing the Vanity Fair issue with the picture of Cindy Crawford naked, with a boa around her, the first reaction of my herper friends was "Nice looking snake, distinct markings...must be Boa constrictor constrictor...looks like a Surinam."
37.You go through the store checkout with 18 different fruits and veggies, none of which you plan to eat.
38.You judge the quality of a garage sale by the potential herp housing units for sale.
39.You sleep on the couch but have a lovely reptile setup in the bedroom.
40.You got in trouble with your girlfriend for looking at the "free kitten" ads with a gleam in your eye.
41.The Delta Cargo people recognize you on sight.
42.You've ever told your apartment manager that you'll be able to pay rent after the eggs hatch.
43.Your wrists are so crisscrossed with scratches that people think you're just really bad at trying to kill yourself.
44.You tell people on the phone "I can't talk now, I've got a lizard on my head!!!"
45.Redecorating the house means finding a way to squeeze in yet another aquarium.
46.You consider collard greens, dandelion greens, parsnips, mustard greens and escarole to be "common vegetables."
47.You have a bag full of pinkies in the freezer next to your chicken breasts.
48.Your neighbors think you're a photographer because they can see a red light in one of your windows every night.
49.You've ever had to lecture a pet store employee/manager.
50.You've ever had to clean mouse guts off of anything.
51.You tell your snake she's "sexy" more often than you tell your girlfriend...and your girlfriend doesn't mind!
52.You find "tongue flicking" an attractive attribute in members of the opposite sex.
53.You refer to a pregnant woman as "gravid."
54.Hetero doesn't mean heterosexual to you.
55.You can rattle off product codes & dimensions for a multitude of Rubbermaid/Sterilite containers without a second thought.
56.You & your significant other consider an afternoon spent cleaning rodent cages "quality time."
57.There's someone in your life who understands why you think baby snake faces are CUTE, and doesn't think you're weird for it.
58.You have a snake that weighs more than you do!
59.All you want for Christmas is RUBBERMAIDS!
60.You skip meals to have extra money for the upcoming reptile show
61.You consider anything with fur and a tail fair game for your boa
62.Your homepage is's classifieds
63.Your reptile collection is worth more than your car.
12-10-2007, 11:31 AM
i have fit into more of these than i care to admit to myself.
12-10-2007, 12:35 PM
adding more lol
You need to move to a bigger place cause your snakes take up more space than you.......
You have ever phoned your boss in the morning and said"im going to be late,one of the snakes is out.....
What do you mean your sisters getting maried,the st.louis herp show is that weekend.Do we realy got to go.Im sure she'll get maried again down the road.....
when all the timers going on and off make the power company call the green team....
when you can't eat a salad because it's herp food, but eating FearFactor bugs doesn't seem so bad.....
when you can name at least 10 herp species from any locale the wife wants to vacation....
when ducking is a habit as she throws a lamp at you in disgust...
12-10-2007, 01:09 PM
there's no room in the living room for a TV and a couch
12-10-2007, 01:23 PM
You can't take a promotion b/c you would have to move to a city that does not allow snakes.
12-10-2007, 01:32 PM
You have gotten more than one call from irate parents b/c your 2nd grader told his entire class that if anyone wanted a baby corn snake he would give them one for thier birthday.
12-10-2007, 04:00 PM
You have gotten more than one call from irate parents b/c your 2nd grader told his entire class that if anyone wanted a baby corn snake he would give them one for thier birthday.
OMG thats funny lmao
Lulu Bennett
12-10-2007, 04:04 PM
hahahaha too funny! not all of these apply to me...yet lol
these are great and a good giggle lol
12-11-2007, 10:01 AM
LOL these are great! :D
12-11-2007, 12:38 PM
On "Show & Tell" day at school, your child is forbidden to participate........:)
12-11-2007, 12:40 PM
LMAO!!! man this is great lol
12-11-2007, 03:45 PM
I asked for rubbermaids and glad containers. XD
I'd like to add one:
"All your speeches in rhetoric class involve reptiles."
