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12-05-2013, 08:08 AM
It will be some time before you can sex him/her. How does one sex their snapper? or any turtle for that matter. Also since he didnt seem stressed about me holding him. do you think i should do this a few times a week as long as he doesnt seem stressed? so he can learn to trust me?
12-05-2013, 04:29 PM
How does one sex their snapper? or any turtle for that matter. Also since he didnt seem stressed about me holding him. do you think i should do this a few times a week as long as he doesnt seem stressed? so he can learn to trust me?
Sexing them is simple if they have matured. For awhile I thought Tank was female.
It all has to do with cloaca/vent location in relationship to the rear edge of the shell. The cloaca/vent on a female snapper is usually close to the edge of the shell where on males it sits well back from the edge. You will also know it's a male if it starts flashing its *****(male part):D
If your turtle is comfortable with being held I'd hold him. Allowing him to climb on you and be around you will teach him you are not a threat and not food.
12-06-2013, 06:06 AM
great idea then. ill def. take him out more often.
12-10-2013, 02:28 AM
Now that I'm a full-fledged member, I wanted to share some of my other pets. Not that that's stopped me at all before... But eh, any excuse to show off the scalebabies, right?? It'll mostly be skinks tonight. I need to just take a day to do photoshoots with all the snakes...
This is my adult pair of Fire Skinks. Not the greatest picture, but they can be tough to catch on camera... Even rarer for them both to be topside at the same time! Still not 100% sure on which is which, but I believe the one on the left (solid gold back) is the male, and the other (red/gold back) is the female. Just going on tail width beyond the cloaca and size of jowls. Either way, they are a 1.1 pair... The 12 healthy hatchlings are a testament to that!
Some of the Fire Skink hatchlings... These are from the first successful clutch. I believe they're about 2 months old in this photo? It is such a thrilling thing to have produced CBB babies of a species that's almost exclusively wildcaught!
Female Schneider's Skink... DEEP in shed. One of the few situations where either of the Schneiders will tolerate handling. Skinks aren't an easy thing to sex... Only reason I know hers is because she laid 3 big, fat eggs a month or 2 after I got her this spring.
Golden skink! Or more accurately, since they have about 6 common names... Eutropis multifasciata. These are another that's only really available as wildcaught. Pictured is the adult male... He and the adult female were a recent pick up, in November. Couldn't resist when I saw the adult pair at Repticon! Especially considering the female is gravid (either that or she's the fattest little lizard I've ever seen!) I also have a subadult female, whom I've had for around 4-5 months now.
And, of course! I believe I've posted pics of this guy before, when he was a bit younger. My Leopard tortoise, protesting the cramped size of his winter enclosure by making a break for it. He's only maybe 6" SCL, you'd think a 4x2 ft space would be adequate... But no. He yearns for those hot summer days in his 16x4 ft outdoor pen!
12-10-2013, 02:55 AM
A few more, then off to bed...
"The Runt." This one came out of the second successful clutch of Fire Skinks. I suspect he was the weaker half of a set of twins--though there were 6 babies in this clutch, I only ever found 5 eggs. He didn't thrive and grow like the rest (bullying, I suspect). It appears someone "bullied" him out of his tail and a chunk of his back left leg. :( He's been isolated from the rest and has been healing and thriving very well since. Not sure whether I'll adopt him out down the road or if he'll just stay and be my special baby. Time will tell!
Next is one of the Southern Alligator Lizards. I took in 3 of these along with the subadult Golden skink and a fence lizard as rescues late this summer. They were all housed together on cedar with no heat or uvb. The fence lizard was recently adopted out... The skink is thriving... The Alligator lizards have been a tougher challenge, though. Still working on them... I am happy to have the opportunity to keep them, even if they are jerks (the smallest regularly bolts from the cage, and promptly sprays fecal matter everywhere when I grab him!). I've loved Alligator lizards ever since I got into reptiles--after all, it was a puny Northern Alligator lizard trying to brumate in the bathroom 6 years ago that introduced me to reptiles in the first place!
Taiwan Beauty Snake... Again, may have posted a pic of her in the past. She's a couple years old now, and still has a lot of growing to do. Can't wait til she's BIG. She's already as docile as my adult corn snake--as long as there's no rodent smell in the room!
Aaand the Everglade's Rat Snake. Picked her up at Petco's "Reptile Rally" (50% off sale) in June, just in time for my birthday. She was already 35% off due to having been there over 3 months (and having an unfavorable attitude). So 85% off all together... I think she was $8 with tax? Even better, she's healthy as a horse and has been growing like a weed. She's gorgeous, and I'm thrilled to have her! Even if she does musk every time I pick her up...
12-10-2013, 06:19 AM
She's gorgeous, and I'm thrilled to have her! Even if she does musk every time I pick her up...
haha gotta love the stinky musking. hows your albino checkered? thats what i currently have (as far as snakes/garters go) mine is a doll and growing soooo fast! shes my little piggy hehe :p
12-11-2013, 10:32 AM
She's doing very well. She'll be getting fed tonight. I finally got winter heat under the colubrid babies (garter, corn snake, everglade's), and I haven't seen the garter since, lol! Apparently she's pleased with the heat...
Uggh... Seems like whenever I introduce an ailing critter (rescues, normally), they immediately go downhill. Sure enough, I came home last night to find Runt severely dehydrated and unresponsive.
It seems I failed to notice he was going into shed... The sterile paper environment I had him in while he healed worked well with plenty of misting the last couple weeks, but it wasn't enough to support him through the shedding process and that loss of hydration. I immediately got him into a warm sauna, but it was already too late. He passed overnight. :'( I feel like such a crappy person letting it happen... Rest in peace, tiny baby...
12-11-2013, 12:01 PM
im so sorry for your loss. dont feel crappy. things happen. you tried your best.
12-11-2013, 04:16 PM
Sorry to hear about Runts passing.
12-12-2013, 07:07 PM
As Tank was rising from his day slumber I needed to head out to pickup my son from his job. An hour later I returned to find Tank out in the kitchen looking at the bathroom door. My daughter Molly was just coming out so I went in to run the king his bath. He followed me in and climbed up on my lap to watch the tub fill. Seconds after I put him in the water he went to the bathroom. According to the kids Tank was up roaming the moment I left the house. I was gone for approximately an hour. The big man held it in until I put him in his water. Good turtle.
Now, fast forward an hour later. I went in to check on him and as I sat down on the floor he stretched one of his back legs out. Once we made eye contact he shifted his gaze to his stretched out back leg then back to me, then back to his leg. It was then I realized what he wanted. The spoiled punk wanted a leg rug. Being the good pet I am I reached in and gave him a leg and foot massage. The moment I touched his leg he stretched his neck out and closed his eyes. This is one spoiled turtle.
Once again he's shown how comfortable he is with us.
12-13-2013, 02:24 AM
How does one sex their snapper?
Verrrrry carefully. :D
12-13-2013, 11:12 PM
im so sorry for your loss. dont feel crappy. things happen. you tried your best.
Sorry to hear about Runts passing.
Thank you both. I appreciate it.
Steve, Tank is a very handsome turtle. Sounds like he has an incredible personality!
Took a few pics while tending to critters this evening...
First one is the adult Fire Skinks' enclosure. I'm loving how this turned out (and that it opens from the front!). I have yet to see either of them above ground since moving into the new enclosure, but as long as bugs keep disappearing out of the food dish, I'm happy. (Though that may change come hatchling season!!)
Trans Pecos Rat snake. This is a recent addition... Tonight marks his second meal with me. Another of those "couldn't resist" Craigslist finds. He was only a few miles away... Unbeatable price... And actually in good health, other than a tail nip from bad sheds.
Atlas, male BCI. Locality-wise, best guess is he's a neat looking mutt. His tail was a gorgeous orange when I got him as a juvenile. It's browned out as he's grown, but he's still my handsome fella. :)
Aaand the other tortoise: A yearling Russian. No official name for him yet, but he's aptly nicknamed "Tripod." He was a rescue, given to me as part of a pair back in May. The other (older, and much weaker) baby didn't make it, but Tripod has recovered well and is doing great! Lots of natural sunlight and good food works absolute wonders with chelonians. He is missing his rear left foot, but still has enough leg that he gets around very well. :)
12-13-2013, 11:30 PM
Just a couple more. I posted a pic of the male Golden skink before... Now here are the females.
The gravid adult female. Sooo fat, I love it.
And the subadult (suspected female). Older pic... She is very skittish.
12-14-2013, 06:25 AM
Do you provide burrowing capability for your skinks?
Incredible lizards, Skinks are so intelligent.
12-14-2013, 07:31 AM
Good looking crew.
12-14-2013, 03:04 PM
Nice pics!
12-15-2013, 09:50 AM
Do you provide burrowing capability for your skinks?
Incredible lizards, Skinks are so intelligent.
Yes. With the exception of the adult pair of Goldens (quarantine), all of my skinks are on a burrowable substrate. Fires & subadult golden are all on eco earth/cypress mix, all with live plants to aid in humidity.
The Schneiders are kept on dry substrates, one on aspen and one on straight cypress. (Planning to switch the aspen for dry cypress at the next substrate change, though; it was a successful experiment!)
12-19-2013, 03:23 PM
As I type this Tank is sleeping on the living room floor covered with his goose down blanket. This is a busy house, kids and dogs walking in and out of the same room. Tank's neck is stretched out on the floor and he's unresponsive to my voice and won't open his eyes. He's awake but refuses to acknowledge me.
Tank is so relaxed in this house and worries about nothing that I can see. Asleep or awake he's a member of this family and brings great joy to us all. He's 28+ pounds of joy.
Looks like Tank will be returning to the Nebraska Herpetological Society for a meeting in Feb. He's a busy turtle.;)
12-20-2013, 12:31 PM
12-20-2013, 01:01 PM
Nice crew.
12-20-2013, 05:07 PM
12-20-2013, 07:52 PM
I want a damn iguana.
Does anyone here have experience with tree pythons?
12-21-2013, 09:44 AM
After adding some shrimp, steak and a soft blanket to Tank this is what I created.
He slept all night and will do the same for another 24 hours. I love seeing him so comfortable. Nothing bothers him or disturbs him.
I've never seen such a relaxed turtle. Living with us humans is what he does.
12-21-2013, 03:32 PM
Here is a picture of "Spike", the Bearded Dragon I'm sitting for while his Mom goes to Disney world for the Christmas holiday....
12-21-2013, 05:43 PM
Very nice Le Ann.
12-22-2013, 03:38 PM
We have babies! Or, well.. A baby!
The female Golden skink gave birth on the morning of the 18th. Unfortunately (but unsurprisingly), moving and adjusting to a brand new environment while heavily pregnant took its toll. Of 6 babies, 2 were stillborn and 3 passed within 36 hours of discovery ("failure to thrive" is the only way I can describe it). The last baby is active and healthy-seeming so far, but still waiting to see him eat before I get my hopes up...
The healthy baby, shortly after discovery... Soo tiny. IIRC, this one weighed .8 grams. Just a little too small for the Dubia nymphs! So trying pinhead crix instead, and maybe some nightcrawler if I can hack up a piece small enough.
Some may recall the fat pregnant lady that produced these guys. Here she is today, almost 10 grams slimmer (from 40 grams down to 31 g). She is doing fantastic, especially for having just given birth 4 days ago!
12-22-2013, 04:20 PM
Sorry to hear about the losses. Congrats on the lone survivor.
Good looking crew.
12-22-2013, 05:43 PM
Thanks, Steve. I'm glad to have the opportunity to practice with 1 baby before trying again next year. Hopefully next season will be more successful. I did at least learn a few things.. Such as, to expect 6 babies (give or take) in a litter, and that they will be miniscule. Oh... And a pregnant live birth reptile is much more sensitive to changes than a gravid egg-layer! That's very handy info. :)
12-23-2013, 08:56 PM
The Christmas turtle.
12-25-2013, 11:19 AM
After watching the family open gifts Tank relaxed in his water.
12-25-2013, 06:29 PM
After watching the family open gifts Tank relaxed in his water.
Shortly after this photo Tank gave me a late Christmas present............... no, not that.:D
While I was talking with him I was enjoying an orange. Tank showed an interest in it so I offered him some. After a few moments of sniffing he ate two slices. Finally, he showing some interest in something other then his regular food.
12-26-2013, 10:44 PM
Interesting Tank Story:
A few days ago I attempted to put Tank to bed at what I thought was his bedtime. Guess I should have checked with Tank as he didn’t agree and refused to stay in his blankets. He was bent on returning to his water and kept going out to the dark kitchen only to find the bathroom door closed. He would then come back into the living room and go into his bed but for only a few moments. Then it was back out to the kitchen. I would wait around his bed to cover him up but after the 4th attempt to get him to sleep I gave up. I told him he was on his own and would have to put himself to bed. I move toward the TV and knelt on the floor. A couple minutes later I felt Tank at my leg. He came along side me and started climbing up on my leg. The moment we made eye contact he stretched up toward me. I picked him up and told him he won. I returned to the bathroom and ran him some water.
We have a bond and I couldn’t be happier. To have this large snapping turtle so in tune to me is great. He goes out of his way to find me and spend time with me. I’ve never seen another turtle like Tank. I had no idea a snapping turtle could be capable of such a level of intelligence and behavior. He is a remarkable turtle and one I hope to live out my life learning from him.
12-27-2013, 10:26 AM
So when are you going to produce your documentary “A Snappy Life”? Your posts remind me of the “My Life As A Turkey” on PBS....which I loved.
Interesting Tank Story:
A few days ago I attempted to put Tank to bed at what I thought was his bedtime. Guess I should have checked with Tank as he didn’t agree and refused to stay in his blankets. He was bent on returning to his water and kept going out to the dark kitchen only to find the bathroom door closed. He would then come back into the living room and go into his bed but for only a few moments. Then it was back out to the kitchen. I would wait around his bed to cover him up but after the 4th attempt to get him to sleep I gave up. I told him he was on his own and would have to put himself to bed. I move toward the TV and knelt on the floor. A couple minutes later I felt Tank at my leg. He came along side me and started climbing up on my leg. The moment we made eye contact he stretched up toward me. I picked him up and told him he won. I returned to the bathroom and ran him some water.
We have a bond and I couldn’t be happier. To have this large snapping turtle so in tune to me is great. He goes out of his way to find me and spend time with me. I’ve never seen another turtle like Tank. I had no idea a snapping turtle could be capable of such a level of intelligence and behavior. He is a remarkable turtle and one I hope to live out my life learning from him.
12-27-2013, 11:36 AM
Just watched My Life As A Turkey. It was awesome. Thanks Gail.;)
12-28-2013, 09:04 AM
Just watched My Life As A Turkey. It was awesome. Thanks Gail.;)
Video: My Life as a Turkey | Watch Nature Online | PBS Video (
12-28-2013, 02:48 PM
Tank is sleeping on the couch. He's snuggled up against my oldest (Emmy). When Tank was little Emmy spent a lot of time with him. I can see it in Tank's eyes that he remembers her. He's sound asleep with Emmy's hand on his shell.
There is no other turtle like Tank.
12-28-2013, 07:52 PM
How good is a snapping turtles hearing?
I’ll try to shed some light on that from my observations. Snapping turtles have an internal ear and not a true ear. This ear is used to detect sounds/vibrations under the water, alerting the turtle to possible danger or a next meal.
Working with Tank I’ve discovered the ears also pickup airborne sounds. Many times I will stop in the kitchen and look into the bathroom. All I can see is a small amount of Tank’s shell but calling his name will cause him to turn and look over the edge of the tub. Many other times I will lay on the floor near his bed and whisper talk to him. This usually causes Tank to wake up and come out from under his blanket. All of this is done with low volume, never yelling but yet Tank responds to it.
Nothing scientific here but I found it interesting to say the least.
01-03-2014, 02:13 PM
Took a bite from Tank this afternoon
After Tank got up from a 36 hour sleep he went to his water. When I checked on him he was ready to eat(it's a food day) He reaches up to me and checks out my hands.
After steaming some shrimp for him and letting them cool I returned to him and saw he had pooped in his water. I set the bowl down and started draining the water. The bathroom had the strong smell of shrimp in the air. As the water drained I directed the poo into the drain. Tank turned around and came down to see what was going on. This isn't unusal for him. I pushed him away a number of times and then turned my attention to poo work. As I swished the poo toward the drain tank watched. I then made the mistake of moving to fast and being to near his head. As my hand passed near him I felt him suck my pinky finger and part of my palm into his mouth. It's amazing how strong the suction is when he expands his throat and opens his mouth. No wonder they are such good predators.
Tank had my entire pinky down his throat and was clamped on my palm. I relaxed and he let me go without a single injury. I take full blame for this incident. I finished cleaning and refilled his water. When I offered his shrimp he took them carefully from my fingers. I'm glad he let me go as I could have gotten a severe injury.
01-03-2014, 02:21 PM
wow i woulda **** my pants! hes still a good boy :)
01-09-2014, 10:08 AM
An observant creature of habit
Tank has always been very observant about changes in his world. This really hit home the other day.
I was preparing to leave the house when I stopped in to tell Tank goodbye. Tank was very quick to give me a hard stare as it was the first time he’s seen me wearing my winter coat. As he stretched up to investigate I lowered the coat sleeve so he could touch and smell it. After that he was fine with the coat. The next day I went to say goodbye again with the coat on but this time I was also wearing my hat. He showed great interest in my hat but ignored my coat. After touching and sniffing the hat he relaxed. As I was walking out of the house I heard a thump in the bathroom. I went in to find Tank sitting on the floor because he pooped in his water(he doesn't like soiled water) I sat down on the floor and reached out to touch his head. For the first time in his life he pulled away from me. I was wearing my gloves and Tank did not trust what he saw. I removed a glove and set it down in front of him. This was still making him nervous so I took the glove away and showed him my hand. He seemed relieved and stretched his head out toward my hand. I’m glad Tank requires safety in his life and can communicate his feelings to me.
