View Full Version : Parasites in feeder fish?
Lori P
09-14-2007, 06:13 AM
So... generally, do we worry about the feeder fish giving our snakes parasites? Do you check fecals on your snakes from time to time and deworm or is it not really a concern? When I got Fluffy, the ball python, I did run a fecal and found she had roundworms. So have dewormed her and the baby ball, Little Squiggles (which is what you get when you let your husband name your snakes, LOL).
Just trying to figure out if it would be prudent to set up a small community tank and raise my own feeder fish, which I could moniter the health of and also deworm from time to time...
Thanks wise snake people!!!! :-)
09-14-2007, 06:17 AM
parasites are everywhere . . .
I personally have not had problems with feeder minnows although some batches look like I should
09-14-2007, 07:25 AM
Yeah, parasites are all over the place. However, I don't think I've had a single instance of them with feeder fish, but they say that those minnows are the dirtiest fish out there. Try to switch them over to rodents (pinkies/fuzzies depending on the size of the snake). There is a thread from yesterday or the day before about the process of switching them over. It works out best for everything except the rodents.
Question for all, what is the biggest rodent your garter ever ate?
e.g., hopper, small mouse, medium mouse, large mouse, jumbo mouse, medium rats, etc.
Lori P
09-14-2007, 10:22 AM
Oh yeah, all animals are going to carry a certain load of parasites at all times. But we do want to prevent an overgrowth which is what leads to the problems. An otherwise healthy animal is going to be able to handle its parasite load, but it's when they becomes compromised by illness that the parasites can take over.
I was also wondering what size rodent the garters eventually eat! Can they get up to full size mice???
09-14-2007, 10:32 AM
So... generally, do we worry about the feeder fish giving our snakes parasites? Do you check fecals on your snakes from time to time and deworm or is it not really a concern? When I got Fluffy, the ball python, I did run a fecal and found she had roundworms. So have dewormed her and the baby ball, Little Squiggles (which is what you get when you let your husband name your snakes, LOL).
Just trying to figure out if it would be prudent to set up a small community tank and raise my own feeder fish, which I could moniter the health of and also deworm from time to time...
Thanks wise snake people!!!! :-)
Yeh, you do have to be careful. Any "live" animals that are not captive raised have the capability of passing on parasites. I very rarely feed my garters live fish for just that reason. Flukes, tapeworms, lungworms and roundworms can all be passed on from fish prey. My snakes might get them only once every few months or so. Main diet is rodents and they also get frozen fish fillet and earthworms as well(usually once a month). If you raise your own earthworms, they're pretty parasite free. As far as raising fish, you can try doing platies or other livebearers. They'd probably be the best choice for pretty quick returns on them. I wouldn't randomly deworm though.....putting too many meds into animals is something I really try to avoid....don't think it really benefits them (or us for that matter :cool:).
Lori P
09-14-2007, 11:08 AM
I also agree on not doing random deworming. I always check fecals before deworming, on all the animals; but I work for an equine vet so it's extra easy for me to do that. The dewormers can be very toxic when overused.
09-14-2007, 11:15 AM
my florida blue ate a full grown gerbil, and my melanistic eastern could eat a small rat!!
09-14-2007, 11:54 AM
That is really impressive. Mine took down the pinks in about 15 seconds each, so do think it's time for fuzzies? What really stinks is that I only have two snakes that eat the same size rodent (my baby pine and kings).
Also, does anyone here have any extra plastic terraniums (like vision cages or whatever) I can buy off them and live in the tri-state area? I am doing my best to get my snakes out of glass and I really hate rubbermaid (too opaque:().
09-14-2007, 12:06 PM
before feeding fuzzies you should try to get pinky rats, they got the same size but garters are not so good in digesting hair
Lori P
09-14-2007, 12:49 PM
"I am doing my best to get my snakes out of glass and I really hate rubbermaid (too"
Is glass bad?????
09-14-2007, 01:00 PM
Can't reply on his behalf, but glass does have a few drawbacks (heavy, easily damaged, hard to modify). :)
09-14-2007, 01:18 PM
Parasites in feeder fish?