12-11-2007, 04:06 PM
when your friend gets bitten, you get mad because they dropped the snake
When your a day sleeper and your wife wakes you up with the blissful sounds of snakes feeding and you stay up to help :D
12-12-2007, 08:16 AM
[quote=drache;36553]when your friend gets bitten, you get mad because they dropped the snake[/quote
Now that one I like!!! Too funny!
12-13-2007, 12:01 PM
You know you're a herp addict when you gave up your bed for a snake in a nice big cage because none of the stores doesn't have the tub you need because of the Christmas rush.
Lori P
12-13-2007, 02:20 PM
Oh these are too great!!! LMAO here!!
12-13-2007, 03:55 PM
you know your a herp addict when you can catch snakes in your sleep..... I caught one a few years back...I was asleep and one of my garters escaped....this sneaky snake came crawling thru the her path was me..sleeping. as she crawled across the bed she happened to slither over my my sleep i felt something and grabbed as I woke up....there I was with a snake in my hand.....:eek:
12-13-2007, 07:02 PM
lol and her mouth attached to your hand lol thats what mine would have done lol :D:D:D:D:D
12-13-2007, 10:45 PM
I've found my snakes in my bed on more than one occasion hehe
So true those statements the one about the snakes escapeed and can't go to work was one my mother was joking about she was going on about my Boa and how if it escaped she'd have to ring work and say "can't go to work 'cause theres a Boa outside my bedroom door, shush think he's trying to get it."
Funny last year I had so many pets they're food bill out did mine I had to cut back in Ocotober was supposed to get rid of them all inc. my garters but couldn't, my little Orochi had just shed for the first time and after all the hassle she was to feed.
I find myself in the new house that we're moving into thinking I wonder what I could put in that corner I'm gonna need some house myself one day as I have far too many interests.
12-14-2007, 05:43 AM
yeah were moveing also and i'm about to buy more snakes.. is ok tho husband loves snakes just as much or more then i do.. And thats a lot lol were at 6 snakes right now adding a 7th.. husband says no more for right now unless i find another garter snake out in the yard that needs care for lol we have pairs now.. a female/male northern pine snake... female/male red tail boas.... And now I'm hoping fingers cross a female/male brooks king snake.. But what he don't know is I've him a green tree pair coming as a Christmas gift... That's his dream snakie... SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :D:D:D:D:D
That's one for you...I dont know if its been said already or not....
You know your a herp addict if you give snakes as presents for birthdays, Christmas, Weddings.. ext...
12-14-2007, 06:51 AM
I just got a breeding pair of milk snakes for christmas. Catching snakes in your sleep now thats funny
12-15-2007, 11:11 PM
Hmmmmm, it never even occurred to me to put snakes on my wedding gift registry last silly of me, I asked for housewares.:D:D
12-16-2007, 05:59 AM
Thanks for the reminder
I will ask my suppliers whether they have wedding registries
your local Herp store owner recignizes you on sight..heck you often beat the stores owner to the store then phone them wondering whats taking so long.
you breed and raise your own fresh healthy snake food with lots of variety. you youself are fine with a box of mac and cheese.
mine go for all my animals though:
my guinea pigs kicked me out of my room, they needed a bigger cage so we built it on my bed lol
when we had a hay shortage we chased down a truck and bought some bales off of them lol
my dogs are on a home made raw diet, when were lazy we feed them $70 kibble
cashiers must think we are the heathiest people ever with the amount of fruists and veggies we buy...all of which is dog food, rodents food, rabbit food etc.. on occasion they share with us lol
when my bird on injured I called in sick to work, and I didnt even lie, I told my boss that my bird was injured and there was no way I was leaving him alone. my boss had no problem with it and understood completly lol, she knows me well!
my bird eats only the best food possable, despite that a small bag is $30.
my rabbits litter is all natural, biodegradable, flushable, edible etc.. its also $40 a bag.
12-18-2008, 06:20 AM
When a baby snake crawls over your foot in the bathroom.
