View Full Version : My Reptial Room

10-05-2007, 04:03 PM
Here it is and growing too lol



10-05-2007, 04:07 PM
Nice and tidy. :) I wish I had a reptile room.

10-05-2007, 04:11 PM
after posting it i relized that i need to sweep and mop lmao

10-07-2007, 10:13 AM
Looks good !! Must be fun to go and check in on a nice group like that.

10-07-2007, 11:30 AM
Looks okay!

10-07-2007, 02:18 PM
Nice and compact, everything in one place.

10-07-2007, 10:33 PM
Really interessting.
Reptile housing seems to be very different in US and Germany.
My snakes are all living in my living room:D

10-08-2007, 03:42 AM
Yes, so are mine. The garters love watching what's going on and are far more active if they have something to spy on. But I can see the attraction in having everything in one place and being able to walk into a whole room dedicated to reptiles.

10-08-2007, 04:18 AM
I do have something like a reptile room
it's really just a nook on the sun porch where I keep cleaning supplies, spare tubs, cage furnishings, bedding, supplements, extra timers, bulbs, etc
the animals are all in the living room

10-08-2007, 04:28 AM
My reptile room isn't even a reptile corner. :D It's half a square meter of space, where I have two terrariums stacked on top of each other with the lower one functioning as storage space for all my supplies. It's not that I don't have space, but you might as well use that empty terrarium while it's still empty. 300 liters might be a bit too much for just two babies anyway. ;)

10-08-2007, 06:09 AM
I īm allways looking for empty enclosures because I need them for next clutches in spring.:D
During advent most of my cages have stay without light, because my family likes to enjoy the candle light.

10-08-2007, 06:15 AM
I'm always looking at objects as possible enclosures. :D Every (semi-)transparent container looks "just right". ;)

Right now I could use a couple of 40-80 liter aquariums. I wonder if there's a flea market anywhere near here..

10-08-2007, 08:29 AM
this is our computer room.. the last was the laundry room... :)


10-08-2007, 08:41 AM
this is in our kitchen lol


and this is in our down stairs living room


We have tanks and animales and reptiles every where.. its a 2900 sq ft house.. my husband goes crazy with that much room and how much he likes reptiles lol

10-08-2007, 01:58 PM
My pets are kept wherever there is a flat surface free to hold the terrarium!!!!
Deejay the snakelet is in the living room, along with our new friend , a praying mantis called Ms. Pincers. The toad is up in my sons room, fish are all over the house, and I now have one empty tank just waiting for an inhabitant, though God only knows where I'll put it- think I'm out of spare electrical sockets for the heat pads,too:D
I like this little corner, Natalie, although I think I told you that already in your welcome lounge thread. You've come up with alot of good ideas for maximizing space!

10-08-2007, 03:25 PM
Some nice setups there, Natlie. I enclosed my carport for the snakes and a couple of geckos. It also houses feeder fish and a tank of crickets. The garage out back of the house is now a bird room for 2 Quacker parrots, 5 cockatiles and a eguana. There also several tropical fish tanks in the house as well as several cages of finches.

10-08-2007, 05:04 PM
i cant stand birds... we had a cockatile that was just a BUTT.. beautiful bird but he was mean i guess my husband and his family had him for 12 years and never held him.. he'd squawk really loud and he'd hiss at you as you went by his cage.. he'd also at times try to bite you when cleaning his cage.. The only cute thing he did was fox whistle at you from far away lol Yeah me and birds don't work out to well...

10-08-2007, 05:24 PM
Birds aren't my favorite pet, but I do like to watch them. All we have were taken in as rescues, pets the owners didn't want. :rolleyes:

10-08-2007, 07:26 PM
yeah i like watching wild ones in the winter time tho..

10-09-2007, 04:23 AM
I love watching them in the wild
I think they're a pain to keep
for those of you into bird behavior, an interesting book:
The Parrot who owns me, by Joanna Burger

10-09-2007, 07:10 AM
I agree about the birds! The only pet I've ever had that I actually had to give away cause I just couldn't stand it any more!! Messy, smelly nasty thing he was! but yeah, i do have a multitude of bird feeders outside- much easier to deal with

10-13-2007, 10:08 PM
lol, and here I have had birds my whole life, and my mom had them growing up, so so did my dad and both their parnets had birds growing up etc.. birds are in my blood :p

this is my old Budgie, Taru. I raised him from an 8 week old and he was my bud. passed away september '06


he loved to tease Misty..I had to muzzle Happy when he was out because he would tease her, but she would get exited and snap, misty on the other hand just stared, and backed away lol

now back on topic lol, Rook just has a small platic terreriam on my mantle for now. its very small, but plenty big for him right now, eventually he will be moved to a 25 gallon long tank, no idea where I will be putting that though lol, we figered we'll cross that bridge when he's bigger and actually needs it :p. Rook is my only pet(aside from the fish, which are technailly his dinner) that is on the main floor aside from my dogs, the rabbit, guinea pigs, bird, and gerbils are all in the basement. the rabbit and bird are in my room, one gerbil in in th emain area of the basment, and 2 of the gerbils and the guinea pigs are in a room we designated as "the piggie room"(we used to have 11 guinea pigs lol) . that is going to change though and we will be moving the piggies and tyhe gerbils into the main room of the basemnt as we are building a kennel/run type thing in the piggie room to put the yappy dogs in when people are over and they are being pains.

10-14-2007, 08:34 AM
Oh Shayna, my old bird would have bitten my face off if I'd tried to do that with him!!! But I guess you're right about birds being "in your blood" because I gave mine to my husband's aunt, and she can get that little turkey to do anything!!! Never gets bitten at all- go figure!:rolleyes: