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06-22-2013, 02:41 PM
My Son, Kale(age16) laid down on the floor with Tank. Tank seized the opportunity to find a more comfortable spot to sit.
Poor Kale looks like an accident victim:D Tank is becoming a big turtle.


06-22-2013, 03:38 PM
Tank is the only one who can possibly be comfortable

06-25-2013, 04:31 PM

06-25-2013, 04:33 PM
Nice screensaver.

06-25-2013, 05:02 PM
It's just the "my pictures" screensaver. Normally screensavers annoy me and I don't use them but this screen is a cheap replacement that doesn't support sleep mode so it goes all white instead of turning off. Rather than not having anything happen when not in use, or going all white, I only use the screensaver because I don't want pixels getting stuck.

06-25-2013, 05:10 PM
One person already said "that's awfully big to be a chihuahua". Well first off there is no size standard and in fact the whole breed has very loose standards so they vary widely. Almost to the point that they aren't just one breed. But yeah he's on the big side for even a long hair but he is registered purebred. "well yeah I know but he's huge" Dude, the computer has an 8.9 inch screen. "oh, that explains it" LoL.

06-25-2013, 06:18 PM

I normally despise chihuahua's (probably because the only one I've ever known in person pee's on my leg literally every time I see it) but that dude is pretty cool.

06-26-2013, 12:52 AM
He does have one very displeasing behavioral flaw and that's probably why he ended up at the humane society at only a year old. He wasn't housebroken at all but after a few weeks he is now for the most part but...

If I leave my bedroom door open he pisses on my bed, even if the door to the backyard is open. He won't piss on the floor, he'll go to the door and bark to get out and everything. But if I dare give him access to my bed he'll piss in it first chance he gets. Can't figure out why, or break him of it.

He also doesn't like loud company. If a loud person that he doesn't know well turns and walks away, he'll chase them and bite them on the butt or calf LoL.

Other than that he's a very sweet loving dog, sheds very little and doesn't really require any grooming which is nice.

06-26-2013, 09:44 AM
Lol. Yeah that would be displeasing.

The loud company part is great, though.

06-28-2013, 04:04 PM


06-28-2013, 04:08 PM
Anything that randomly attacks guests without harming them is welcome in my house.

06-28-2013, 04:12 PM
I wouldn't say "without harm" it hurts like a mother... and leaves quite a bruise even through jeans.

06-28-2013, 04:16 PM
I see.. well then.

All the more welcome.

06-28-2013, 04:31 PM
Yeah really What the hell am I paying ADT for? Dog stays home when I leave the house.

06-28-2013, 04:59 PM
Rufus got up in the chair and covered himself up. How cute is that.


06-28-2013, 05:47 PM
How cute is that.

Pretty darn.

07-03-2013, 07:20 PM
i thought that was funny but im sure its been said before

found this guy while at my mom and dads looking for garters go figure i didn't see one

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/3B1F4ADD-orig_zps0f018d05.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/3B1F4ADD-orig_zps0f018d05.jpg.html)

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/4A84F36C-orig_zps1545e2bb.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/4A84F36C-orig_zps1545e2bb.jpg.html)

im going to name him half-life

the pics dont show it but omg the orange coloraion was just awsome and the fire red eyes wow

07-03-2013, 07:25 PM
Strawberries and night crawlers are a couple of their favorite foods. I'm box turtle sitting 2 of them for a friend.

This thread will probably get moved to the "other pets" thread.

07-03-2013, 07:33 PM
ok i didn't realize there was an other pets thread lol
i named him half-life because of his orange it has to do with the half-life orange box games. but i don't think i will keep him to long as my nieces have been wanting one and i want to commit to the thams before i just go nuts with everything lol its to easy to go nuts

07-08-2013, 10:15 AM
here are my other 2 pets my 4 yr old full blooded male chihuahua named Hershey because of the dark brown color he is

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/54A860D6-orig_zps0644b821.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/54A860D6-orig_zps0644b821.jpg.html)

and now the rescued kitty from the gas station parking lot her name is Jynx

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/266E91A7-orig_zps2ac9a175.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/266E91A7-orig_zps2ac9a175.jpg.html)

it took me 2 nights to catch her because of all the other stupid people running or grabbing at her for a week. the first night i tried to get her with tuna and i used a whole pack and nothing the next night i had hershey with us and some of his wet food, and the fingerful and she was eating out of my hand. if only she would stop trying to play with Ekoh.

07-09-2013, 06:12 PM
I found this little bugger walking down an ATV trail in a little puddle with barely enough water to cover it so i grabbed it up because of all the raccoons. i couldn't let it get eaten. hell the shell is not even fully hard from what i can tell.

but before i do anything long term im going to look into care for it and all make sure i can get something big enough for it to do its thing.

if anyone could suggest a forum or a site with a care sheet that would be awsome.

07-09-2013, 06:27 PM
damn i forgot pics

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/76EF7E32-orig_zpsa7f39b70.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/76EF7E32-orig_zpsa7f39b70.jpg.html)

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/7A6CF57C-orig_zps0289d5e6.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/7A6CF57C-orig_zps0289d5e6.jpg.html)

07-09-2013, 08:28 PM
Sweet little shelled monster. A very special animal.
I would love to help, also checkout this website.
Home - CSI (http://lookatmysnapper.com/)

07-09-2013, 09:14 PM
what i have read from google its a she and around 1yr old. im just going by the tail where the cloaca is compared to the length and girth for the sex and the age im going by how big her carapace is which is exactly 2' and looks like its furry so she is growing.

i got her in the first tank i had Ekoh in with the water deep enough to stick her head out to her eyes. i threw in a fresh night crawler i got last night and she gobbled the 2 halves up except for about an inch which she clawed at(i think to rip it) so i cut it and she swallowed what she had and left the inch. so she is doing good.

i couldn't believe where i found her or the fact she would have made it that far from the river being that small.

07-09-2013, 09:31 PM
I think trying to sex her at this age is just guessing. I thought for the longest time that my Tank was a girl. It wasn't until he matured that I knew for sure he's a he.