You dive head first into a mud bog so the garter snake does not "get away"
you mow your lawn at noon on the hottest days to minimize the possibility of running over a snake.
You don't bother mowing the lawn at all for the same reason.
You intentionally place sheets of plywood in the yard.
Your kids all get snakes for Christmas.
You have ever said to your kids, "Behave yourself or I'll feed your hamster to the python"
You have ever dressed up as a reptile for Halloween
The house is on fire, and you can't leave till you finish your post on Thamnophis dot com.
Door to door salesmen bypass your house altogether
you own a minnow net, yet never go fishing
You hunt night crawlers, and never go fishing..
you get up early just to hunt slugs before the sun comes out.
You give your phone number to total strangers and tell them to call you if they see a snake in their yard.
12-18-2008, 06:28 AM
Your kids all get snakes for Christmas.
The house is on fire, and you can't leave till you finish your post on Thamnophis dot com.
Door to door salesmen bypass your house altogether
You hunt night crawlers, and never go fishing..
You give your phone number to total strangers and tell them to call you if they see a snake in their yard.
Wayne that was good!! I love it... these pertain to me!!:D
12-18-2008, 06:58 AM
You stay awake until 3:00 am to watch a 10 minute clip about Garter snake breeding balls on PBS.
You close your business for a weekend in July so your friends at Thamnophis dot com have a place to hold a world meeting.
your spell checker no longer rejects the following words..pickeringi, elegans , vagrans, infernalis, similis, parietalis, Radix, Dekayi, cyrtopsis, Cyclophiops, and many others I'm sure.
Your user name on POGO is Thamnophis.
A snake bites you, and you are more worried about if the snake is OK:eek:
your user name on MSN is Infernalis
You have a burial plot for snakes, and none for yourself
you can remember every movie and TV show that ever had a snake on it.
you buy Tilapia fillet with food stamps
your medicine chest has shedding aid, silvadine, metacam, and products by flukers, zoo med and zilla in it, but not one alka seltzer or cold remedy.
your electric bill just doubled, and you don't care since it was from all the basking lamps and hot rocks.
you hang blankets over all your windows to keep neighbors from looking in.
12-18-2008, 07:24 AM
when all your characters on World of Warcraft after named after snake species
thats me (they are all garter sub species with my main being thamnophis)
Snake lover 3-25
12-20-2008, 11:26 PM
wow it's surprising how many of those i fit into.......:rolleyes:
Snake lover 3-25
12-20-2008, 11:43 PM
i thought of some:D:eek:
you clean your snake cages more often than your room
you put more focus onto your reptiles than your work/school
your reps take more vitamins than you do
your 3" turtle eats more salad than you do
you socialise more with reps than with people
you spend your free time looking for more reptile hides to buy
you stay awake at night thinking of how you can re decorate your snake cage
you spend every cent you earn on snake stuff and none on your self
you spend hours and hours that you should be studying playing with your reps
the first things you would save from your burning down house would be your reps
you have to warn your relatives not to open the brown paper bag in the freezer
your relatives aren't surprised when they see a snake on the table or a turtle running across the floor
you search for cool reptile videos in your free time
you spend your summers wandering through the woods looking for snakes or snake food
you are only friends with people who like snakes
you have fallen asleep with a snake in your hands
you have lost your turtle
you cut apart walls/furniture to check for lost reptiles
you only have a job so you can buy reptile stuff
you have snakes on your x-mas tree
more than half the stuff on your x-mas list is for your reps
your lifelong dream is to have a reptile room/rooms
you skip breakfast because you just had to take out your snake instead
you stole the x-mas light timer for your reps
you spend only a few mins thinking up a list as long as this:D
Lori P
12-21-2008, 07:20 AM
LOL!! Very well done, Shanley!!