01-10-2014, 09:17 PM
Tonight was a food day for Tank. He enjoyed shrimp and steak. Before I left I noticed a small piece of shrimp leftover. You know, that one that doesn't come out when you're peeling them. To make maters worse I only removed half of it when I tried. I was about to toss this small piece in to Tank but then decided to trust him.
I then held the piece under the water pinched between my thumb and index finger. Tank was still in an active food mode and hurried to my hand. For a brief moment I thought I must be crazy to try and feed him this by hand. As Tank moved in for the strike I saw him concentrating on my index finger and I became worried. As he took this tiny piece out of my fingers I realize he was watching my finger so as not to bite it.
He's a smart, good turtle and I love him.
01-11-2014, 08:55 AM
The things I read about Tank are really amazing. I wish I was closer to see him interact with his family.
01-11-2014, 05:08 PM
The things I read about Tank are really amazing. I wish I was closer to see him interact with his family.
Amazing is a very good word to describe Tank.
01-16-2014, 09:43 PM
Had another food day with Tank. He ate his 10 large steamed shrimp very nicely. As I was throwing the shells away I noticed a missed small piece of shrimp near the tail. I removed it offered to Tank under the water. He approached my hand and studied the situation concentrating on my index finger. He then reached out and took only the shrimp. Once again he showed me his intent not to bite me. After his meal I checked back on him a few minutes later. He was stretch out in his water and never moved from his position other then to look at me. I rambled on about what a good turtle he is and how he is so relaxed. Tank listened to every word. What a special turtle.
I'm so glad Tank is with my family, everyone benefits.;)
01-18-2014, 03:39 AM
Do you need to take the shrimp out of their shells?
01-18-2014, 08:03 AM
Do you need to take the shrimp out of their shells?
Yes I did.
01-18-2014, 11:24 AM
Yes I did.
If he was vegetarian you'd be pealing his grapes wouldn't you? :D
01-18-2014, 11:48 AM
If he was vegetarian you'd be pealing his grapes wouldn't you? :D
I wish he would switch to mostly veggies but he's not ready. To answer your question, yes I would.:D
01-19-2014, 05:44 PM
Timing really is everything.
This afternoon I woke Tank up before my son Kale was done taking a shower. This would be a mistake as future events would show.
Tank first got up and we had some face-to-face time. Then Tank headed out to the kitchen only to stop when he was insight of the bathroom door. As I said earlier Kale was still in there and the door was closed.
My daughter Emmy was standing near Tank asking him what he was doing. Tank stretched out his neck towards Emmy and proceeded to pee on the ceramic floor tiles. This wasn't a little pee, this was a full gush from a 28+ pound snapping turtle. I sure am glad this wasn't done on the living room carpet:D
Never a dull moment with Tank in the house.
01-23-2014, 10:24 AM
Unfortunately, I never have time to come on here with school anymore...and when I do, it's usually to report bad news. You guys will see my post about my snow radix passing...and my favorite kitty, Boo, passed right before Christmas. He was 18. I'm still very sad...
10152He used to love to try to stuff his big fat self into little boxes...
01-24-2014, 06:24 AM
im very sorry to hear. my cats getting old and ill be lost without him. cats are very dear to me. 18 is a long happy life for a cat tho. im sure you made him happy.
01-24-2014, 06:57 AM
just two of my turtles being... well... turtles. 101581015910160
01-24-2014, 07:02 AM
Sweet painted turtles (Chrysemys picta).
01-24-2014, 07:26 AM
ty :) they crack me up sometimes
01-24-2014, 10:20 AM
ty :) they crack me up sometimes
Turtles are awesome but aquatic ones are much more labor intensive as you already know.:D
01-24-2014, 11:02 AM
very much so! but its so peaceful watching them swim and search the gravel...
01-24-2014, 11:40 AM
I've always had a soft spot for the shelled ones.
01-26-2014, 10:20 AM
My little Oliver had to have bladder stones removed on Monday and is recouping from a rough week. Poor little man.
01-26-2014, 02:42 PM
Some generic pyros (Sonoran Mt. King) I picked up locally through a craigslist ad. Never had Mt. Kings before. I like their personalities /habits and coloration better than milk snakes. These are out more and take to handling way better than any milks I've tried to keep. I finally found a Lampropeltis species with bright vividly colored bands that isn't hiding 24/7 and getting all pissy if you disturb them.
I love brightly colored red banded Lampropeltis species but all milks I've tried to keep are gorgeous and all but too shy and you never see them. Milks hate being disturbed and I get musked and hassled if I want to see them, so I got rid of them. I had almost given up on ever finding a gorgeous red banded Lampropeltis species with the spectacular looks AND a decent personality. Pretty just isn't enough for me if a snake hides for 2 weeks at a time and musks, squirms, or even bites when you do see them.
I just didn't like milk snakes' secretive habits and fussy attitude. What good is pretty if you never see them out and can't really handle them? Not these! These are out a lot and don't get pissy if I handle them. I think I've finally found my favorite Lampropeltis species. Not only do they have the great looks of a milk (but actually a bit prettier with higher tighter band count) but great personality too. These are more like a large tame kingsnake in their habits/attitude and don't seem to mind handling or laying out in the open unlike milk snakes. They're awesome. Not sure how I overlooked these all these years but when I found them locally advertised at prices much lower than they normally go for, I went for it. I like them. Lampropeltis pyromelana. I highly recommend them.
A big Male:
And a small sub-adult female:
I was originally going to buy this thayer's king (Variable king) from the guy because this individual looks so much like a milk snake but is a king instead and the bands are just flawless and perfect. Well, after I bought his pyros instead, the price on this king has dropped from $100 to $75 and now comes with a 20-gallon zilla tank w/ dome light fixture. Or just $60 for the snake alone. If you can even find one online like this, from the same bloodlines, it's going to cost about $180 shipped. If I can scrape up at least $60 before someone else buys him, I'm going back and getting this snake too.
It's just time for me to keep something nice besides garters and because I found these snakes very low priced, it's turing out that 'something' (besides garters or milk is snakes) is red banded kingsnake species.
Thayer's king I want to get. Lots of red and just look at those flawless even bands:
01-28-2014, 06:01 AM
love the patterns on them :)
01-28-2014, 06:07 AM
my new ball python Grymm 10170
01-28-2014, 06:45 AM
01-28-2014, 07:18 AM
Just a flavour of a few other colubrids that I keep....
01-28-2014, 07:59 AM
Just a flavour of a few other colubrids that I keep....
Not sure what most of those are, but there's a couple of interesting looking snakes there. But none of them are as stunning as your tetrataenia. :-)
01-28-2014, 09:59 AM
I'm gonna guess for fun lol! First pic cape gopher? Second pic mexican pine? Third pic cape gopher for sure. Fourth pic blonde trans pecos rat? Fifth pic albino san diego gopher? Nice looking collection!
not sure what most of those are, but there's a couple of interesting looking snakes there. But none of them are as stunning as your tetrataenia. :-)
01-28-2014, 10:12 AM
I'm gonna guess for fun lol! First pic cape gopher? Second pic mexican pine? Third pic cape gopher for sure. Fourth pic blonde trans pecos rat? Fifth pic albino san diego gopher? Nice looking collection!
Well done Bluesirtalis, 4 outta 5, first pic is of a super hypo San Diego gopher snake....
01-28-2014, 10:20 AM
I thought I was wrong on that one, but went with it anyways because I wasn't sure what type of gopher it was, lol!
Well done Bluesirtalis, 4 outta 5, first pic is of a super hypo San Diego gopher snake....
01-30-2014, 10:34 AM
Gail, sorry to hear your kitty is having some trouble. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
01-31-2014, 06:16 AM
Thanks Marnie, he's slowing getting better.
Gail, sorry to hear your kitty is having some trouble. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
02-01-2014, 03:55 PM
The presentation entitled Tank: The story of an amazing snapping turtle was today. I gave this presentation to the NE Herp. Society. After a 25 minute PowerPoint Tank took center stage. He enjoyed all the attention, photos and neck rubs. He really is a people turtle. Toward the end I put Tank on the floor and before I knew it members were on the floor with him.
He's a great turtle ambassador.
02-01-2014, 05:09 PM
Steve you really should have posted some pics of this. I've told several people about tank and love to show them the pics of this amazing creature.
02-01-2014, 06:34 PM
For the first time in many years, my favorite snake I own is not a garter snake but this awesome 65 gram, 1yr old female Sonoran Mt. Kingsnake - "pyro" Lampropeltis pyromelana I scored thanks to a friend who recently joined us on the forum. Eats pinkie mice like a champ and just completed a healthy shed. Docile, active and gorgeous! I love her.
Can't wait to get my female 2012 purebred Lampropeltis Leonis [thayeri] on Feb 11th... what a hottie and even more docile than pyros! "Variable Kingsnake"
02-01-2014, 07:35 PM
Check out all the crazy polymorphism... all the same species. wow.
Leonis - Animals (
Bob Stranzenbach
02-02-2014, 11:51 AM
Nice lookers.
02-03-2014, 06:10 AM
Grymm my baby boy <3 eats mice like a champ! but refuses to eat outside his tank101871018910188
02-03-2014, 06:23 AM
Nice going Grymm.
02-03-2014, 06:26 AM
thnx. ill get pictures of my beefcake soon :)
02-03-2014, 06:37 AM
Beefcake is getting so big :) he is such a good boy (or girl who knows) let him run around the house yesterday he loved it.101931019210194
02-03-2014, 06:45 AM
Nice to see you Beefcake.
Ashley, would you like me to send you some small trout chow (Purina Grower 500) for the Beefcake?
02-03-2014, 07:02 AM
Steve if you'd want to it would be greatly appreciated. but i know shipping isnt cheap. so its up to you. beefcake should be getting a bigger tank soon :)
02-03-2014, 07:10 AM
I don't have much and shipping won't be a problem. It will at least let you know if this could be another food item for him. I'll try to get it out in the next few days. We have a snow storm moving in tomorrow and I have work today.
02-03-2014, 07:13 AM
ok anytime ty. and yes if he loves it ill be sure to keep buying it.
02-04-2014, 04:11 PM
Check out all the crazy polymorphism... all the same species. wow.
Leonis - Animals (
That female you posted is nice! I've been thinking about getting a few of these in the future. Haven't done much research yet. So much variation, it is incredible!I think the albino gene in these guys came from ruthveni.
02-07-2014, 07:20 PM
Tank's Not the Fooling Kind
This evening I returned from the grocery store with some nice strawberries(on sale, the only way I can afford them) I quartered a nice one and tossed a section of it into Tank( 30 lb common snapping turtle - Chelydra serpentina) He snapped(no pun intended) it right up and quickly spit it back out and then gave ne a dirty look. A few moments later I returned to Tank with some steamed shrimp. He had that excited, hungry turtle look and gladly took what I offered. With only a few shrimp left I decided to get some strawberry in him. I took a piece of strawberry and covered it with the shrimp. Tank reached out for the shrimp and I dropped both items in. It was then I got another dirty look. A few seconds later, out came the strawberry and down went the shrimp. I decided not to attempt anymore subterfuge. I gave him his last shrimp but instead of swallowing it right down he held it in his mouth for a few seconds. He was checking it to make sure there wasn't any of that nasty strawberry.:D
He's too smart for me.
02-11-2014, 06:22 AM
Last night was a food night for Tank and shrimp was on the menu. In the middle of feeding him(dropping shrimp down his gullet:D) I missed and the shrimp ended up in the water, Tank was in full eating mode and wanted his food. I quickly showed him my empty hand, so he backed down and allowed me to reach in the water and recover the wayward shrimp.
I think this is pretty significant. A hungry 30 pound snapping turtle in full eat mode allowing me to put my hand near his face. I think he understood what I was doing.
I love working with Tank.
02-13-2014, 06:57 AM
adopted a kitten two days ago. tiny little monster. this is Pogo...yes as in Pogo the clown 1021210213
02-13-2014, 04:00 PM
He he a pirate kitty?? Little cutie, but then aren't all kittens.
02-14-2014, 07:44 PM
Got my Lampropeltis leonis a few days ago. A.K.A. Thayer's kingsnake, Nueva Leon Mt. King snake, Variable king... She's awesome! such a cute face and so tame...
02-14-2014, 08:48 PM
Very nice.
02-15-2014, 01:47 AM
Yeah, I think so. Now I just need to get Shannon's recipe for making homemade "rock" hides. There's nothing that suits her or the pyros available commercially. Most keepers use those red clay trays that go under flower pots, flipped upside-down but I want something that looks natural. They like to be crammed in really tight, like in a rock crevice. They won't use traditional "cave" type hides or anything else commonly available for reptiles. Right now I'm just using flattened toilet paper rolls. I need to make cave-type hides but with a very small entrance with the ceiling being perhaps just a half inch high instead of a high dome. Being hidden isn't enough for either of these Mt. king species They're not happy unless they are crammed in tight.
02-16-2014, 09:54 AM
Tank is now on Facebook. Search Tank Gilfillan.
02-20-2014, 07:29 PM
I'm trying to teach Tank something new. He's mastered the open palm with the fingers spread out as to mean no food. The problem comes when I feed him pellets. The problem is two fold. I want him to wait until I place my hand in the water and release the pellets before he takes them. With pellets in hand I can't show him an open palm so he thinks there is food there and he would be right because he can smell it. I pull my fist back and tell him no but he seem confused. Getting him to wait isn't going to be easy but I think it can be done. I'm not concerned about taking a bite as he won't be able to grab a closed fist very well. I'll report back as he learns this new task.
02-22-2014, 09:47 PM
Today, we were doing some reorganizing around the human part of the Ranch. My son (Kale) was in the attic and my oldest (Emmy) was on the ladder handing him things. She was at the top of a 5ft ladder when Tank came out to see what was going on. He looked up the ladder and saw him mom (Emmy). This was very interesting to him and he reached up toward her. He recognizes Emmy and was very curious as to why she was up on the ceiling. Why would he care? Why show any interest at all?
A short time later I walked into the kitchen as Tank was outside the bathroom door. He turned his head to look at me, then turned his body and walked to me. I sat down on the floor and he climbed up on my lap and just sat there. Why would he do that? I hope it’s because in us he feels comfort with our company. I hope he feels more secure being in close contact with us. He certainly likes to get involved in all the goings-on around the house.
Much earlier in the day he came to me while I was on the floor with my laptop. He put his front legs across my arm and relaxed. While I talked to him I noticed some gunk under his beak in corner of his mouth. I reached up and cradled his head with one hand and used my fingernail to remove the stuff. It took 3 tries to get the job done and Tank never offered any resistance. He’s so tolerate of me. A 30 pound snapping turtle could do some real damage if he wanted to.
Instead, I have Tank. We are so lucky.:)
02-23-2014, 01:16 PM
It's official... All that's left is getting him snipped... I am now slave to a cat! Meet Fuzzy Lumpkin. He was a foster cat at work (my store fosters kittens through a local rescue). He was there for 3 or 4 months, very last one left before I finally couldn't resist any longer! Spoke to the housemates, and made arrangements to bring him home for a trial adoption. Emphasis on trial. I still live at home, and my dad isn't a cat person. Well... By the end of the 2 weeks, he admitted that he actually LIKES the dang cat!
He enjoys harassing the tortoises. Fortunately, the tortoises don't care.
He has his cute sleepy kitty moments, too.
The dogs were fascinated and downright thrilled at first. SOMETHING FURRY! Maybe it will be my bestest friend evar! ... Then the novelty wore off and they figured out that he was just there to steal loves. LOL. They aren't so amused anymore. But everyone gets along well.
02-23-2014, 02:15 PM
On a slightly more on topic note.. I've been doing some more rearranging and caging upgrades for the snakes. (Seriously, it never ends...) After 6 months of debating whether to adopt her out, and as part of the agreement to get the cat, I found a great new home for Volvagia the Rosy Boa. I was sad to see her go... But once I sat down to decide what to do with her now empty half of the Boaphile, it actually led to cascading cage upgrades!
DeeDee the now subadult Ultramel Anery Motley corn snake moved into this empty 30" Vision I'd been staring at for 3 months... It doubled as kitty cubbyhole for a month, which helped with the ETS, but Fuzz had pretty well outgrown it by now.
Miss Pudgy declined having her photo taken.
Now I had an empty 3' Boaphile to deal with... Which snake would get the honor?
The choice wasn't too hard.. The Everglade's rat snake seemed stressed in her all glass Exo terra. But she's still little... Half of the Boaphile was plenty.
(Don't mind the funny looking vent--she's in the process of smearing me with musk during this photo.)
This choice was even easier... The Checkered garter would slip through the door gap in an instant, and that just left the Kunasir Island rat snake. Still young, but just big enough not to fit through the gap. She is DWARFED in this 24x18x12" space, but she's making good use of it! (That's more than I can say for the Everglade's, who has barely moved from her paper towel roll. OMG, CHANGE! I'M GONNA DIE!)
She was in shed at the time of the switch, thus the ugly shade of brown.
Well, I'm not completely done yet. Upgrading the Everglade's left this 18x18x24" viv empty. I cleaned it up and stocked it with a couple wood pieces and a couple plants. Currently, it's acting as pretty "plant storage" (as a certain someone of the feline variety has been dead set on killing my Dracaena). We'll see what happens with this. An acquaintance just took in a huge group of rescue lizards/geckos and is overwhelmed, so I'm tempted to smuggle in a couple of the arboreal geckos to rehab & adopt out... Alternately, the Garter may get this, I'm just concerned about whether he would utilize the height!
Alright, I'll cease photobombing the thread now...
02-23-2014, 02:29 PM
Be careful, snakes + cats = danger for the snakes (as a rule)
02-24-2014, 01:55 AM
Thank you, Steve. I am aware. :) Prey drive was one of my main concerns with getting a cat (one of the reasons it took 2 months to finally pull the trigger). They're furry little deviants!
Fortunately, I had already taken steps over the last year to switch the bulk of the reptiles into stacking and otherwise more secure caging. All the snakes are in cat-proof caging, and I'm very careful when they're out. Same with the lizards. He's much more interested in the Alligator lizards and Golden skinks than the snakes or bigger skinks. They're small and skittish and fast. But their enclosures are cat-proof, and I'm able to lock him out while doing maintenance.
The tortoises are the only ones he's allowed direct contact with, and even that is closely supervised.
02-25-2014, 12:28 AM
Mt. Kings
L. leonis
L. pyromelana
02-25-2014, 06:53 AM
Very nice, Richard.
02-27-2014, 10:26 AM
Panzer had a vet visit this morning. She has an upset tummy. I snapped a few photos of her before the doctor came in for the exam.
She weighs 6lbs now. Gaining weight slow and steady. Nobody could believe how friendly and relaxed she was. Panzer put a lot of smiles on faces this morning :) She fell asleep on the way home and is still resting in her comfy towel. I'll let her sleep a bit longer before starting the meds.
02-27-2014, 07:22 PM
She's looking god and she's getting good care. Nice job, Mike.
02-27-2014, 09:46 PM
Thanks Steve! I'm doing my best. She's worth it :)
03-03-2014, 08:31 AM
10252 i think Grymm is hungry lol
10253 sleepy Pogo
03-03-2014, 10:01 PM
Another sonoran mt. king (L. pyromelana) het applegate female
03-09-2014, 08:55 AM
Especially for Steve and Mike! saw this and thought of you both!
Why you should never attempt to kiss a snapping turtle: Pet owner hospitalised after show of affection backfires in spectacular fashion | Mail Online (
03-09-2014, 06:12 PM
Ouch! Looks like that's ... unpleasant! The article says it's an alligator snapper, which it's not. If it was, he'd probably be missing that upper lip! :eek:
03-09-2014, 06:46 PM
That's way too much trust.
They are not called snapping turtles for nothing.:D
03-10-2014, 05:22 AM
my new pastel ball python, here is Ventana (yes im aware it means window in spanish lol
03-10-2014, 05:23 AM
Very nice.
03-11-2014, 03:46 AM
going to be picking up a pair of these this month. Lampropeltis knoblochi. Tarahumara Mountain Kingsnakes. eye candy, yes?
03-11-2014, 04:09 AM
My lampropeltis leonis shed today. woo hoo, spectacular. Nueva Leon Mt. King. Thayers king, variable king, a mexican montane species from the sierra madre range in eastern mexico. "milk snake phase". One of the calmer, tamer species of Mt. king. And a darn cute face if I do say so myself.
03-11-2014, 04:17 AM
Check out all the varieties. Same species. Any number of these phases can come from one clutch, regardless of what the parents look like. Like a box of chocolates only not as sticky. Now that is some insane polymorphism. Just, wow.
03-11-2014, 05:18 AM
That it is. Very cool.
03-22-2014, 08:32 PM
Funny Tank story:
After getting Tank up this morning I was talking with him before he went into his water(before he went into his water, duh) I then wanted to see if he recognized a photo of himself in a smaller format then the poster print I have. I grabbed my Garmin and pulled up a picture of his face.
Doing this before he was in his water and during Spring wasn't a good idea.
Tank recognized the photo as a rival and moved toward it in an aggressive manner. It was then he peed(defensive and territorial response) on the living room carpet.
I won't be doing that again.:D
03-26-2014, 12:09 PM
What, no video? I know it's very serious for tank but that's hilarious. Better hide the bike helmets. I don't think reptiles or even most animals are aware that they looking at an image of themselves. Even male robins this time of year are killing themselves by attacking their own reflections in a window and car mirrors. Just a few days ago I found breast feathers from a male american robin embedded in one of my side view mirrors.:rolleyes:
I hung a photo of one of my dogs on the wall some years ago but I had to take it down. She wouldn't stop barking at it.:p
03-26-2014, 04:12 PM
Spring must be here as he(Tank) is attracted to any of his on reflections.
Poor guy, he just wants a lake full of girlfriends. Or a free pass to the local bike shop.:D
03-28-2014, 07:58 PM
03-28-2014, 08:18 PM
That is awesome.
03-29-2014, 11:46 AM
Tank had 4 visitors yesterday. Tank didn't disappoint them. He got up on the edge of the tub and made eye contact with each of them. They reached out and touched him. He is such a curious turtle. No aggression at all just a wonder as to who they were.
They could believe how calm and nice he was.
03-30-2014, 06:54 PM
Tank is an exceptional snapper that takes after you Steve. I bet you could kiss him with losing your lip...but i wouldn't chance it just in case maybe on to of his head would be a better bet.
04-18-2014, 12:22 PM
Here is Tank sleeping in his goose down, softy blanket. His neck is stretched out and his head is wrapped. I tried to get him up but he's not responding.
This is his favorite blanket and once he's in it, he's gone.
Such a funny turtle.
I love that last picture of tank. He looks so big but is only about 20 pounds. He's at 31+ pounds now.
04-20-2014, 01:37 AM
Wow he is getting to be a big it just me or does he look a bit like Bowser from Super Mario? :D :p
04-22-2014, 05:25 PM
Wow he is getting to be a big it just me or does he look a bit like Bowser from Super Mario? :D :p
He is and his growth continues. I'm guessing by Christmas he'll be around 37-38 pounds.
04-23-2014, 10:41 PM
Reptile ownership. you know you're doing it right when you have pictures like this. Same girl, same tortoise.
04-23-2014, 11:36 PM
Meet "Hank" - a male Kenyan sand boa. I have had my eye on these for a while but when I saw them first hand, and the fact that they were only $30 at the reptile show last month, I just had to have one. He loves to eat and he loves to hide buried in the substrate and that's about all he does, lol, but I like him. They're related to rubber and rosy boas and slow moving but when they strike at their food they are shockingly fast. Faster than the mind can perceive, you would need a high speed camera to catch the action. So fast it isn't even a blur. Just one moment he's smelling it, blink and he's got it. In less than a blink of an eye he's got it wrapped in his coils.
I'm still sorting out hundreds of pics and preparing videos from the show but I'll be sharing those soon.
04-24-2014, 05:40 AM
Very nice.
04-25-2014, 12:58 AM
04-25-2014, 10:09 AM
04-25-2014, 12:29 PM
He looks like my chihuahua sleeping in the blankets. Wow he doesn't even flinch
04-27-2014, 02:25 PM
Caring for a 31+ pound snapping turtle is not easy under most situation. I'm fortunate to be caring for a docile, interactive, smart turtle who wants contact. I would say caring for Tank is about as easy as it gets. I spend as much time as I can with him and it pays off. I've learned so much about these wonderful reptiles. I've also learned to get approval from Tank on some things. A scrubbing brush is one of those things. I tried 4 different brushes before I found one he accepts. The current brush must feel pretty good since he hasn't taken it out of my hand while I use it :D All the others were rejected by him in this manner. I just spent 30 minutes brushing and rubbing the big man down. This is up close and personal time. Tank has every opportunity to bite me but doesn't. This is not to say he's a placid, anything goes turtle. He lets me know very quickly if the timing for the work isn't right. He's an independent turtle who sets a lot of the interaction times. I love this part of him.
He is a interactive part of this family and welcomed with open arms.
here some Pics of our other snakes
part 2
04-28-2014, 03:17 PM
Love the Liophis jaegeri - Jaeger's Ground Snake
Awesome group.
04-28-2014, 04:29 PM
My favourite is the bright green one!
04-30-2014, 06:50 PM
Check out my new box turtle.:D
04-30-2014, 10:01 PM
You need to teach him to not play with wall outlets lol
04-30-2014, 10:24 PM
here some Pics of our other snakes
part 2
Holy **** dude half those snakes are ones I have only dreamed of having. The red Thai rat snake, the mandarins, the trans pecos, the rest... OMG sofa king envious. Awesome collection.
05-04-2014, 07:16 PM
Here's a funny little Tank(31+ pound snapping turtle) story.
Yesterday, the front doorbell rang. It was the grandson of a friend of mine. His grandad was visiting a neighbor so Mathew(3rd grade) came over to see Tank. I walked him in to see Tank, he yelled "Hello Tank" reaching in to touch his shell. Tank bristled and push his hand off. He also gave this kid a hard stare. I immediately reached in and patted Tank on the shell telling him everything was OK. Tank never bristled at my touch and continued to give Mathew a look.
Tank certainly has his comfort zone and is leery of not-so familiar faces. He has seen Mathew before but apparently hasn't given him permission to touch him. I'm glad Tank isn't trusting of all people and especially thankful he doesn't use his mouth to get his point across.
His behavior reminds me of mammals that hold you tight when unknown people come close. Tank has many times placed his front paw in my hand and pulled in close, resting his head on my arm. All the time watching the new person that is in the room. I'm glad he feels secure with me near but must say it is strange behavior for a reptile, especially a large snapping turtle.
05-04-2014, 07:27 PM
Cool story about Tank :)
Dirk, those snakes are fabulous. What is the black and yellow one? I have a few guesses but something is throwing me off.
05-05-2014, 09:33 AM
Check out my new box turtle.:D
05-05-2014, 01:01 PM
Great, Tank saw that second photo and is asking for a butter knife. Nice going Richard.