07-09-2013, 10:40 PM
Occasionally my breeders will pop out some cute babies. I hold them back :)

07-09-2013, 11:15 PM
ok well im going to get a few more pics of "buuger" (thats its name till i think of something else thats just the first thing i said when i seen it "whats that little bugger doing in a puddle?") i think the tank is fine but i will just post a few pics anyways

Occasionally my breeders will pop out some cute babies. I hold them back :)

they almost look like twins with the head markings

07-09-2013, 11:58 PM
http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/61DA0F77-orig_zpsbbaf38dc.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/61DA0F77-orig_zpsbbaf38dc.jpg.html)

here is the best tank pic i could get really bad lighting and a crappy phone camera

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/3D9822DF-orig_zpsa7e190b2.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/3D9822DF-orig_zpsa7e190b2.jpg.html)
there in the bottom right you can see buggers nose and eyes poking out

and some edited pictures for photobucket trying out the effects and stuff
http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/9a3f9542-db76-4d41-a304-8720127c0bc4_zps8f1d2c7e.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/9a3f9542-db76-4d41-a304-8720127c0bc4_zps8f1d2c7e.jpg.html)
http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/11426d25-74ff-4eeb-8688-ccbb28e0c61e_zpsbbb9b334.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/11426d25-74ff-4eeb-8688-ccbb28e0c61e_zpsbbb9b334.jpg.html)
http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/5c0a32bb-9fab-4309-a7e9-ec32c7b396f2_zpsd41d7461.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/5c0a32bb-9fab-4309-a7e9-ec32c7b396f2_zpsd41d7461.jpg.html)

i know this isnt a pet but this is the main reason i went out today
http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/11524DB8-orig_zps1ecb4757.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/11524DB8-orig_zps1ecb4757.jpg.html)

07-10-2013, 05:15 AM
Very nice common snapper - Chelydra serpentina.
Those smaller rocks can be ingested during feeding so it might be a good idea to remove them.;)

07-10-2013, 11:39 AM
ok because i do plan on feeding Bugger in that tank and just clean the water often so nothing gets funky. i've seen places talking about cleaning the shell with a soft old toothbrush would that actually hurt anything with the shell shedding, as in pulling off more skin than should be and opening something up to fungus or bacteria?

07-10-2013, 12:07 PM
A soft brush will work fine. There shells are very sensitive to touch and as a rule they don't like them messed with. Letting the turtle dry out will kill some of it.
Any leeches? Check the neck and leg cavities very closely. If you find some apply salt to make them drop off. Careful with the salt if you're working around the eyes. I've seem tiny leeches attached to the eye lids before. She/he is more then likely carrying internal parasites (pin worms, tapeworms, hookworms)

07-10-2013, 01:31 PM
ok i will take bugger out again and let the shell dry. whats the best way to check the leg cavities? i think she is missing a few toes/claws i don't know how long ago or if they are sensitive.

07-10-2013, 01:40 PM
another thing is there anything i can do about the parasites besides a vet?

07-10-2013, 02:11 PM
ok i will take bugger out again and let the shell dry. whats the best way to check the leg cavities? i think she is missing a few toes/claws i don't know how long ago or if they are sensitive.

You just have to grab the foot and pull lightly. If they resist hold your ground but don't pull anymore. Once you feel them relax the leg pull again.
Another way is to wait until they start walking then the leg is extended already when you grab the foot.(This has to be done quickly as their reaction time is like lightning.

another thing is there anything i can do about the parasites besides a vet?

Have a fecal done, maybe treatment isn't needed but I doubt that. Not sure a Vet. will treat at that size. My Vet used Drontal Plus as a dewormer.
Drontal Plus - The first single-dose combination wormer for dogs (http://www.vetcontact.com/en/art.php?a=64)

07-10-2013, 02:22 PM
I like the name Bugger :)

07-10-2013, 04:37 PM
ok i will try the leg pull things you suggested, and find a place that will do a fecal and keep an eye on it after i feed because shortly after feeding its making a mess in just a few minutes. i dont think she will snap at me when i pick her up out of the water there is no hissing at all and there was only one possible time she tried biting but im not sure. it was when i had flipped her over to look at the plastron her neck was all the way out across the top of the carapace but for all i know she was trying to flip over.

07-10-2013, 04:54 PM
Hissing comes after they mature some. I've never had a small snapper (under 1 pound) hiss at me.
Biting on the other hand starts at birth for most of them.:D

07-10-2013, 05:07 PM
i pet the head and nothing dangle worms and sometimes she goes for them she doesnt seen to interested but im going to try some other things lettuce or fruit things might go get a few tadpoles

07-10-2013, 05:53 PM
well im not going anywhere it started storming pretty good again i really wish it would stop raining it still feels like spring except for the days its humid and 90 outside

07-10-2013, 07:07 PM
i pet the head and nothing dangle worms and sometimes she goes for them she doesnt seen to interested but im going to try some other things lettuce or fruit things might go get a few tadpoles

No harm in trying.
Young - carnivore
Adult - less meat more vegetables

07-10-2013, 07:27 PM
ok good to know...but i checked everything legs and neck and no leeches at all. and she doesnt over eat i gave her a half a worm and she didnt even eat it all. if it stops raining for awhile tomorrow im going to set some tad poles and throw them in her tank so she can eat when she catches them

07-12-2013, 01:53 PM
My husband went to pick up crickets yesterday, and called saying there was an ad for a baby ball python that couldn't be sold as a pet because it was too aggressive and was up for adoption. I agreed to go look at it and was thinking about maybe getting it in a few days, but when I got in I saw a foot-long baby with a badly retained shed. It was already breathing hard, and they said they'd normally soak one, but this one was so difficult to handle after soaking that they wouldn't do it.
SO, I ended up taking it home with me. Ten minutes after I got it home, I had helped it get the shed off, and it rode around on my wrist while I set up a rubbermaid tub. Still need to get a couple things for the setup, but I figured a partial setup would be better than keeping that shed on another two days.