I know this should go in the dream thread, but, it works here too. I had the most detailed, amazing dream the other night that I inherited a HUGE reptile shop somehow... the owner had been gone two weeks and I spent the whole dream racing around frantically trying to clean, feed, water, and save the sick animals. It was one of those super realistic dreams. The reptiles were mostly ok, it was the feeder mice and rats and the hundreds of fish tanks that had fared badly. And I kept thinking, I can't run a reptile shop... I can't sell any of these animals!! lol
12-21-2008, 08:27 AM
These are so funny! LMAO I fit so many!
A few more:
You're single but you turn down dates cause you need to take care of your animals.
You will only date men that like snakes.
You "kick to the curb" a boyfriend that handled one of your snakes "too roughly."
You drop another boyfriend that jokes about putting his ferret into one of your snake's rack.
12-21-2008, 08:40 AM
You buy your girlfriend a Savannah monitor for her birthday, and sneak an Asian green snake into the order since she is going to be so overwhelmed by the monitor, she won't even care about the snake in the box.
12-21-2008, 09:21 AM
Shanley those are great!!! I just laughed so much!! tHANKS
12-21-2008, 12:43 PM
- You did not have a name in high school other than "snake girl"
- when you go to shows, random people walk up to you and say OMG, you are snake babe from (insert random site here), I know you!!!
- the most common pickup line guys use on you is "So I heard you like snakes, you wanna pet mine?"
- the other most common pickup line is "Oh, I have a snake. He's a one eyed spitting burmese python."
- you have to convince your mom on a daily basis that the bowl of dead rodents thawing on the counter HAS to be there.
- your mom calls you to tell you that she has fallen in love with the legless lizard, and after she mentioned that SHE, your MOTHER, who cringes at the site of said bowl of rodents...thawed 2 pinkies out on her very own and fed them to him, you view this as a major event in your life.
- you carry sterliziation pads, lubricant, and sexing probes at all times in your purse. (you should see the look on people's faces when they see those things in my purse LOL)
- your purse bears the photographs of two snakes in your own collection. Not your brothers or the dogs... your snakes.
- you frequently suffer from ECS. Empty cage syndrome.
- when the occasional hamster, mouse, parakeet or other small animal does not make it at work, (its rare but it happens) everyone knows to put it in a bag and stick it in the bottom part of the freezer for Shannon.
- The snake room is 100 times cleaner than the bedroom.
-The bedroom is slowly but surely becoming another snake room.
- you have already designed your future coffee table, end tables, and other furnitures to incorporate housing for snakes.
- you contemplate how to apply that idea to a bed.
- you are looking to buy a fridge that does NOT work!
- you constantly are looking at people's trash piles on trash night to make sure there are no good cages or furnitures that could BE cages.
- The reptile customers at your store refuse to be helped by anyone else but you.
- You had a snake's picture taken with Santa Claus.
- You had a professional photo taken of you and your dog, but also of course your favorite snake was there too.
- you get home from work starving, but you don't eat until you're done feeding snakes, and sometimes you just plain forget to eat.
- when drunk you begin incoherently venting about people that hate snakes.
- your boyfriend gets you an empty chocolate tin with a snake inside for Vday, and you do not care where the chocolates went. You have aleady recieved fine jewelry and a laptop from him on previous occasions, but this by far was the most well thought out BEST gift ever.
- you ask for gift cards to, mud snakes, ten gallon tanks and hidey's for Xmas.
- you make excuses to yourself about why the fish tank really would be better off being dismantled and replaced with another herp enclosure.
- you often wonder if said fish contain thiaminase. :D
12-21-2008, 01:29 PM
Great list Shannon.
Friends bring their friends over to watch you feed the reptiles.
"That thing is huge" is said more times in your house than the sound track of an "off color" film.
Lori P
12-21-2008, 06:06 PM
ROFLMAO Shannon.... I was eyeing my dad's cichlids the other day, as they've been breeding like mad... and all I could think was, are they garter safe???
12-21-2008, 07:01 PM
ROFLMAO Shannon.... I was eyeing my dad's cichlids the other day, as they've been breeding like mad... and all I could think was, are they garter safe???