05-12-2014, 06:12 PM
Lugging Tank(31+ pound snapping turtle) around isn't an easy task. I used to carry him in an extra large Rubbermaid laundry basket but he too large for that now. All the Rubbermaid tubs I have are too small or not strong/sturdy enough. He may fit in them but they can't support his weight when picked up.
What to do, what to do?
While at a garage sale at my kid's school a week ago I saw the answer to my prayer, a double wide jogging stroller. The price was right and it was in good shape. Now, fast forward to this morning. I was preparing to begin work on modifying the stroller, when Tank woke up and stuck his head out from under his blanket. I sat on the floor and talked with him about him being such a good turtle. While I talked I reached over and pushed the stroller back and forth. For some reason this agitated him as he came shooting out from under his blanket and headed towards the stroller. I was partially in his way so he climbed up on me lap with his front legs. I'm not sure what was going through his mind, it was then I saw him moving his tail. I yelled "Nooooo Tank" but it was too late. He peed all over the carpet and I'm not talking about a small amount of pee. I was fortunate to have avoided the gush.
So, Tank went out to his water and I broke out the carpet cleaner. A small price to pay for working with such a fine turtle.
05-13-2014, 01:13 AM
I couldn't imagine a small amount of pee from such a big turtle...good job dodging it lol
05-14-2014, 03:25 PM
Steve's post about the Robbins breathe got me looking at the Audubon site and found out something interesting. I got a kitten from a litter of cats my sisters stray had, well in the mornings he sits in the open window and makes the strangest noises, something I've never had any other cat do. I'm now guessing he is trying to call a particular species of bird The Gray Catbird Gray Catbird | National Audubon Society Birds ( the last sound file sounds exactly like my cat in the window. Has anyone else heard their cat(s) do this ever? I have had several cats and never heard it before can/do all cars do it?
05-14-2014, 03:28 PM
My car never makes any cat sounds. Sorry, I just had to.:D
05-14-2014, 06:16 PM
I challenge that statement Steve I guarantee that mustang purred like a cat lol
05-17-2014, 08:10 PM
Tank was up early this morning and ventured into the living room. I slept on the couch last night so my blankets were still there. I knew Tank would enjoy a good sleep in them so I made him a bed on the couch. When I first put him in it he was reluctant to stay but quickly settled in. We talked for a bit before he disappeared under the blanket.
7 hours later he stuck his head out from under the blanket to see what was going on. I told him he didn't need to get up and apparently he felt the same way. This photo was taken just before he went back to sleep.
He is such a pleasant turtle.
05-19-2014, 07:26 PM
After work I went into see Tank. He gave me the hungry turtle look. This can't be since he was just fed a nice 4 oz steak less then 24 hours ago.
I sat down on the floor and leaned into him. He stretched up to me and was within an inch of my face as I explained to him this wasn't a food day. He had every opportunity to bite me but instead he just listened. When I was done I saw his eyes dilate back to normal and he let our a breath of air which was one of those disgusted exhales. The look on his face was classic. It was like "You've got to be kidding me"
Tank is such an awesome turtle. So much personality in a 31+ pound snapping turtle.
05-20-2014, 05:22 AM
just two of my three new pickups from the small expo in mass on sunday. 1054310544
05-21-2014, 08:21 PM
Very nice.
05-21-2014, 08:36 PM
Just a few moments ago I walked in to tell Tank good night. As I stood there he stretched his neck up toward me. I reached down and placed my hand along side his face. It was then I felt him lean into my hand. I used my index finger to rub the side of his face. This lasted for almost a minute. It was as if he wanted that contact. That little bit of touch. His eyes were telling me he was comfortable and content. He then pulled back and settled into his water for bed.
Such a strange and wonderful turtle. Almost mammal like behavior.
A 31+ pound snapping turtle finding comfort in the company of a human.
05-22-2014, 05:26 AM
Mans best friend:)
05-22-2014, 05:28 AM
Mans best friend:)
Or at least, mine.;)
05-22-2014, 10:31 AM
05-22-2014, 11:03 AM
Still very nice and beautiful.
05-23-2014, 02:07 PM
Tank got some outside time today.
He's such a handsome turtle.
05-24-2014, 09:26 PM
Tank made the local Sunday paper. I'll post a link as soon as it comes out.
Garter Keeper
05-24-2014, 10:45 PM
Nice looking snapper :) I found a good sized female a few weeks ago but I couldn't bring myself to bring her home. She was doing well where she belonged and I took some pics of her and let her toddle back into her pond. I was grateful to be able to share some time with her. By far my favorite turtle species.
05-25-2014, 07:54 AM
Tank made the local Sunday paper. I'll post a link as soon as it comes out.
Once the page opens click on 'Click to read" once on that page click on the article and it will zoom out so it can be read.
Faces of Neighbors 2014 - The Daily Nonpareil - Council Bluffs, Iowa: Special (
05-26-2014, 09:29 AM
I was down stairs in the snake room when Tank was taken out of his water so people could shower. I stayed in the snake room for another hour and then went upstairs. My youngest told me Tank had been looking for me so I headed to the living room. While I was still in the kitchen I could see him sitting in the living room. He had his back to me so I called his name. He turned his head to see me and then quickly ran to me. Once at my feet he tried to climb up my leg. I laid on the floor with him for a few minutes then stood up again. He stretched up to me again as if I was too far away.
An amazing turtle. Who would have ever thought a snapping turtle would want and seek out human contact. I'm blessed to have Tank in our family.
05-26-2014, 11:11 AM
Awesome turtle!
05-26-2014, 06:50 PM
Here's something very cool. I was in the kitchen preparing some chicken for the grill. I found a piece of meat about the size of a silver dollar. I thought it would be a nice treat for Tank so I walked toward his room but stopped outside the door. I could see his position in the water and knew where his head was even though I couldn't see it. I tossed the meat just over the lip of his enclosure. I watched as the meat cleared the lip and passed over where I thought his head would be. In the blink of an eye his head flew up and caught the treat before it ever hit the water.
It had to be only visible to him for a micro second but he was able to react and catch it.
Lightning fast reflexes. It was amazing to see.
05-26-2014, 09:45 PM
Congrats to you and Tank for making the paper! Was a fun read :cool:
06-08-2014, 04:03 PM
Lately, when I've posted about Tank I've put something like this "32+ pounds" To be honest it has been a guess on my part. I knew he was probably over 32 pounds but wasn't sure where he really was. I have noticed that he's seems to be very heavy lately but chalked it up to being 55 years old.
Today, Tank's weight was checked and I'm happy to report I can now put 35+ pounds for awhile. The big man has put on some good weight over the last 6 month. With no signs of slowing down he'll be at 40+ pounds by Christmas.
His weight might be changing but his docile attitude hasn't. He is still very interactive and loves spending time with me. If I'm not around when he comes out of his water he looks for me. Tank breaks all the stereotypes people might have about snapping turtles.
06-09-2014, 05:26 AM
Nice Tank story
Yesterday, I walked into his room with my grass cutting hat on. Tank took a great interest in it. I sat down on the floor and leaned my head toward his water. I did this so he could smell and touch the hat. I could see he was close and his neck was stretched out. After a minute or so I began to wonder what he was doing. Just then he looked under the brim of the hat, as if to say "there you are". He moved his head under the brim and close to my face. I started laughing at this 35 pound snapping turtle that wants to be near me. He stayed under the hat for a few minutes watching me, listening to me tell him how awesome he is. All that time his eyes and body language told me he was relaxed and trusted me.
Tank has changed the way I see snapping turtles. I've always admired them but never knew they could be so docile and interactive.
This of course is Tank we're talking about. I would never get this close to any other snapping turtle.
06-18-2014, 04:33 PM
Tank did a wonderful job at VBS last night. Instead of having 45 minutes I was given 15 minutes. That meant no PowerPoint. I had just enough time to say hello and give them a few facts about snapping turtles. I told the kids I brought my little turtle with me, then I pulled Tank out.
Everyone was excited and the adults couldn't believe how close I was to him. Afterward, they wanted photos of the big man. The adults kept saying "and he doesn't bite you?"
Once again Tank made some friends and showed that there is more to snapping turtles then their name.
06-19-2014, 05:10 AM
Tank did a wonderful job at VBS last night. Instead of having 45 minutes I was given 15 minutes. That meant no PowerPoint. I had just enough time to say hello and give them a few facts about snapping turtles. I told the kids I brought my little turtle with me, then I pulled Tank out.
Everyone was excited and the adults couldn't believe how close I was to him. Afterward, they wanted photos of the big man. The adults kept saying "and he doesn't bite you?"
Once again Tank made some friends and showed that there is more to snapping turtles then their name.
im loving this! Steve I have told you about my good girl snapper, its wonderful that people can see what great animals they can be. id say pets but most ppl dont realize the size they get to.
06-19-2014, 07:05 AM
im loving this! Steve I have told you about my good girl snapper, its wonderful that people can see what great animals they can be. id say pets but most ppl dont realize the size they get to.
Speaking of snapping turtles, how about some photos of your girl turtle.