Her name is Moose, and as you can see she's very aggressive. Honestly, I'm not sure what they were doing that upset her, because she's one of the most laid back snakes I've ever dealt with. Also, what kind of deluded person buys a pet snake thinking that it's tame and will never bite?


07-12-2013, 01:59 PM
I like Moose.

07-12-2013, 05:58 PM
wow i like moose he looks good.

on another note i think i got a new cat today. i was at the dollar general store picking up some milk and mt dew, well when i walk out i saw a black cat and it shot in the door behind me. i got my stuff in the truck and see the employee shoo him out so i went to see it and i felt horrible. the poor guy looked like he had a collar on him for to long and/or tight because he has no hair around his neck and a lot of dead skin and scabs.

well i was petting him and he rolled over the started rubbing like cats do. i decided to test his temperament and went to pick him up and he is still trying to rub on me. so i carry him to the truck and set him in the seat and hop in and her went to the other side and laid down. he was a little scared of the movement but in just a minute or less he was pressed beside me laying down purring his butt off. i got home and told me girlfriend i grabbed a cat she look one look at him and awwww.

i got him some food and water(i can tell he had not had a real meal in sometime because i can feel the vertebrae in his back and the bones in his legs and a really skinny face) and wow he went to town. i cant let him in because he is not fixed and neither is the other stray i picked up at go mart parking lot when she was a tiny kitten(jynx). but i hope he doesn't run off i made him a little shelter outside from the rain. i really hate the way people treat cats and dogs, i hate seeing animals in that shape too.

07-12-2013, 06:13 PM
here are 2 photos i could get him to kinda stay still for

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/817941F8-orig_zps22a3dc1d.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/817941F8-orig_zps22a3dc1d.jpg.html)

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/5F3B45BD-orig_zps3a0c1658.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/5F3B45BD-orig_zps3a0c1658.jpg.html)

07-13-2013, 01:40 AM
I got in I saw a foot-long baby with a badly retained shed. It was already breathing hard, and they said they'd normally soak one, but this one was so difficult to handle after soaking that they wouldn't do it.

First off, Kudos to you for recognizing the problem and intervening to help. That is a sad circumstance that occurs in the "cut flower" commerical pet industry. I don't know how many times I have seen baby corns, rat or king/milk snakes in the same condition, knowing if they would just let me try, the snake could likely be saved. But they weren't having any of that. They would rather let it die than to discount or let me try to save it free of charge. Sad. They think I'm not a vet and so not qualified. Well WTF? doesn't 25 years of experience saving snakes from just this sort of situation count for something?

I figured a partial setup would be better than keeping that shed on another two days.

And you are absolutely correct when you "figured". One more day could have sealed his fate.

as you can see she's very aggressive. Honestly, I'm not sure what they were doing that upset her, because she's one of the most laid back snakes I've ever dealt with.

Ball pythons are always laid back. If you put n animal in vice and it knows it's in danger of dying it's going to be pissed off and very defensive. That is not aggression. That's basic self-preservation instinct / self-defense. I'm constantly having to correct people that call an animal "aggressive" or "angry" when it's backed into a corner and fearing for it's life, That's self defense/fear. Not anger/aggression dammit!

We all have that instinct. it's "flight or fight". If you can't flee ,you fight. i've had the opportnity to be in that position myself I and I gotta tell you.. I was shocked at what I was capable of doing to save my azs. I had no idea I could be so strong and violent. I hope I never have to do it again but I'm also comforted by the fact that evolution/instinct did not fil me. If it had, I believe I would have died nearly 20 years ago. Thank you, evolution/instinct.. Makes me proud to be a hairless ape LoL

07-13-2013, 03:36 AM
First off, Kudos to you for recognizing the problem and intervening to help. That is a sad circumstance that occurs in the "cut flower" commerical pet industry. I don't know how many times I have seen baby corns, rat or king/milk snakes in the same condition, knowing if they would just let me try, the snake could likely be saved. But they weren't having any of that. They would rather let it die than to discount or let me try to save it free of charge. Sad. They think I'm not a vet and so not qualified. Well WTF? doesn't 25 years of experience saving snakes from just this sort of situation count for something?

I do have to hand it to the employee that was in charge of the adoption, that she seems to care more about the animals than most people I've met working at one of those places. But it's clear that she didn't know much anything about snakes. I've seen her quiz people when they want to get a fish and refuse to sell one until they get the right stuff. But the girl who checked us out wouldn't even touch the box... I mean, how do you justify hiring someone that can't even look at half your merchandise?

Regardless, it's probably good for Moose that she nipped whoever she did. I'm willing to bet that most people who pick up normal ball pythons from a chain petstore have no intention of keeping them for the next 30 years.

07-15-2013, 01:02 PM
Sadly most do not. It's a "cut flower" trade. thousands of baby corns, pythons, etc. sold every year and yet those with adults/old snakes aren't nearly numerous enough to account for even 1/3 of them. rescues are full of abandoned and neglected snakes. mostly corns and BP's.

07-15-2013, 08:37 PM
Worked with Tank (Chelydra sepentina - Common Snapping Turtle) today. Gave him a foot message and he went to sleep during it. Later, I went in and fed him some of his trout chow. If I tossed a small handful of them in the water, he would strikes at them. Lightning fast strikes. Water splashing and a lot of noise.
If I put my hand very near the water(just in front and above his head) and let them roll out into the water he takes the pellets gently barely breaking the water. I can only think he doesn't want to bite me and makes a conscious effort not to. I think this is significant being these turtle have such a bad reputation. The more I work with Tank the more I see an intelligent, non-aggressive animal. He is so curious about what goes on in the house. He has to check things out if he doesn't recognize what someone is holding or if it's someone new to the house.

07-15-2013, 09:34 PM
thats amazing that he wont strike and makes an effort not to. he realises food comes from your hand not your hand is food

on another note we named our new stray cat Loki

07-16-2013, 11:53 AM
I can only think he doesn't want to bite me and makes a conscious effort not to.

Some of the snake's I've perceived to be very intelligent for other reasons have done the same thing. They are very careful and calculating when eating. They investigate carefully to determine what is hand and what is food, then they take the food carefully rather than just attacking it impulsively and biting my hand.