Safe as Tilapia:D:D (P.S. google Tilapia)
Lori P
12-21-2008, 07:39 PM
REALLY????? Omg.... omg..... wait till I tell him!!!!! LOL
12-21-2008, 07:46 PM
yea i have a breeding pair of chicilids to feed their babies
REALLY????? Omg.... omg..... wait till I tell him!!!!! LOL
12-22-2008, 06:18 AM
- when you go to shows, random people walk up to you and say OMG, you are snake babe from (insert random site here), I know you!!!
I hope that doesn't bother you, since I am one of those random weirdos!!!!! Had I not approached you, I wouldn't have James and Erni, though, so I'm glad I did!!!!!
12-22-2008, 09:18 AM
when most of your photo albums consist of snakes, reptiles.. more than your kids:p
12-22-2008, 09:42 AM
when most of your photo albums consist of snakes, reptiles.. more than your kids:p
hey that's me lmao :D:D:D
12-22-2008, 01:53 PM
I get laughed at for that all the time!
At work, I have 3 big pictures of my adult snakes, and underneath all those, an itty-bitty picture of the kids. :D:o
12-22-2008, 09:47 PM
Just celebrated my birthday and got a little cash. All I could think about was how many pinkies it could buy.
Snake lover 3-25
12-22-2008, 10:14 PM
when you lose count of how many reps you have
12-22-2008, 10:43 PM
haha no no no, it did not bother me because i actually knew you!!!
I meant the people I have never once spoken to that know my name and stuff. thats weird... LOL!
12-23-2008, 08:03 AM
you know your a herp addict when:
Instead of using garland for your Christmas tree you use various snake sheds from you own snake collection...:o:o
12-23-2008, 08:34 AM
you know your a herp addict when:
Instead of using garland for your Christmas tree you use various snake sheds from you own snake collection...:o:o
natalie, I am laughing so hard!!! OMG!! that is hilarious!!
I love you guys, you brighten my days & nights!! What a great group of herp lovers!!!:)
12-23-2008, 09:36 AM
"you know your a herp addict when"
You are a man, and find "Chicks with balls" attractive.
12-23-2008, 09:41 AM
Lmao :D:D:D:D:D
12-23-2008, 10:03 AM
you know your a herp addict when:
Instead of using garland for your Christmas tree you use various snake sheds from you own snake collection...:o:o
I took one look at the green somewhat realistic garland and thought "Hey,that would be perfect in the guppy tank!" So the guppy tank... which is strictly for the snakes... has green grassy garland floating on top and down on the bottom of the aquarium for future snake food to hide in :) Cheaper than those grass mat things and should work :)
Too funny Wayne :D No balls here, just a growing collection of pretty garters ;)
12-23-2008, 03:30 PM
that was cute!!!:)
"you know your a herp addict when"
You are a man, and find "Chicks with balls" attractive.
12-23-2008, 05:41 PM
You know you're a herp addict when this is your Christmas list.........
North American Water Snakes. – Ecology & Natural History (Gibbons & Dorcas)
Florida’s Snakes (Bartlett & Bartlett).
Common Snakes of India & Burma and How to Recognise Them. (Cazaly)
The Snakes of Thailand and Their Husbandry (Cox/Merel)
Photographic Guide to Snakes and Reptiles of Borneo (Das)
Photographic Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Sri Lanka (Das)
Snakes of Arabia (Gasperetti)
Snakes of The Southeast (Gibbons/Dorcas)
Amphibians & Reptiles of Baja California (Grismer)
Snakes of Taiwan (Kunz)
Snakes of Virginia (Linzey/Clifford)
Amphibians and Reptiles of Baja California (McPeak)
Homalopsid Snakes-Evolution in The Mud (Murphy)
The Garter Snakes of Western North America (VanDenburgh/Slevin)
12-24-2008, 01:40 PM
he's got big balls, and she's got big balls, but I've got the biggest... balls of them all!
haha this reminded me of that song!