It's not for me, it's for Tank.:D
06-19-2014, 09:43 AM
Speaking of snapping turtles, how about some photos of your girl turtle.
It's not for me, it's for Tank.:D
HAHA! WILL DO! thats too funny, she might be a little too young for him ;). I will def get some new pics for you, i mean tank haha
06-20-2014, 08:11 AM
My son came home from church camp yesterday carrying a box. It could only mean one thing, "baby birds". There was a wind storm at camp and these babies lost their nest. This didn't come without injury to the birds as one has a ruptured air sack and the other appears to be blind in one eye. The little one with the ruptured air sack was treated first as it looked like a balloon with feathers. It was so bad this little one was on her back and couldn't stand. This is a serious injury and I've had very little success treating it. 24 hours after treating her she's still deflated for the most part. I'm hoping the air sack will repair itself and she will survive. She's eating and acting normal so things are looking good. The other bird appears to be blind in its left eye. At this point we're not sure if this was caused by the fall or something else.
Both the birds are eating machines and behaving(demanding attention) normally.
My son will be 18 in a few months and entering the Air Force after graduating high school. I love the fact that he still has a heart for these little ones. I remember when he rescued his first bird, a mud swallow. He was young but took on the responsibility. That bird was eventually released(with many tears). I'm a proud father.
We are hoping both birds will survive and can be released at some point.
06-28-2014, 03:07 PM
The presentation is over and went great. Tank stayed in his stroller while I did my PowerPoint. When I uncovered him he was wide awake as if he was waiting for me. Once out he did a wonderful job. The 56 people that were at the meeting all wanted some up close and hands on time with him. After about 10 minutes of this Tank turned toward me and got close. He then relaxed and allowed more of the hands on. He never showed any signs of stress as long as I stayed close. Taking a step away caused him to move closer to me. There were a lot of good question and the audience was impressed with Tank, so was I.
06-29-2014, 11:25 AM
A little litter of 7 pure hypo Nicaraguan boas born here earlier this month: ( (
06-29-2014, 11:43 AM
Very nice. I used to have boas. I had a salmon, motley, hog island, hypo hog island, Peruvian, and normal
07-08-2014, 04:44 PM
Awesome clutch.
07-09-2014, 03:03 PM
Here are my White-Wall and Albino Speckled Kings Lampropeltis getula holbrooki Anyone here working with these? I plan on breeding them when they reach adult size and will also get a Hypo for future breeding. Both were born in 2012.
Big thanks to Reptmart for the wonderful snakes!
These pics are a little old. They have grown alot since these.
Here she is and man is she Stunning: ( ( ( ( ( (
07-09-2014, 03:03 PM
Here is her Future mate an Albino Speckled King:
07-09-2014, 04:03 PM
07-14-2014, 08:33 PM
I just found this wonderful photo of my daughter Gabby and Tank. That is Tank at 1.2 lbs. He was there first parasite treatment. Gabby is now a young lady in high school and Tank is over 35 lbs.
07-15-2014, 09:14 AM
Heading to the Vet. this morning for Tank's annual check up. I'll try to update the above photo.
07-15-2014, 12:06 PM
I just found this wonderful photo of my daughter Gabby and Tank. That is Tank at 1.2 lbs. He was there first parasite treatment. Gabby is now a young lady in high school and Tank is over 35 lbs.
I would say Tank has done the most growing. Tank is at 35.90 pounds.
My Gabby is such a beautiful young lady.
Tank's check up went very well. Heart and lungs sounding good.
07-15-2014, 12:26 PM
great photo! daughter is beautiful. oh and tank looks as handsome as ever. my girl Beefy asks about Tank all the time ;)
07-15-2014, 12:32 PM
10848This is Volbeat... my vole! he is just too cute. never heard of voles before i found him all sick and full of bugs. now he is spoiled... im sad they only live 6-9 months.
07-15-2014, 12:34 PM
here are my white-wall and albino speckled kings lampropeltis getula holbrooki anyone here working with these? I plan on breeding them when they reach adult size and will also get a hypo for future breeding. Both were born in 2012.
Big thanks to reptmart for the wonderful snakes!
These pics are a little old. They have grown alot since these.
Here she is and man is she stunning: ( ( ( ( ( (
just gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!
Herp Derp
07-16-2014, 09:35 AM
All beautiful and fascinating companions. Thank you community for sharing.:)
07-16-2014, 09:37 AM
Here's Tank at the Vet. office yesterday. Look how scared and defensive he is, ready to lop off fingers at the drop of a hat.:D
He did get a bit upset with his vet. as the vet was patting his shell too hard for Tank's liking. Tank bristled at him, pushing his hand away. Then gave me a look like I should do something about it.
The touching they did for the examine didn't bother him a bit. He really is comfortable around people.
07-16-2014, 09:42 AM
Steve you're his bouncer! "dad if you dont control your humans i will Hulk out"
07-16-2014, 10:04 AM
Iroh had a brief outdoor adventure yesterday.
Then here are the 3 newest arrivals to the Zoo this month.
Zuko, male Amazon Tree boa.
Mai, female Amazon Tree boa. She had a terrible stuck shed when we got her and is getting a sauna in the picture, which does her no justice at all.
Then earlier this month we got Jayne, a male Broad Banded ratsnake, O. p. laticincta to go with the female we got at the beginning of the year.
07-16-2014, 10:43 AM
Great pic's guys, your pet's are awesome!
That is the first vole I have seen as a pet :)
Next time Tank is at the vet's tell them you think he needs his intraocular pressures taken. It'll be a fun, futile event as he sucks his eyes into his head :)
07-16-2014, 10:53 AM
Great pic's guys, your pet's are awesome!
That is the first vole I have seen as a pet :)
Next time Tank is at the vet's tell them you think he needs his intraocular pressures taken. It'll be a fun, futile event as he sucks his eyes into his head :)
Checking for glaucoma?:D
07-16-2014, 10:58 AM
07-16-2014, 12:24 PM
Steve you're his bouncer! "dad if you don't control your humans i will Hulk out"
The more I work with Tank the more I see the bond we have. When I'm filling his water he comes to me, resting his head on my forearm. If he comes out of his water and I'm not up stairs he goes looking for me. When he finds me he runs to me and wants picked up. If someone comes into his room and he doesn't know them he comes to me as if he's waiting for my approval. I had no idea we would have this relationship but after the thousands of hours I've spent with him I guess I get what I deserve(a good thing).
I always feared that he would drift away from me as he matured but the bond has only gotten stronger. I guess he's going to keep me.;)
07-16-2014, 12:45 PM
i love the story between you both
07-16-2014, 05:52 PM
Got some pictures of Zuko in the sunlight today. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!
07-16-2014, 08:24 PM
Very awesome.
07-17-2014, 12:31 PM
Yesterday was a very interesting day with Tank. When I first checked on him it was obvious he needed his water changed. He was 24 hours late on his regular bowel movement so seeing this mess was a relief. After draining and refilling his water I left but noticed Tank wanted me to stay. Throughout the day I usually check on Tank 20 to 30 times. Some of those times would consist of me popping into his room and saying hello but today Tank was waiting for me, looking over the top of the tub. Each time I saw this I went in and sat down to talk with him. During these times he moved close to me stretching up to my face. As I talk he watched and listened as if he was getting some good out of the encounter. This wasn’t a “feed me” look, it was a “spend time with me” look. When I would get up to leave he would stretched up as if to say “don’t go”. This was repeated at least 20 times during the day. It was obvious to me he wanted attention. Night came and he went to sleep in his water. Late in the even one of my daughters want to get a shower so that meant Tank had to come out of the tub. I made his bed and tucked him in. Moments later I noticed his head sticking out from under the blanket. I laid down on the floor and talked with him. He got as close to my face as possible almost touching me. I cupped his head in my hand and continued to talk, telling him how he need to go to bed and so did I. As I talked I could feel the weight of his head increasing. After 45 minutes of nonstop talking he closed his eyes and fell asleep. I carefully placed his head on his pillow and covered him up. He slept all night, getting up at 6am when I got up.
I think Tank wasn’t feeling well all day and needed some comfort, much like many of our pets, us too. Today, Tank is more back to normal but still wanting that close contact, just not like the day before.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.
07-17-2014, 01:03 PM
Steve I hope you are keeping all these encounters dated somewhere. you need a book deal!
07-21-2014, 06:24 PM
Being a father of 5 kids I’ve wiped many a dirty face in my time. Most of that was met with the same resistance I gave my mother, pulling and twisting away from the offending washcloth or Kleenex. This isn’t a uniquely human response.
Bear with me, I’m getting to my point.
The other day I noticed Tank had some dead skin around his jaw hinge. I first showed him an open hand so he recognized this was not a food situation. Then I simply reach in and started rubbing the offending area. Tank did exactly what any kid would do, he pulled away to avoid the contact. Being a good parent I pressed on until the area was clean.
This wonderful 36 pound snapping turtle resisted but never became angry or aggressive. He had every opportunity to bite me but didn’t. To him, it’s just another day in his life. He’s the most trusting and relaxed turtle I have ever seen. ;)
07-24-2014, 07:23 AM
Went out to the snake room last night to find this! This is a locale specific group of eastern milks that Mike Myers and I are breeding. They are a lot redder in person, but these pics don't do them justice. So far this morning only 4 are all the way out.