A few days ago I went into snake room with some smelly fresh fish. Snakes came out their hides immediately of course. At this point my hands were clean. As soon as I opened the tank I got nailed. LoL But it really seemed like a half-hearted investigative bite rather than a "commited to eat me" one.

07-16-2013, 06:14 PM
I think this is significant being these turtle have such a bad reputation. The more I work with Tank the more I see an intelligent, non-aggressive animal.

I've always thought they aren't as aggressive as people portray them. Tank seems to act a lot like my Turtle does. Almost cat-like in curiosity and intelligence. But when she bites the frayed end of my jeans people think it's cute. If it was a snapper and I got injured, people would be talking about how aggressive the animal is. Sadly, curious or defensive behavior gets interpreted as aggression if the animal can do damage.

07-16-2013, 08:06 PM
I've always thought they aren't as aggressive as people portray them. Tank seems to act a lot like my Turtle does. Almost cat-like in curiosity and intelligence. But when she bites the frayed end of my jeans people think it's cute. If it was a snapper and I got injured, people would be talking about how aggressive the animal is. Sadly, curious or defensive behavior gets interpreted as aggression if the animal can do damage.

I prefer dog-like.:D

Light of Dae
07-17-2013, 10:49 PM
Anyone remember my cute little puppy? Shade, she will be a year old in September!


Now she grew a little... lol

For those who don't remember, She is half champion Boxer, Rotti with some Retriever.

Oh The sideways attached picture was a month ago took her out n got her used to guns! Was terrified for the first 5 shots but with me holding her n teaching her she did great... by the 50th shot she didn\t even flinch! :)

07-18-2013, 05:58 AM
Shade is looking good.

07-18-2013, 01:44 PM
How observant is Tank (Common Snapping Turtle - Chelydra Serpentina) you ask. Well, let me tell you. He was taking a nap on the bathroom floor. I went in and cut my hair using the shortest setting with a pair of clippers. Nothing unusual as I keep it(what's left of it) very short all the time but over the last 2 months I had let it grow. When I got done I looked at Tank. He gave my head a hard stare. I laid down on the floor and showed him my head. He reached out and touched it with his nose. I guess he approved.
Such a funny turtle.

07-23-2013, 02:46 PM
So, what do you do when you're a 24 pound snapping turtle and you've been kicked out of your home because it has to be cleaned? You go into the living room, find your blanket and pillow. Then you bury yourself under said items and take a nap. This is one of Tank's front paws.
What a silly turtle.


07-23-2013, 08:33 PM
After a 3 hour nap the king came out from the pillow and sat on top of it. He's such a calm turtle.

07-24-2013, 12:34 AM
[QUOTE=d_virginiana;247963]I've always thought they aren't as aggressive as people portray them. [ /QUOTE]

There's that word again; "aggressive". Even the "meanest" snapping turtle is not aggressive. They are merely violently defensive.

07-24-2013, 07:13 AM
[QUOTE=d_virginiana;247963]I've always thought they aren't as aggressive as people portray them. [ /QUOTE]

There's that word again; "aggressive". Even the "meanest" snapping turtle is not aggressive. They are merely violently defensive.

True words there Richard.
They are shy and just want to be left alone but will defend themselves when needed, the same as any other animal.

07-24-2013, 01:54 PM
sometime the shyness is there and sometimes its not if bugger is hungry and seems me with the worm bowl he sticks his head way out of the water and chases my hand till i drop worm for him. then sometimes i just go to look in on him and sometimes he stares at me and sometimes he gets back under the water they are strange creatures indeed but i like them a lot. i still cant find a pond are to take bugger to i only know of one pond and im sure it has bigger snappers in it but there are no weeds around it, but it does have a "gazebo" type building that hangs over the water do you think that those conditions would be good for the little bugger?

07-24-2013, 01:59 PM
I would say no. Young turtles in general need a place to hide until the are out of the "happy meal" size.
A small turtle is preyed upon from top and bottom in open or unprotected waters.

07-24-2013, 02:02 PM
ok i think im going to look at the google satellite map and see if i cand find somewhere good. i picked he up because i didnt want him to get eaten why drop him off somewhere worse that would just be stupid of me

07-24-2013, 02:04 PM
Only in captivity will he be truly safe. Releasing into nature is a real flip of the coin and to be honest most young turtles never make it to adulthood. By finding a spot that offers him a better chance is all you can do.

07-24-2013, 02:07 PM
yea you go a point there with the coin flip im just trying to be optimistic even though i know thats not how it works maybe i can find someone to adopt the little guy someone with a big place or a big tank or something. anyone interested?

07-24-2013, 03:10 PM
Sorry, I want to devote my turtle time to Tank.
See if a local nature center/rescue center will take him or possibly know of where you could do a release.

07-24-2013, 03:50 PM
well i just talked to my friend and she said they have let the pond go to hell (the weeds and cattails) and she said they have a few snappers that moved in. there are a few shallowish spots with the cattails and everything that i will check out tomorrow and see what i think

07-29-2013, 09:49 AM
I love working with Tank (24 lb, Chelydra serpentina - Common Snapping Turtle) Defensive behavior just isn't part of his personality. I'm sure it could be if it were needed but his life doesn't require it now. After giving him a rub down this morning he turn and stretched his neck out towards my face. He rested his head against my nose. After a minute he turned away. Why did he do it? I don't know but I hope it made him feel safe/secure/loved. It sure made me feel good. I guess in the end that's all that matters. Thanks Tank.;)

07-29-2013, 12:57 PM
wow tank NEVER ceases to amaze hopefully soon i will be in a position to get another baby and have the same thing you guys have. and people say that turtles are not cuddly pets and all this other crap. tank just proves how they can be if given enough time and love

07-30-2013, 10:01 AM
Tank got up the morning and thought he needed some under the front rug time. I checked on him throughout the morning and he was never asleep. He likes to get under things and look out.