"you know your a herp addict when"
You are a man, and find "Chicks with balls" attractive.
12-24-2008, 02:25 PM
he's got big balls, and she's got big balls, but I've got the biggest... balls of them all!
Some balls are held for charity and some for fancy dress. But when they're held for pleasure, they're the balls that I like best. My balls are always bouncing, to the left and to the right. It's my belief that my big balls should be held every night.
12-26-2008, 09:42 AM
When a chick walks up to you at the pub and says "Wanna go back to my place I'll show you my garters"
AND you get really upset with her when you get there and she has no Thamnophis to show you!
12-26-2008, 05:35 PM
gasp!!! what an outrage that would be, Wayne!!!
12-26-2008, 05:42 PM
You thaw out a beautiful salmon fillet for your dinner and then cut it up for your Radixs. You have tuna and crackers for dinner instead and that's okay.
12-26-2008, 06:32 PM
You thaw out a beautiful salmon fillet for your dinner and then cut it up for your Radixs. You have tuna and crackers for dinner instead and that's okay.
my family gives me heck about that all the time. WHAT AM I DOING "WASTING" THAT BEAUTIFUL FISH?
12-26-2008, 11:07 PM
my family gives me heck about that all the time. WHAT AM I DOING "WASTING" THAT BEAUTIFUL FISH?
Watching them enjoy that Salmon is not a waste in my eyes. I got much more enjoyment out of watching them then I would have gotten eating it. Watching the social structure of each enclosure and the personalities of each of them is so interesting. Seeing there interactions with each other is captivating. The salmon is cheap compared to what I get from them.
12-27-2008, 05:59 PM
12-28-2008, 10:21 AM
Does checking it before school count?:)
Yes and I suspect one young lady checks and posts AT school:D
Snake lover 3-25
12-28-2008, 12:04 PM
lol hey i can't be the only one.........:) and i only do it durring the boaring classes anyway!!!!:p
12-28-2008, 12:24 PM
#6759: You buy all of the fake plants, pots, ceramic bowls, and wicker baskets at the local Michael's store that's going out of business so you can upgrade your snake tanks.
12-28-2008, 12:29 PM
lol hey i can't be the only one.........:) and i only do it durring the boaring classes anyway!!!!:p
Like that boring grammar class where they teach word usage;)
12-28-2008, 12:43 PM
Like that boring grammer class where they teach word usage;)
You mean grammar, right, Wayne?:D:rolleyes:;)
12-28-2008, 12:44 PM
You mean grammar, right, Wayne?:D:rolleyes:;)Hahahaha. XD
This made my day. :D:cool:
12-28-2008, 12:52 PM
Oh crap, I can edit mine, but not the copy James posted.
I feel like a GED dropout.
Snake lover 3-25
12-28-2008, 01:04 PM
lol too funny!!!! but no not in english lol mostly just spaqnish and keyboarding
12-28-2008, 02:50 PM
lol too funny!!!! but no not in english lol mostly just spaqnish and keyboarding
I failed spaqnish myself.
12-28-2008, 05:13 PM
And maybe, if she didn't spend so much time posting in keyboarding class, she'd be able to type the word 'Spanish' without an extra 'q'.:D:D:D
12-28-2008, 05:42 PM
olive oil
12-28-2008, 08:41 PM
Oh my gosh this is funny stuff!
12-29-2008, 10:21 AM
i spell everything wrong.. I type too fast, & too much.
Snake lover 3-25
12-29-2008, 11:20 AM
lol wow i can't believe i did that lol:o
12-29-2008, 03:39 PM
i spell everything wrong.. I type too fast, & too much.
I type fast and make quite a few mistakes, but because I'm obsessive about things being just so, I go back and fix 'em all before I post.:D
12-31-2008, 02:57 PM
I type fast and make quite a few mistakes, but because I'm obsessive about things being just so, I go back and fix 'em all before I post.:D
Anji, I have spell check on (Mozilla Firefox), i always go back too, or I have my daughter saying, you spelled that wrong.
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