View Full Version : Just bored... :)
11-21-2007, 03:33 PM
Hey, I am just plain old bored so I've decided to do this: I am going to tell about my snake life, and I want you guys to post about your snake lives (no, not your snake's lives, I mean what you have to do with snakes). For an example, one might say: I have 3 snakes. 2 Garters and 1 Ball Python. The Python is 3 years old and the 2 Garters are brothers and are both 2 months old. But that is just an example. Now I will start the chain with my snake life: I have no snakes YET, but I plan on getting a Garter snake sometime this month or next. I am only a kid, so you shouldn't expect my parents to let me have like 13 snakes in the house. xD
11-21-2007, 03:35 PM
Now the next person to post will tell about their snake life! :D Can't wait to hear it.
Lori P
11-21-2007, 05:15 PM
LOL, ok Frankie, I'll bite. I have two ball pythons named Fluffy and Squiggles (because I let my husband name them, lol). They live together and I never see them except for feeding time, they always hide. I have two baby garters named Mordecai and Miriam. They also live together and are very active and fun. I have a baby milksnake named Esme, who I also never see but at feeding times, and a kingsnake named Desedmona who is still too full from her meal last weekend to move much. :-)
11-21-2007, 05:36 PM
Okay, I'll bite too!:D
I have 21 snakes at the moment, all Garters. None of them have names, except for 'Olive', my adult female marcianus. She was only named because Molly (my daughter) wanted to call her 'Holly', which could have proven fatal! Most of my snakes (but not all) are '07 captive bred, so they are in small plastic tanks with small water vessels, paper towel substrate and simple furnishings. As they get bigger I move them into larger, permanent vivs.
I clean the tanks every second night, half one night, the rest the next night. I feed them twice a week in the evenings, so I have something to do every day. My firm favourites are my 2.4 radix, so they maybe get a little more attention than the rest!
In addition to that, I spend a few hours every night on the forum. So this hobby takes up most of my leisure time....and I love it that way!:)
11-21-2007, 07:41 PM
James, I pray that when Molly grows up and has children she doesn't decide to name her daughter Holly..........:D
On to the snake story: I have 2 snakes at the moment. Deejay is a 2-year old Eastern Garter, and until a few weeks ago I also had her mother Dojo, but she passed away. Deejay is a real sweetheart, very tame, and loves to twine herself around my fingers and be carried around like that! She also eats a lot of salmon!
I also have a Dekay's snake that was very nicely given to me by Garterking, one of the forum members who lives in the same city as I do. His name is Stitch, and he is extremely cute, and very inquisitive. I am still learning about him, but so far he is quite easy to deal with, and the whole family is very fond of him!:)
11-22-2007, 07:17 AM
We have several vivs in every room, my son has most of the lizards and chameleons in his room, we have a pond outside with the fish, and the mice are in a shed...
Well as said before our house is like a zoo... so brace yourself...:D
1.3.0 Florida Blue Garters
2.2.10 common red sided
1.1.0 Oregon red spotted
1.1.0 Chequered garter
1.1.0 Albino Chequered Garter
2.1.1 San Francisco Garters
1.1.0 Pickeringi Garters
0.1.0 Eastern Blacknecked Garter
1.0.0 Eastern Blackneck cyrtopsis cross
0.1.0 Anuristic Canadian Plains Garter
1.1.5 Canadian Plains (babies het..)
1.1.0 Santa Cruz Garters
1.1.0 Californian Red Sided Garters
1.1.0 Flame Garters
2.1.0 melanistic Garters
0.1.0 Pariatelis true red garter
0.1.0 Common Boa pastel phase
1.1.0 Cats
1.1.0 Leopard Geckos
0.0.2 Hypo Leopard Geckos
1.3.0 Yemens Chameleons
1.0.0 Panther Chameleon
0.1.0 Chinese Water dragon
0.2.0 Italian Crested Newts
26.100.40 Mice !!
0.0.1 Koi mix colour
0.0.2 Ghost koi
0.0.27 Gold fish
1.0.0 monkey - well teenage son!;)
All are named bar the baby snakes, fish and the mice, haven't named the newts or the new hypo geckos yet but I probably will!