07-31-2013, 10:30 PM
Tank is adorable :) My Turtle was doing something similar the other day. A set of leaves had broken off her fake plant and she was all stretched out sleeping with her eyes covered by it. She drags stray debris to her favorite corner lol. They are a lot smarter than they get credit for.

Thought I'd share this. Apparently, ball pythons used to be worn as living jewelry by African royalty. I thought Moose needed to understand her ancestral culture.


07-31-2013, 10:33 PM
Thought I'd share this. Apparently, ball pythons used to be worn as living jewelry by African royalty. I thought Moose needed to understand her ancestral culture.

thats a cool piece of information

08-04-2013, 10:31 AM
New snakes today, not garters, but I'm pretty chuffed.
Theses are Sinaloan milks, breeding pair!

9364 9365 9366 9367

08-04-2013, 10:34 AM

08-04-2013, 10:41 AM
wow nice looking snakes

08-05-2013, 04:57 PM
Tank woke up early and was busy right off the start. He saw someone(Gabby) sleeping on the couch so he climbed up to see who it was. Later in the day I found him on Kale's futon. He seemed to like it and stayed for a couple hours. Such a curious turtle.



08-07-2013, 09:05 PM
So, I've decided to give myself a graduation present next spring of the legless, scaled variety. The question is: which species?
Sadly, garters and rats are out, but (having a preference for keels) I've been looking into hognoses. I know a few of you guys keep these so I figured I'd get some good feedback here (as always).

What's their feeding response like? How about longevity? After reading a few articles, I have concerns re: feeding a purely mammalian diet to a reptile/amphib eating species. The easterns (which I would actually prefer) usually can't be switched over and suffer from fatty liver etc. if they are. Those of you with long-term experience with the species: any problems with this in the westerns? If so, I won't even bother. The westerns apparently eat a lot more rodents in the wild than the other species.

Thanks again.

08-07-2013, 09:12 PM
I feed all my westerns a purely rodent diet and have never had a problem. They don't have a lot of the problems associated with easterns in captivity. Avoid wild caught westerns as they are the worst problem feeders I have ever encountered but cbb animals are a joy to keep.

08-07-2013, 09:27 PM
Shannon (aSnakeLovinBabe) has kept many a Hognose I believe. Hopefully she will stop by and add to the thread.

08-08-2013, 11:42 AM
Most western Hoggies, especially captive bred will take rodents or at least entertain the idea right out of the egg. They seem to live long healthy lives on rodents as well. Westerns are a little more opportunistic than their specialist cousins. My younger hogs were special needs babies that would only eat anoles for their first 6-7 months of life and I just recently finally got them all feeding on nonscented rodents.

As for easterns.... if you aren't going to want to or be able to feed them toads... don't bother. Their body just isn't cut out for it. I actually now feel this way about thamnophis as well.... a varied diet with rodents inlcluded is fine but in my opinion, strictly rodents like they're a corn or a king snake is forcing their body to make adaptations it just can't totally handle and that is why we see so many lethargic, obese adult garter snakes that are only living until 7 or 8 years old.

One thing you will notice that is similar between the two species (hognose and garters) is that older, more mature females sometimes develop large, fatty bulges in the bases of their tails. Sometimes it gets really big and looks like a big tumor. To my knowledge, it is something that has only been seen in captivity... so far, only in these two species... and in the case of thamnophis, I personally have only seen it in animals that were fed just a plain rodent diet (although I would love to see examples of otherwise). There are speculations in the hognose community about why this happens, but nobody seems to actually know. You can't help but wonder.

anyways... if you want a western hognose... go for it. They make fantastic pets and their antics are literally the most hilarious out of all the species in the snake world. They are drama queens, actors, bluffers, and just plain awesome.

08-08-2013, 12:21 PM
My westerns love rodents. If you decide to get one, remember that females get bigger than males. I've also noticed that my males will go off feed, especially during breeding season, for weeks at a time. All of my females are pigs though. Incredible feeding responses!


08-08-2013, 12:58 PM
Not sure what order my pictures are in but here are all my pets, all of which are female and I have now idea how that managed to happen haha.
Normal leopard geck Zadna
Mexican black kingsnake Ammit
Albino checkered garter snake (no name)
Eastern garter snake (no name)
And my kitty baily

08-09-2013, 09:33 AM
If you decide to get one, remember that females get bigger than males.

LOL! Ain't that the truth! Females dwarf males.... they get like 4x the size.

08-09-2013, 09:41 AM
Yea, always puts a smile on my face when I see a little bitty male doing the mating dance with a big girl! Of course, there's always the exception and you'll get a big male that could pass for a small female.

08-09-2013, 05:59 PM
their antics are literally the most hilarious out of all the species in the snake world. They are drama queens, actors, bluffers, and just plain awesome.

lol yeah that's one of the major reasons i like them. i love the hissing and puffing

08-10-2013, 04:59 PM
Interesting Tank (24 pound Chelydra serpentina - Common Snapping Turtle) situation.

Yesterday was Tank's food day but I was busy so he was extra excited to see me walk in with a plate in my hand today. I grabbed a couple pieces of lean steak and started to move it down to him. He made a wild grab toward my hand but it was still pretty far away so there was no danger. I pulled my hand back and told him to settle down, which he did. He was now starring intently at the food, but waiting. I offered two pieces of steak under the water and he took them nicely. It was then I noticed he had some gunk in one of his eyes. By this time he was ready for more food. I showed him my hand was empty and reached into the water and wiped his eye. He offered no resistance and didn't bite at me. I've worked with many other hungry snapping turtles in my life. Hungry to them means grab anything you can grab.
I found Tank's reaction to be very interesting since he was truly in an eating mood, for him to not grab my hand tells me there's a thinking turtle behind those eyes. I wish more people realized what special animals these turtles are.

08-11-2013, 06:54 PM
how do southerns do with an all-rodent diet? also, where might one get frogs to feed an eastern other than from the wild? do they sell frozen ones?

