View Full Version : hidden snake.

11-27-2007, 08:04 AM
I have had my T.s. sirtalis for some months now, and it seems that she is healthy.
She eats what I offer her and she shed a couple of weeks ago and the shed came off in one nice piece.

I started handling her about 1-2 times a week a month ago, and even though she musks the second I touch her for the first time during the "handling session" she is calming down step by step.

The thing that surprises me is that since I started handling her, she is hiding almost all the time. Before she lay under in the heatinglamp quite often. I have changed nothing in the arrangement of the setup since I got her, and I'm surprised, and a bit worried, to see her change her behaviours like that.

The temperature ranges from 28C(warm end) to 25C(cold end) during the day, and the nightly temperature is around room temperature.

The relative humidity is in the interval between 60-71.

Do any of you guys have an idea if something is wrong, or have I freaked her out?

11-27-2007, 08:10 AM
I have had my T.s. sirtalis for some months now, and it seems that she is healthy.
She eats what I offer her and she shed a couple of weeks ago and the shed came off in one nice piece.

I started handling her about 1-2 times a week a month ago, and even though she musks the second I touch her for the first time during the "handling session" she is calming down step by step.

The thing that surprises me is that since I started handling her, she is hiding almost all the time. Before she lay under in the heatinglamp quite often. I have changed nothing in the arrangement of the setup since I got her, and I'm surprised, and a bit worried, to see her change her behaviours like that.

The temperature ranges from 28C(warm end) to 25C(cold end) during the day, and the nightly temperature is around room temperature.

The relative humidity is in the interval between 60-71.

Do any of you guys have an idea if something is wrong, or have I freaked her out?

if she other wise looks healthy, I'd say maybe she's just a little freaked, so hold her a little less just to give her a time to settle a little and start over.....I've also noticed if you let them cool down a little then try to hold them it helps because they like the heat coming from you, this has not always worked for me, but has helped I think, again my opinion and has worked for me................good luck:)

11-27-2007, 08:35 AM
Is she a wild caught snake, or captive born? I've found the wild ones always seem to be more stressed out when handled, even after a long time. The one I had did the same thing as yours, but the baby she had is a total sweetheart and loves to be held.

11-27-2007, 03:42 PM
Sounds like she doesn't want to be held, Tore.

11-28-2007, 07:05 AM
She is captive bred, and looks healthy, and as to her defensive behaviour it seems that she is...:)

I'm not planning to turn her into a pet snake, but it would be practical to be able to handle her when I have to clean the tank without her biting and musking though....:)

Concerning the humidity is 60-70% apropriate? I've read that they fare best 50-60, 50-70 and even 60-80 but that sounds quite high don't you think?

11-28-2007, 07:53 AM
man,,i guess my snakes are awsome,,lol,,never been bit or musk on