View Full Version : what about BOB
10-26-2007, 06:58 PM
I really hate to bring this up again, and I truly don't want this to become another drawn out thread about our old friend Bob, but I just saw this ad on KS and thought it was pretty funny, or at least it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. My guess is that by "everyone" he doesn't mean "everyone everyone" Classifieds (
Lulu Bennett
10-26-2007, 07:18 PM
basking spot of 95degrees?
10-26-2007, 10:36 PM
95° is near to cocking;) in °C
but 95°F isnīt much better
with a basking place like that you must have a big enclosure and at least one corner thats about 70°F to enable thermoregulation.
10-27-2007, 02:50 AM
I really hate to bring this up again, and I truly don't want this to become another drawn out thread about our old friend Bob, but I just saw this ad on KS and thought it was pretty funny, or at least it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. My guess is that by "everyone" he doesn't mean "everyone everyone" Classifieds (
It's not like "bob" had a great reputation or anything to begin with, but these subtle reminders might help the newbies out. I started a thread a while ago about "bob" and his scam like tactics, and it still appears like he hasn't changed. Thankfully there are others here who also have some puget sounds available that are way more reliable and honest than this guy will ever be. Thanks again.
It's been ,my experience that 'ill' garters gravitate towards the heat. If he keeps his animals in a warmer then normal environment he may be keeping the 'bug' at bay. Perhaps that explains why so many folks had problems with their animals when they got them. Once you got them and kept them at normal temps their immune system no longer had the extra heat necessary to keep the 'bug' under control. Just a thought ...
Of the trio I had that were ill and I treated, I lost one female. The remaining 1.1 are both very active, eat great, look great. I may breed that pair as this particular female has superior color. The 0.2 that had babies earlier this year have very good color (IMO). They have never shown any sign of illness whatsoever. They are the nicest, most friendly animals ever. I have grown attached to these two because of their personalities so while I doubt that I will breed them in the future I do not see myself parting with them. That says alot about these Pugets in general as in all of the years I have kept garters very few have I grown emotionally attached to ...
10-27-2007, 05:30 PM
I have had one of these but via another seller at Hamm, and in all fairness, I have not had to treat it and it is very healthy.
After the thread last year, I kept it quarentined, and kept a close eye, but it has had no problems at all. Maybe I am just one of the lucky ones!:D
10-28-2007, 02:36 AM
Donīt forget that shipment may be a big stress to the snakes.
So diseases will expand first caused by this.
Good point ... the stress from shipping would certainly add to anything underlying. I suspect that most if not all of the Pugets originated from the same source. I have not seen anyone, anywhere claim otherwise. No one actually volunteers that info but if you asked I suspect that to be true. What is of concern is that it would seem the den(s) of these wonderful animals are being pillaged to have such a large supply of these creatures readily availaable from one source.
10-28-2007, 07:01 AM
It is possible that the problems that occurred last year were related to an environmental issue or something not completely indicative of Bob's husbandry. As others have pointed out there are things that could have made the situation worse. Anyway, I would tend to agree with mikm. Ihope that Bob is being selective in his capture techniques and is letting some of the babies go after they WC moms give birth (I'm assuming this is how he gets the babies) This sounds like one of those snakes with a limited range and over collection, even by one person, could have detrimental effects. I see ha also has several other species of NW amphibians available as well. In my honest opinion it is people like this that Wisconsin, and more recently Texas, officials, were trying to put a stop to when they enacted laws restricting native herps.
Anyway, I have just ordered two pair of baby puget sounds from Rob and Amy (no Amy I haven't forgotten about them) and I am looking forward to getting some nice healthy CBB specimens even though I will have to wait a few years before I can breed them. That is if State laws will allow me to breed them.
10-29-2007, 10:49 AM
who's Bob?
10-29-2007, 01:53 PM
He is someone that sells those nice puget blues. Some of the members here bought from him, but at the huge amount that he sells, it's almost certain that he plunders the dens around him. And he tells they are captive bred, which makes that a lot of people had some deaths...
An example thread:
If you search some more, you'll find other threads like it...
Lori P
10-29-2007, 01:56 PM
I had some experience with him, so you can pm me for details. But I did not go so far as to purchase from him, so can't say anything about the quality of the animals.
10-29-2007, 02:08 PM
who's Bob?
Well Flak, For you and the other's that don't know, I will tell you what I know. I haven't purchased anything from him personally, but if you ask for some private messeges I'm sure that those that have can tell you in more detail than I can, and there are some horror stories. I only talked to the guy and was turned off by him early on.
He advertises on He has branched out a bit but started selling and still sells puget sound garters. They are some of the most awesome looking garters you will see. Their colors are amazing. Here in lies the problem. He says they are all captive bred. We can't prove it but how is it that he has so many that are young, juvies, and adults for sale. He must be constantly breeding all year long for the past several years to have everything, even some gravid females for sale. We think he knows where there is a den and raids it. He hasn't been the most honest person with people.
Many have bought from him only to get snake/s that have parasites and are already at an advanced stage, and many have died and that's another reason why we think they are wild caught. If they are and he advertised "wild caught, not treated, buy at your own risk" then people would know exactly what they are getting and could start treatment immediately, or at least be on the look-out for problems instead of finding out too late that your new pet has suffered, and maybe even ended up dead.
He has had many complaints but as he told me, I have snakes that people want and if I don't want his someone else will.
I don't want to keep pounding away on the guy, myself and some others here are just warning people so if you deal with him, you know what you are getting yourself into.
I hope this helps you and others. If you want personal stories, ask and I can tell you what I've been told or others can tell you themselves. I personally didn't buy from "bob" simply becouse of what I was told on here by people with their stories, and talking to the guy.
Also, there are a couple reputable (and awesome) people here who have some for sale. My advice......... I would deal with them before I would ever contact him.
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