08-12-2013, 02:48 PM
Hey Nate! Nice to see you on here! I really want a hognose...but I just can't take on anymore snakes right now. Perhaps when I graduate, I will get one for myself as a graduation gift. Speaking of small males and large females...it was really hysterical to watch my small eastern male, Seeley, mate with my large eastern female, Cee Cee. The funniest part would be when Cee Cee had decided she had enough, and she would send Seeley flying across the tank with a flick of her tail!

08-12-2013, 10:03 PM
I know I post a lot about Tank but this is one unique turtle. This evening I took him out of his water and put him down in front of his bookcase. I hoped he would go right in and go to sleep. All his blankets were in perfect position but he was having none of it. He turned away and headed back out to the kitchen. He sat in a dark kitchen for a few minutes then returned to the bookcase and crawled in. I was very pleased to see he put himself to bed. I guess he doesn't need his old dad putting him to be anymore. He has become much more independent as he's gotten older( ha, older. Not even 5 yet) and I like it. He also seems to want more talk time from me. I give him about an hour in the morning when he gets up. It's up close and personal time, he has every opportunity to bite me but would rather sit and listen to my ramblings about a special snapping turtle. Then there's all those times I stop in to see him throughout the day. Leg and skin rubs, a pat on the shell. Snapping turtles as a rule don't like their shells touch but Tank allows me full access. There are times he bristles but that doesn't happen very often. He accepts me and trust me implicitly. Cleaning his eyes or mouth would usually not be allowed by a normal snapping turtle but Tank allows it all and it's never done with a weary, untrusting eye. He fits into this family so well.
I'm happy he lives with us and hope we can provide him the kind of future he deserves.

08-12-2013, 11:16 PM
I'm happy he lives with us and hope we can provide him the kind of future he deserves.

it sounds like he has the present he deserves which means i know he will have the kind of future he deserves. you just got one spoiled rotten snapper. hell he will have a statue erected in his honor before to long i suspect.:rolleyes:

08-13-2013, 07:07 AM
Too true...lol. He has a wonderful home at the ranch :)

08-13-2013, 05:14 PM
Tank Update

I went into see him a moment ago. He was all stretched out but did look up at me. I reached over toward his trout chow bowl. He watched my hand the whole way and all the way back. I reached in and grabbed a few pellets. He switched watching the bowl and was now watching my hand. I lowered it down in front of his face and opened my hand. He starred intently at the pellets and even smelled them(touching them with his nose). Then he settled back and waited for me to drop them in the water. My hand was an inch away from his head and jaws but he carefully took the pellets off the top of the water. This isn't normal behavior for most snapping turtles. They would have taken my hand that was holding the pellets but not Tank. He is one smart turtle. I'm very glad he's so smart.;)

08-13-2013, 05:53 PM
Quick!!! Count your fingers!!!

08-14-2013, 06:06 PM
How's this for cute.

Last night I brought Tank into his bed area. He crawled in but turned around facing outward. I placed a pillow under his head so he would be comfortable. He settled in and started watching Cars which was on T.V. I laid down with him and tried to explain how important it was for turtles to get their sleep. He stretched his head out so I cupped his head in my hand. I then felt him lower his head into my hand. A few moments later he was sound asleep. I stayed with him for about 30 minutes until my hand fell asleep.:D I then carefully lowered his head onto the pillow and tucked his blanket around him. When I got up in the morning he was still asleep in the same position.
Not to shabby for a 25 pound snapping turtle.

08-16-2013, 01:54 PM
I think my alligator snapper's skin is getting lighter


08-16-2013, 04:36 PM
Looks like it Mike.

08-17-2013, 11:20 AM

08-18-2013, 12:11 AM
WOW those are all beautiful snakes what kind are they milk and corns? im not to familiar with the morph of those 2(milk/corn) but i like a lot of the corn morphs i have seen

08-18-2013, 10:26 AM
Thanks! They are all corns. I've always loved the tessera morph (the striped one), so I purchased a male and a few females to breed him to next year to produce some more tessera babies. I know the hets on my male, but those females... no clue. I purchased the females as a granite, albino and a miami phase. I guess we'll see what pops out next year!

08-19-2013, 06:21 AM
Here is the drawing of Tank I had commissioned from Greg's friend. Luckily for me I bought a matted frame over the weekend at a yard sale that fit it perfectly.
Thank you Greg(gregmonsta) for all you did to make this happen.


08-19-2013, 01:42 PM
Tank, Tank, Tank, what about ME!!!:rolleyes:

08-19-2013, 07:54 PM
That's a mighty fine portrait of tank! :cool:

08-19-2013, 09:26 PM
That's a mighty fine portrait of tank! :cool:


08-23-2013, 08:23 PM
Tank went into sleep mode late yesterday afternoon. 30 hours later he is still resting under his goose down blanket .
I have encourage him to get up but all I can get out of him is a stretch and the closing of eyes.
I must say that I told him he could sleep 48 hours if he wanted to but I didn't think he would take me at my word.
I do check to make sure he hasn't had an accident but so far so good. No snapping turtle poo. He's been very good at holding it until he hits his water. He's had a handful(no pun intended) of accidents in his lifetime but nothing paper towels and a carpet cleaner can fix. In case your are wondering, snapping turtle poo smells very, very bad.
I've raised 5 kids and worked law enforcement for 28 years so I don't get grossed out.


08-23-2013, 11:16 PM
I've raised 5 kids and worked law enforcement for 28 years so I don't get grossed out.

I'm sure you mean you don't get grossed out easily. I thought for about 20 years I would never see anything that could gross me out ever again. Then I worked at Willamette National Cemetery for the US Dept. of Veteran's Affairs. Then I saw/smelled/witnessed some things that I thought were pretty gross and thought I was about to lose it and not be able to handle it but got hardened even that and was able to go take lunch and eat after, and before seeing some things that would make an average person vomit, not eat for a week and maybe even have nightmares.

So here I am some years later practically impervious to getting "grossed out" when I saw two videos on the internet that grossed me out even worse than necrophilia or... well... lets just say that two girls and one cup or one guy with one jar make for a pretty sickening experience even for a guy who works in a morgue and is used to the smell and view of dead bodies. Never say "never". Believe me there are things that can make even Jeffrey Dahmer lose his lunch of "awesome possum" road kill cafe. Raising kids and being in law enforcement... you haven't seen squat Steve!