07-24-2014, 07:26 AM
nice! i love milk snakes.. only got one tho
07-24-2014, 08:13 AM
New life. Love it.
07-24-2014, 09:22 AM
We had the unexpected opportunity to acquire some GPTs for a very good price last Sat, that we just couldn't pass up. There were three available, a bigger orange one and two yellows. Originally we were just going to get two of them and I wanted the orange one for sure but then couldn't chose between the two yellows, so my husband said that we should just take them all. We figured that we can keep them around six months to a year, get them sexed and then sell one or two of them, which would pay for the one we keep or even a bit of profit on them.
At least that's what we told ourselves to justify getting them, we will have to see if we can bear to part with any of them when the time comes!
I used my ugly yellow gloves while briefly handling them but they were actually calm and didn't attempt to strike. The yellows were very calm, the orange one does have a bit more of a temper. But even s/he wasn't bad at all.
The Orange one.
Yellow #1
Yellow #2
07-24-2014, 12:03 PM
Shut the front door! Beautiful.
07-24-2014, 12:46 PM
I see those snakes in my dreams..
07-24-2014, 03:01 PM
I haven't been on in a few weeks and this is why:
This is my first and brand new grandbaby: Salomae. She was born on June 25th, 7lbs, 15 ounces and 21 inches long. Had Mom in labor for 28 hours after being induced. We went to visit in Texas for two weeks and just came back last week.
07-24-2014, 03:19 PM
What a cute little hatchling!
07-24-2014, 03:31 PM
She is a cute hatchling! I really like that!
07-24-2014, 07:50 PM
Nice little scrub. Congrats.
My nephew wants an albino cornsnake, I know they are a dime a dozen but does anyone here keep them or can reccomend where to get a nice one , he won't handle it and I will likely at some point end up with it:-)
07-25-2014, 06:43 AM
How old is he? Sounds like the cool factor as a reason to have it. Let him enjoy your garters. A dime a dozen but not necessary if you are just going to have to care for it in the end. Not fair to you or the snake. Just my opinion, no offense meant.
He's 15 and it is the cool factor, the colors and such and the countless morphs. I am trying to get him interested in Garters. I personally love corns but its just not my thing. I will have to expose him more to my Radix and take baby steps.
07-25-2014, 06:53 AM
At 15 he's like the wind, ever changing. Corn snake? this too shall pass.
He's been at me for 6 months. He's persistent. We'll see what happens.
07-25-2014, 11:02 AM
He is persistent until he gets it. Then he will be onto other things like getting his drivers license and you will have a corn snake. Not worth the investment, IMO. I have a houseful of teenagers and I have learned to be deaf when it comes to requests. These too shall pass...:)
My 15 year old son would have every foamposite Nike shoe he can get his hands on if he had his way. Everyday it's "This is the only chance I will get".... blah,blah,blah
07-25-2014, 11:29 AM
15 is old enough to work... problem solved lol he wants it, he buys it. or get a ball python hahaha i love mine
^ agreed ! My first snake was a corn and I still have him.. he is a lovely creature. Crawls into my shirt sleeve to keep warm. Very pleasant. :) why not?
I can't just crap all over his taste in snakes, if that is going to be his hobby. I had a copperhead when I was 16. I should be grateful. IDK.
He will just have to learn to like an Infernalis if thats what it takes:-)
07-25-2014, 03:03 PM
I can't just crap all over his taste in snakes, if that is going to be his hobby. I had a copperhead when I was 16. I should be grateful. IDK.
Nobody is telling you to do that. We are simply telling you to coast in this situation. He has parents that must be involved in his decision to get a snake, right?
We are only making suggestions. You know the situation much better then we do. In the end you will do what you decide is right.;)
I appreciate and value all of your opinions ALOT that's why I asked and have been so candid.You guys have teenagers, I'm 30 and am single with no kids. My brother and his wife put it on me for obvious reasons. I texted him and he agreed a Thamnophis radix should be his first. This is the confusing part. He wants an all black morph!?
You all were right with that extreme of a shift we might need to take this reeeaaalll slloooow:-)
07-25-2014, 04:14 PM
If he was serious about the snake, that would be one thing. But you have stated he won't handle it and to me that is not serious enough to have one. I treat my pets as a lifetime commitment (mine or theirs) As Ashley said, let him buy it himself. That is usually enough incentive to see if they are serious enough.
I think your right. I bought my first snake. It is that cool factor he's more than happy to watch it eat. I guess he's going to have to decide on his own. Thanks guys.
Oh man, 16 using my dads credit card to buy a copperhead from good ole Glades Herp. I was such a sneaky little......
I paid for it in the end. Man my parents put a lot of faith in me.
08-05-2014, 12:19 PM
got some mail today.
I've wanted one of these for awhile. Amazon Tree Boa. Spent a few weeks setting up a nice vivarium for her with only live decor. Really cool snakes.
08-05-2014, 01:15 PM
Looks good.
08-05-2014, 02:44 PM
Tank is in his new water enclosure in the living room but still feels a need to explore. Here he is making an attempt to get out. He still has very large front legs so I think he still has another 15 or 20 pounds to put on. He's at 36 pounds right now. Still the most social, calm turtle I've ever seem.
08-05-2014, 04:53 PM
Very pretty snake Jesse!
08-06-2014, 11:27 AM
08-06-2014, 01:16 PM
Well, well, well. This needs an explanation.
08-06-2014, 01:34 PM
Sweet! I used to keep a few of these! Careful their bites are nasty, lol!
got some mail today.
i've wanted one of these for awhile. Amazon tree boa. Spent a few weeks setting up a nice vivarium for her with only live decor. Really cool snakes.
08-06-2014, 10:00 PM
Well, well, well. This needs an explanation.
merely realigning her jaws... although she's done this more than a few times in my direction.
08-06-2014, 10:04 PM
Sweet! I used to keep a few of these! Careful their bites are nasty, lol!
I've noticed.
It's one of the main reasons I like them though. Behind glass she's chill and curious but open the door and let her heat pits get a whiff of you and you'll leave bleeding.
08-06-2014, 10:15 PM
merely realigning her jaws... although she's done this more than a few times in my direction.
Looks more like "Don't tread on me":D
08-07-2014, 10:39 AM
Looks more like "Don't tread on me":D
Ha. Perhaps a subtle meaning was behind it.
08-09-2014, 04:05 PM
I was finally able to get some good pictures of my newish female ATB, Mai, the other day. I can't wait until she and Zuko are big enough to get together!
08-09-2014, 04:40 PM
08-09-2014, 09:13 PM
Love the white belly.
08-10-2014, 08:19 PM
08-11-2014, 06:11 PM
What is the best way to get your garter use to being handled? Handle it more often , daily?..Every time I go to pick it up it takes off then when I catch it he/she freaks out at first then gets calm.
08-11-2014, 07:40 PM
Take your time. Start be just placing your hand inside. Usually the snake will slowly make its way out to investigate. It will progress to the snake crawling across your hand. Then you can do short pickups. This whole process of trust can be expedited by offer food from your hand or hemostats. Once they see you as a food giver its all over. Trust through the stomach I call it.
08-12-2014, 05:59 AM
oh, I have been grabbing it about once a week and can tell nothing was going to progress from that...thanks. Being that its spoiled from the hemostats should be easy to feed directly from my hand.
08-12-2014, 06:22 AM
The trust has to be built using the snake's time. You can't force anything. Tiny steps most of the time.
Then there are those occasions where a wild snake immediately calms down when handles. I've picked up with radixes out of my yard that were so relaxed I could hand feed them.
08-15-2014, 09:21 PM
unlike emerald tree boas, amazon tree boas are said to prefer and require crossing branches that form "T's" or "X's". They don't perch on a single branch in the manner of the emerald.
Mine didn't get the memo. I have lots of crossing branches. She's never used any of them. She's convinced she's an ETB
08-15-2014, 09:25 PM
She is so cute! Mine do use their cross perches but will also use the straight ones sometimes.
08-15-2014, 09:45 PM
She is so cute! Mine do use their cross perches but will also use the straight ones sometimes.
It's the perfect ETB-mimicking formation that's interesting. Didn't know they did or could do that.
08-16-2014, 07:31 PM
I recently caught one that was very calm , the next day I saw its other siblings that were a little smaller. My snake will calm down after its freaked out for a little while. After it just sits in my hands looking around. Is it best not to keep trying to catch them while they race off and freak out altogether? I guess it probably ruins the trust but then again he calms and stays calm after being held for a minute.
08-17-2014, 10:03 AM ( ( (
08-17-2014, 10:50 AM
Vera & Vern American Green Tree Frog (Hyla cinerea)
Tally, one of 4 Whites Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)
Morph, one of 3 Southern Toads (Bufo terrestris)
Breaks my heart when I see pics of people feeding these to their snakes or any amphibian. :(
Oliver, my sweet little tuxedo.
08-17-2014, 11:42 AM
The frogs and toads look great. Sorry, not a cat person.;)
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