View Full Version : is my snake gravid or sick?

11-01-2007, 09:38 AM
first off ill start by saying i dont know which snakes are male and which are female,,,the store did not know when i bought them either,,,i have a new eastern garter snake and hes little and said for sure to be a male,,,,the other two i dont know,,bought at same time from same place and there not eastern garters,,cant remember what they are,,,anyways one is 3 ft long and the other is about 3 1/2 ft long,,the smaller one has a narrow looking head and the bigger one looks like a muscluar looking head,,,now the biggest snake used to be really calm and u could hold it and play with it no problems,,,but in the last 3 weeks (she) has been acting jumpy at everything and she eats everything u put in front of her,,,shes really grown in the last 3 weeks,,,shes looking around alot in her tank (175 gallon) and when i drop food in she will bully the others and sometimes even take it from the other snakes,,lol,,anyone think this might be a female and maybe shes pregnant? heres a few pics of the two big garters

this is the new eastern
this is the two snakes laying on each other as they do alot
and here in another location in the tank
heres ones tail end
and heres the others

11-01-2007, 12:03 PM
The described behavior would be typivcal to begining gestation:D

11-01-2007, 04:33 PM
what is gestation?

11-01-2007, 04:45 PM
Gestation is the incubation of the eggs, or if you prefer pregnancy.

11-01-2007, 09:15 PM
if she is and lays eggs,,,how do i help care for the eggs? or should i leave them alone and let her do it? also does it sound normal of pregnancy to throw up her food,,,shes only done it once,,,but it was a minnow and a piece of pinkie,,,

11-01-2007, 09:58 PM
garter are live bearing no eggs, regurgitation can be because they get frightened .

if she is and lays eggs,,,how do i help care for the eggs? or should i leave them alone and let her do it? also does it sound normal of pregnancy to throw up her food,,,shes only done it once,,,but it was a minnow and a piece of pinkie,,,

11-01-2007, 10:22 PM
oh ok the other guy said Gestation is the incubation of the eggs so i asumed he meant all snakes,,,thanks,,she dont seem to be getting bigger in any one spot,,,but maybe its just early,,they have only been laying together for the last two weeks,,,,so maybe shes getting started with the pregnancy

11-01-2007, 10:58 PM
correct me if im wrong but they do have an egg-like embryo surrounding them inside the mother, keep an eye on her if shes pregnant the weight should be towrds the tail, they might not of mated yet they could just be courting also.

oh ok the other guy said Gestation is the incubation of the eggs so i asumed he meant all snakes,,,thanks,,she dont seem to be getting bigger in any one spot,,,but maybe its just early,,they have only been laying together for the last two weeks,,,,so maybe shes getting started with the pregnancy