View Full Version : Enclosure Redesign...

11-24-2007, 01:59 PM
So you remmember my enclosure:


So the idea is to put the glass from the water part in 90º, put more water, about 60 liters, this is because I want to put a power head as filter combined with passive filter (tube with a sponge and a grill at the bottom)...what do you think? ...still too much trouble? ...too much humidity?

And what kind of subtrate will you recommend, I don't like the peat moss, it's cheap but it's always wet, in a sorta of speakin... and I saw a few new inquilines, little bugs, some of them with wings, this seems not to bother the snake but...I don't find them attractive :mad:

Or you have a better idea to redesign my enclosure?... I'm open to new ideas :D

11-25-2007, 04:51 AM
wouldn't that have the same potential problems as a waterfall?
you know - from this thread

11-25-2007, 05:49 PM
Thanks Rhea. I totally agree but didn't want to sound like a broken record :).


11-26-2007, 03:20 PM
Ohhh I see...thanx for your help, ok no more lake then :D and I'm totally changing the subtrate, it's a big problem when my snakes eat

Thanx agian :D

11-26-2007, 03:32 PM

If you want to include a big water body in your vivarium, consider adding a plastic box full of water. That way it can be easily removed, cleaned, and disinfected.


11-26-2007, 05:23 PM
that is my solution
for larger species requiring more water I use litter pans
I can syphon out some of the water before removing the pan for cleaning, to reduce spillage
and I put them back into the enclosure first and then refill them
but I take them out and completely wash them at least twice per week

11-27-2007, 11:56 PM
:D Great idea, it's gonna be easier to clean and even more cheap, just one big rock and a piece of wood for aquariums will help the snake to get out..so let me think how can I seal the borders...Mmmm, maybe just a few river rocks will do the job. :P

Thanx again, next week I'll post some pictures