But back to the subject.... Tank could probably take a crap on my lips and i would just laugh about it. :)

08-24-2013, 07:27 AM
I stand correct. I don't get grossed out easily. ;):D

08-24-2013, 08:14 AM
Here's Tank this morning just before I got him up. Notice the front leg stretched out being used as a head rest. He is one relaxed turtle. After this photo I carried him to his water. After 10 seconds in the water he cut loose with the urine. I had no Idea he could hold that much. I'm more impressed/thankful that he held it until he was in his water.


08-24-2013, 10:37 AM
Is deworming something you have to do regularly because of his diet or do you just have him checked once a year or so? I remember one time he had quite a heavy parasite load.

08-24-2013, 10:43 AM
Is deworming something you have to do regularly because of his diet or do you just have him checked once a year or so? I remember one time he had quite a heavy parasite load.

I've only de-wormed (Drontal plus) him the one time. With his growth rate after that and clean stools(to the naked eye) have never given me any reason to do another. His diet also is parasite free.
Of course, there is no harm in doing a in-home fecal float on him.;)

08-24-2013, 11:28 AM
Drontal plus is good stuff. Requires prescription but the funny thing is that the two drugs it contains are available by themselves, without a prescription. I use them both if I see tape worm segments being left by a snake or if they are eating well but still underweight. Unfortunately, Panacur isn't effective against these particular tape worms. Have to use praziquantel or Drontal plus.

08-28-2013, 08:51 PM
Some interesting Tank (Chelydra serpentina) - Common snapping Turtle information. Tonight was a feed night and I was late getting him his food. Tank was ready to eat when I walked in with his steak and shrimp. I offered a couple strips of steak to start things off and then some shrimp. Switching to the shrimp I moved to fast on the second shrimp as I passed it in front of his face just above the water. Understand, this next part took only a millisecond to happen. As my hand was in perfect position for a strike, his head flinched forward and then stopped. He then looked at my fingers holding the shrimp and then the shrimp itself. I saw his pupils constrict as he zeroed in on my fingers and then the shrimp. He then ignored my fingers and nicely took the shrimp out of them. He stopped himself(instincts) from kicking in and made a different choice.
I've always said he's a thinking turtle and this just helps me to see that. I must be honest and say that I put myself in harms way with Tank everyday. I do this to see if he really is something(in my opinion) special. I know there is a possibility of injury but I'm willing to risk that for his sake. Our relationship is very unique. Don't get me wrong, I don't blindly hand feed him but I do take some risks. I guess they'll be calling me the crazy snapping turtle guy along with the crazy garter snake guy.:D

08-30-2013, 05:23 PM
It does not sound like much risk from what I have seen on youtube and heard here. Had he always been that way

08-30-2013, 10:09 PM
It does not sound like much risk from what I have seen on youtube and heard here. Had he always been that way

Forever. Always interested in us and what we were doing. Very curious and never afraid. I think if Tank had been left to the wild he would have been kill at a young age.
Of course, that is only a guess on my part but I don't think he would have been as protective/defensive of himself. At least not the way a normal snapping turtle would have behaved. I've brought 3 other young snappers into the house and none of them behaved like Tank. The other larger male I had was always looking at us with a weary eye. Tank is unique in so many ways.

08-30-2013, 11:56 PM
It does not sound like much risk from what I have seen on youtube and heard here. Had he always been that way

Never underestimate a wild animal. never get complacent. Make no mistake. As charming and intelligent as Tank is, he is still a wild animal and he cannot deny his basic instincts. Sounds to me like Steve has no illusions about this. The risk is real and things can change on a dime and Steve knows it. No offense toward Tank. Just the opposite. He is a turtle born in the wild. He is what he is.

09-02-2013, 11:51 AM
weird thing happened today. well it starts with a snake caught (not sure who caught it pretty sure it was not me) close to my parents that was put in a sealed mason jar with lid and it died well i found it one day and looked at it thinking maybe baby copperhead or maybe a milk snake. well i asked steve last night if he might have a distribution/range map for the easterns milks or could find one for wv. well i went walking on a utility road looking for small frogs and tadpoles. well im walking and looking and BAM baby milk snake in a puddle i thought it was a baby copperhead. well a closer look no triangular head, no white tail, and round pupils. well i reached down to grab it and it done NOTHING, well, not until it dried of, if i didnt have his head or only about half its body held he got a little feisty swinging his head striking at me but no bites. i was just SOOO surprised to find one out on a cool, and on and off rainy day and sitting in a cold puddle of water (although it did have a few tadpoles in it) but i thought they was nocturnal and was RARELY out in the day.

here a few pics i snapped real fast to get a few baby frogs and tads to freeze for it some food which is what i think he was looking for

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/CC5CFD5E-orig.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/CC5CFD5E-orig.jpg.html)
this one is upside down but it looks better that way
http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t579/jwolfe152/Snapbucket/F324818A-orig.jpg (http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/jwolfe152/media/Snapbucket/F324818A-orig.jpg.html)

09-02-2013, 01:20 PM
That's not a milk snake. It's a rat snake. Probably a black rat. He'll lose the pattern and turn black later. Forget the tadpoles. Milk snakes don't eat them I don't expect the rat snake will either. Try pinky mice. (for milks and rat snakes)

09-02-2013, 01:41 PM
ok yea i dont know why i didnt look under the microscope being so small but i can see the keels under it DAMN lol i guess i might go back out see what other things i might find oh and this guy is tiny like probably just born a few days ago

09-02-2013, 02:46 PM
Yeah, it just floors me how baby rat snakes and milk snakes can look alike, right down to the head/facial markings and sometimes even the saddles/banding when they are not even in the same genus. Good thing the scales are different.