A little about me and my snake interest. I've been facinated with snakes my hole life. Started seriously keeping them about 4 years ago. All mine are housed in one room that is setup just for this. Current collection is:
7.6 Eastern Garters. These range from young adults to '07 babies. Some are wild caught, but most are CB.
1.0 Oregon Red-spotted Garter. He's a 2005 captive born speciman.
1.1 Wandering Garter. These are 2007 CB babies.
2.0 Rough Green Snakes. Both are young wild caught specimens
0.1 Young adult Corn Snake
1.0 JV Black Rat snake.
Besides the collection above, I love to go field herping. Found 24 different species this summer for a total of over 260 snakes. These are almost always observed and left where they were found.
11-22-2007, 09:01 AM
I love to go field herping. Found 24 different species this summer for a total of over 260 snakes. These are almost always observed and left where they were found.
can you see the jealous green glow from here??
can you see the jealous green glow from here??
I do feel really lucky that there are so many different reptiles here where I live. Still have 14 species in South Carolina that I have not found in the wild over the last 3 years.
11-22-2007, 10:32 AM
I don't have any snakes right now, but I do have an unknown number of garter (eastern and maritime?) and eastern milksnakes living under my sunroom floor, and I expect to start seeing them sunning themselves on the windowsills (inside) about March. Looking forward to seeing what shows up this year.:D:D
11-22-2007, 10:50 AM
I don't have any snakes right now, but I do have an unknown number of garter (eastern and maritime?) and eastern milksnakes living under my sunroom floor, and I expect to start seeing them sunning themselves on the windowsills (inside) about March. Looking forward to seeing what shows up this year.:D:D That sounds cool! Actually, (although this has nothing to do with it) in my school's playground, there is a little grass snake that lives around the trees... it's been there since around 2 years ago. It is very friendly, but lots of kids are scared of it. :)
11-22-2007, 10:56 AM
It is VERY cool! Everyone here is way jealous of Terry and that sunroom!! :D
11-22-2007, 01:58 PM
I don't have any snakes right now, but I do have an unknown number of garter (eastern and maritime?) and eastern milksnakes living under my sunroom floor, and I expect to start seeing them sunning themselves on the windowsills (inside) about March. Looking forward to seeing what shows up this year.:D:D
So are we, Terry. That was a great thread!
11-22-2007, 03:58 PM
Hi Frankie. We live in Iowa and have a checkered garter named Tia and an albino checkered named Oink. We also have a pair of breeding corns named Momma and Poppa and 13 of their offspring this year and 2 from last year. We have a blizzard corn named Bling and a snow corn named Stein (as in Frankin), a blood red corn, Crooked Stick as he has a bend, 2 new ghost corns, Dumbo and Geniveive, named by my children. A red tail boa named Spot. A 3 footed iguana, Tripod and 2 anoles. 2 ferrets, George and Gracie a cat named Yoda, 2 dogs, Lucy and Sassy. A stinky little boy, Shaun and an almost teenage daughter (Lord, help me!!) Britany. That's it for now. We would really like to get some geckos but alas, no space!
11-22-2007, 06:17 PM
Hi Frankie. We live in Iowa and have a checkered garter named Tia and an albino checkered named Oink. We also have a pair of breeding corns named Momma and Poppa and 13 of their offspring this year and 2 from last year. We have a blizzard corn named Bling and a snow corn named Stein (as in Frankin), a blood red corn, Crooked Stick as he has a bend, 2 new ghost corns, Dumbo and Geniveive, named by my children. A red tail boa named Spot. A 3 footed iguana, Tripod and 2 anoles. 2 ferrets, George and Gracie a cat named Yoda, 2 dogs, Lucy and Sassy. A stinky little boy, Shaun and an almost teenage daughter (Lord, help me!!) Britany. That's it for now. We would really like to get some geckos but alas, no space! Wow! Sounds like you've got a handful! (kids included!) It's a wonder how you survive... lol. :)
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