View Full Version : Uh oh
Lori P
09-14-2007, 06:25 AM
I just happened to be checking the available animals on our local reptile rescue site, and there are two checkered garter snakes available. But of course I don't need to adopt any more snakes now do I. Because I mean I haven't even gotten my Puget's yet. So of course I should not even think about adopting more garters. Should I. (This is where you all say NO LORI!!!!!)
09-14-2007, 07:12 AM
Well either you can adopt them or is there anyone here on the site that
would be able or interested in adopting them??:) I myself can't I am out of room for this year already, sorry:(
09-14-2007, 07:14 AM
Well, Checkereds are very nice snakes! I have a pair, of which I'm very fond. A couple more couldn't hurt could it?:rolleyes::D
09-14-2007, 08:24 AM
I totally agree with James, also have a couple and will be getting an additional couple:cool:
09-14-2007, 10:18 AM
Sorry Lori, you're on the wrong forum if you expect anyone to tell you NOT to get more garters....LOL.:rolleyes:
09-14-2007, 11:16 AM
yea.....wrong forum to get people to say no to garters.....:D
09-14-2007, 11:56 AM
garter snakes are a kind of virus.
If youŽve got one youŽll need more
09-14-2007, 01:30 PM
where are those snakes located?
Lori P
09-14-2007, 02:11 PM
OH you guys are BAD!!!!!! Who's gonna adopt me and all of my critters when hubby finally has enough??? LOL Well, I guess if it hasn't happened by now it isn't gonna happen... :-)
Lori P
09-14-2007, 02:13 PM
Tina, it's the Virginia Reptile Rescue-- Virginia Reptile Rescue Home Page (
They're in Chesterfield Va. I don't know the person(s) running it, just happened to look on their site this am. You'd think my own rescue would keep me busy enough, lol!!!!!!!
09-14-2007, 02:21 PM
too bad, can't pick'm up in virginia, otherwise i would have taken them.
Lori P
09-14-2007, 02:58 PM
I just filled out an application for them. :-)
09-14-2007, 03:26 PM
Well done! You had no choice really. :D
09-14-2007, 03:39 PM
I've been eyeing this thread
I know that rescues don't ship
Lori P
09-14-2007, 06:10 PM
It'll be interesting to see how it goes. I find that other rescues tend to annoy me, lol, because they are so..... I don't know, so many of them are very high and mighty. I mean, I am EXTREMELY picky who I adopt animals out to, and it's a process; I do the home visits, loads of follow up, and we have a great legally binding contract. But I don't treat the people who come to me looking to adopt as if they are all criminals and animal abusers... so many rescues seem to assume all humans are bad and are incapable of taking care of an animal. And I have heard this particular reptile rescue is like this, very negative to those looking to adopt. I don't see how that helps you to help the animals... but anyway, that's off the subject.
Will let you know how it goes!!!!!
09-15-2007, 02:41 AM
I hope your interaction with the rescue is not too annoying
once again I am reminded to appreciate our local reptile rescue
they are totally encouraging and they look upon humans as in need of education and support
I suppose that attitude can be hard to maintain for sensitive souls who are witness to a lot of abuse
that's probably why many rescue workers have a negative perception of humans
I hope it all goes smoothly
09-15-2007, 09:43 AM
Best of luck to you. :)
09-15-2007, 10:34 AM
we have a reptile rescue here in Salt Lake City also, very nice guy!!! I workk with him a lot on the side. I can see where some of the resuce people have low opinions of people....I work as an animal control officer and see lots of idiots out there doing dumb stuff!! Most of the rescues here do screen people, but aren't real strict. We have a large number of them. A big part of my job and work with the reptiule rescue is public education. the reptile rescue aslo trains local police and animal control agencies on proper handling and identification of reptiles. I have lots of fun out here on the job!!! :D
09-15-2007, 11:10 AM
sounds like a very kool job!!!!!
I'm sure it has its down falls as well, but lucky you.........:)
Lori P
09-15-2007, 03:43 PM
I went thru a period for a couple of years where I was VERY down on people... you just see so many horrible things when you do rescue... but then it finally occurred to me that there are just as many wonderful people out there, probably even more wonderful people than cruel people. And my poor attitude toward and negative treatment of people wasn't helping anything; the people coming to me to adopt and volunteer weren't the bad guys. So I slowly learned how to deal with the bad guys and vent my anger and pain in ways that did not include hating all humans. It was a process, lol. And truly, one of the things my rescue is known for is our positive attitude and the fact that we don't make every human out to be a villian. Only the ones who deserve it... lol!!