Tell me about them... :mad: Specially the wild guppies, my poor garter went to surgery. Now I look into the best aquariums and pet shops, no more feeder fish, only the best guppies once in a while :rolleyes:
Full story (
Lori P
09-14-2007, 02:23 PM
Oh WOW... just read your whole ordeal with the worm!! Yeah, I think raising my own guppies might be the way to go. I can isolate and deworm the adults as I get them and then maintain a healthy tank of home raised guppies and maybe a few mollies.
09-14-2007, 07:41 PM
sounds like a plan, but you will have to setup the tank first and cycle it...
that usually takes about a week or so give or take.....then make sure you
test the water and do water changes 25-30% every week to maintain a
healthy tank.........I have had and have been taking care of Aquariums for
atleast 20 years know and these steps are essential for a healthy tank as well as good luck, and hope you do well with it......:)
oh and Guppies usually breed pretty fast as long as water perameters are right......:)
09-14-2007, 07:46 PM
heres a pic of my Tiger Oscar........
09-15-2007, 03:15 AM
Great Oscar, Justin
and Lori
you can speed up the cycling of the tank by using a product like Cycle (it's what I use, but there's other products that do the same thing)
Lori P
09-15-2007, 07:29 AM
Thanks guys!!! I actually do have a couple of long term fish tanks, so am fairly well versed in caring for fishies. One of the tanks, a 20, is home to only an old betta and two old cory cats... and the betta (Ferdinand) has to be at least 5 now... he is faded and slowing down a lot. So if and when he goes on to that great lake in the sky, I may convert his tank to a guppy tank. In the meantime, I'll feed fish from the stores.
Lori P
09-15-2007, 07:29 AM
OH-- Justin-- awesome Oscar!!! I love them; never had a big enough tank for one tho.
09-15-2007, 11:15 AM
OH-- Justin-- awesome Oscar!!! I love them; never had a big enough tank for one tho.
yeah I have the 1 Oscar, 2 Silver Dollars, 1 Pleco, and 3 black mystery snails had four but one died..........thats all in a 55 gallon tank, but I want to get a 125 gallon tank in the near future.............:)
i of the storm
09-16-2007, 12:45 AM
oscars have always been my favorite. when i lived in brooklyn I had one that perfered to jump up out of the water to take food from my hand. cute when little but......
DEKAN- I just finished the linked thread. How is your snake doing?
and fish intended for human consuption, whats the best kind & bestway for feeding?
09-16-2007, 11:37 AM
DEKAN- I just finished the linked thread. How is your snake doing?
and fish intended for human consuption, whats the best kind & bestway for feeding?
Excellent, better than new lol...and thanks for asking :D
Well...she has been eating pieces of trout, worms and once in a while a Guppie...after the surgery I brought a fishtank and put some guppies, now there must be about 50, wrong choice 3 couples and now I have too many :rolleyes:
I'm waiting till they grow a little bit more to feed my baby garters.
The best way to feed them...I guess is to offer diffent kinds of food (fish, worms,etc.) avoid the force feeding thing (I'm not saying its wrong but not the best least for me) If the snake don't eat the stripes or pieces of fish...try the bowl trick (use a live fish and put the stripes inside the bowl...the snake will try to catch the fish and you'll see that the snake will eat the stripes too)...adamanteus is working on the patent of the ;)
09-16-2007, 12:55 PM
...try the bowl trick (use a live fish and put the stripes inside the bowl...the snake will try to catch the fish and you'll see that the snake will eat the stripes too)...adamanteus is working on the patent of the ;)
Robert, I can't claim the credit for that one I'm afraid! It has been a common practice for years. I just copy other keepers' successes!:D
09-17-2007, 11:54 AM
Tanks are great. They clean well, show great and hold heat well. However, they are really heavy and not stackable. If you got the space, enjoy the tanks. I am just in the process of getting everything stackable, so I only have to go to one place to enjoy my critters.
As for fish, I have none. My pops and brother love them. I have no interest in them.
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