Regarding our local reptile rescue, the one I just contacted about the garters, one thing that they always put on their ads that rubs me the wrong way is, they inlcude a line to the effect of "We will pick who we want to adopt to, you are not doing us a favor by trying to adopt". I would think that if I told people to basically bugger off, I don't need any favors, I'd never get an animal adopted... and then how could I help the next one?!
09-15-2007, 04:34 PM
I went thru a period for a couple of years where I was VERY down on people... you just see so many horrible things when you do rescue... but then it finally occurred to me that there are just as many wonderful people out there, probably even more wonderful people than cruel people. And my poor attitude toward and negative treatment of people wasn't helping anything; the people coming to me to adopt and volunteer weren't the bad guys. So I slowly learned how to deal with the bad guys and vent my anger and pain in ways that did not include hating all humans. It was a process, lol. And truly, one of the things my rescue is known for is our positive attitude and the fact that we don't make every human out to be a villian. Only the ones who deserve it... lol!!
Regarding our local reptile rescue, the one I just contacted about the garters, one thing that they always put on their ads that rubs me the wrong way is, they inlcude a line to the effect of "We will pick who we want to adopt to, you are not doing us a favor by trying to adopt". I would think that if I told people to basically bugger off, I don't need any favors, I'd never get an animal adopted... and then how could I help the next one?!
I am glad you are smart and mature, and figured this out! As a breeder of show cats, I sometimes run up against people who think all of us are evil. They have met the bad breeders, the puppy and kitten mill owners, and the breeders who are only in it for money, and have never met my kind... I want to tell them that I wear two hats... I breed pedigreed kittens and sell them, showing their parents or siblings, and I also RESCUE. But few of them will allow me to even draw the breath necessary to explain that to them. I also cannot get so far as to tell them that every PENNY I make on the sales of show kittens goes to the rescue.
Oh well! Glad you are a more logically thinking person!:D
09-15-2007, 09:19 PM
Yea, it's a fun job, but it does have it's bad parts.....I enjoy it a lot!!!
09-16-2007, 05:41 AM
Yea, it's a fun job, but it does have it's bad parts.....I enjoy it a lot!!!
I don't know if I could do it because I would be to heart broken when I seen a dead or dieing animal....or even one that was in bad shape......:o
09-16-2007, 06:27 AM
that part is sad, however we generally are helping the animal out to...sad part is notifying owners of pets hit and killed....I have seen grown men break out and cry...:(
Lori P
09-16-2007, 07:25 AM
Kitkat, I give you huge kudos for being a responsible breeder and for doing rescue!!!!! I don't why we all can't work together, but you're right, there are soooo many rescue people who think ALL breeding is bad and it ALL should be stopped. I think it needs to be a matter of continuing education, so people can see all the work involved in breeding and learn that really, breeding isn't about making money, it's about improving your chosen breed. And encouraging those not serious about this to spay/neuter.
Snakluvr, I give you kudos for doing your job... I could never do it. When I see abuse, I need to end it right then.. I don't have the patience to go thru the legal system. It would drive me nuts. We had a horse come in this year that was the subject of a cruelty case, and it was 6 months of hell-- re-scheduled court cases, new evidence, delays-- before I finally learned if we had ownership or if his scumbag owner was getting him back. I was a basket case the whole time!!!!! We won, thank the powers that be, but only because I was willing to waive all the expenses we incurred while safehousing the horse. It wasn't because the judge ruled in our favor-- it was more that the guy got pressured into letting the horse go because he knew he couldn't pay the expenses. No, toooooo much stress.....
Now if I could be an animal control officer/hit man all in one, I could do it... LOL!!!!!!
09-16-2007, 07:32 AM
that part is sad, however we generally are helping the animal out to...sad part is notifying owners of pets hit and killed....I have seen grown men break out and cry...:(
that would almost likely be me, there like family and its always hard when
you loose someone.........well thats enough of that depressing talk from happy and a great day to everyone....................:D
09-16-2007, 04:50 PM
thanks!!!! We have relatively good luck in pursuing cruelty cases...didn't take long to get one horse put down, onwer said it was her breeding stallion....was 25 years old and on h is last leg, in poor condition. judge nailed her and said turn the horse over for euthanasia...couldn't imagine this horse trying to breed...that act alone could have killed him!! animal control officer/hit man.....I like that idea....:D would be nice to weed out some of these people that shouldn't be allowed to breed, let alone own animals!!!
09-17-2007, 01:35 AM
Don the Animal Vigilante......that's a pretty scary thought!!:eek:
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