09-02-2013, 03:37 PM
Tank update

Today was a food day and Tank was ready to eat. He was taking long(3-4 inch) steak strips from my finger without any problems when I came to the last piece.
This piece was less then an inch long and to be honest I felt I should just drop it in the water for him to eat. That's not what I did as I was willing to take a bite by trusting him.
I held the piece and my hand under the water so he could get a clear look at the food. He approached and studied the situation looking at both by fingers and the food, all the time being within striking distance. He then did an interesting thing. He reached out and touch my finger tip with his snout and then the food. He then took the piece of food out of my fingers, never touching my fingers with his beak. I think he was measuring the food up for the kind of strike need to get the food but avoid my fingers. Even the way he opened his mouth was different. He only opened it wide enough to take in the food and not my fingers.
Once again he shows me that he's a thinking turtle. There are processes and thoughts going threw his brain that you wouldn't expect from a snapping turtle. Why should he care what he grabs as long as it is food. I'm once again amazed by my boy Tank.

09-02-2013, 03:38 PM
yea i didnt see the usual V/Y marking on the head but i didnt know juvi rats looked like that

09-02-2013, 05:04 PM
I just had to post this early photo of Tank. As you can see his personality was already there. I believe this was just after he was treated for parasites.
This photo makes me smile. He looks so goofy.

09-02-2013, 05:28 PM
i have seen that pic somewhere before im thinking it is a few pages back when someone else was talking about uhhhhh....Panzer its a female

09-02-2013, 07:57 PM
jwolfe, that's a northern water snake you got there (nerodia sipedon).

Panzer is enjoying a nice soak after a long nap over the weekend. I moved her water to a new location about 5ft. from the old spot while she was asleep. When she woke up, she went over to where the water used to be, stopped and looked around like "I swear it was hear just a few minutes ago!". Finally she spotted where I had moved it to and made her way there. It was pretty amazing seeing her figure out what had happened :cool:

09-02-2013, 08:16 PM
jwolfe, that's a northern water snake you got there (nerodia sipedon).

Panzer is enjoying a nice soak after a long nap over the weekend. I moved her water to a new location about 5ft. from the old spot while she was asleep. When she woke up, she went over to where the water used to be, stopped and looked around like "I swear it was hear just a few minutes ago!". Finally she spotted where I had moved it to and made her way there. It was pretty amazing seeing her figure out what had happened :cool:

I'm telling you they are a lot smarter then most people give them credit for. Glad to hear Panzer is doing well.

09-02-2013, 09:04 PM
jwolfe, that's a northern water snake you got there (nerodia sipedon).

First thing I did was check 2 different websites for snakes that occur in West Virginia. Nerodia doesn't appear on either list.

09-02-2013, 09:12 PM
I just checked. They're there. The first two I clicked on has them listed as common watersnakes :rolleyes:

09-02-2013, 10:35 PM
Well if the WV Dept of natural resources doesn't have the list right... and they don't list them. Also checked another site. still not there. I give up. But those damn pictures. Pictures need light people. On the subject, not behind it, under it, etc. I get so aggravated when people post something like this and ask what kind of snake it is. Do they not have eyes or do they just not bother previewing before uploading? His isn't quite this bad but still, if there are water snakes there we need better pics and pics need better light than that.


09-02-2013, 11:07 PM
according to the Marshall University site they are in WV but not my county


09-02-2013, 11:37 PM
i will get better pics in the morning so i can be sure because i have read about both im leaning to water because of the tail(patterned) and the belly half of its creamy white and the bottom half is marked white and black so i will get more (and better) tomorrow

09-03-2013, 07:09 PM
A tolerant snapping turtle.

Over the last week I've noticed a strange crack on the side of his upper left beak. Tonight, I figured out what was wrong. He has an over-growth that would usually break off if he where in the wild and in a natural environment. I knew he wouldn't like me using a pair of clippers so I decided to pull it off with my fingers.
So I cradled his head in my hand and peeled the extra beak piece off. Tank only resisted a little but never showed any signs of being angry or threatened. He did have every opportunity to bite me but chose not to. I'm glad for that. The other side will need done in a few week so I take care of it then.
Not to shabby for a big snapping turtle.

09-03-2013, 07:11 PM
hey about how old do you think tank was when you got him?

09-03-2013, 07:36 PM
hey about how old do you think tank was when you got him?

8 month old would be a good guess.

09-03-2013, 07:42 PM
wow thats young did you find him or buy from a breeder?

09-03-2013, 07:48 PM
He was given to me by a family that brought him back from South Dakota. They found him crossing a busy parking lot. They kept him over the first Winter and gave him to me in late Spring of the following year.

09-03-2013, 08:21 PM
ok i was just wondering, i wonder if being picked up so young has to do with his temperament or lack of lol
because they learn to be defensive when young and after they get so big they are at the top of the food chain and dont really need to be defensive. i mean people are the only thing i could think if that could actually pull a snapper up out of the water once they are i don't know say 10lbs maybe less. i know you know most of this, but i just think its amazing how he acts and he can "override" his instinct to snap at food and takes it easily, because, if in a body of water if he done that he would starve. as i have said Tank sounds like an amazing pet with a real personality.

09-04-2013, 05:56 AM
I don't think they learn to be defensive, that would be counter productive in the wild. They are hard wire to be that way. I think Tank is unique and well suited for captive life. I'm guessing if he were left in the wild and this non-defensive attitude persisted he would not have lived very long. Luckily for him he's in a situation tailor made for his attitude. I've kept many a young/baby snapper in my time and they are always very afraid and defensive. Tank was never that way. He was always curious and outgoing.
I'm just glad he made it down to Iowa and into my family.

09-04-2013, 08:29 AM
the only thing i could think of to make his situation better would be to stud him out lol :D

09-04-2013, 09:45 AM
the only thing i could think of to make his situation better would be to stud him out lol :D

You'd get no complaints from Tank on that.:D

09-04-2013, 12:53 PM
I don't think they learn to be defensive, that would be counter productive in the wild. They are hard wire to be that way.

Exactly. They can learn to NOT be defensive. They can learn to trust. Same thing happens with WC garters. First month or so they are wild as heck. Now they come to my hand and beg and will even eat from my hand.

My newborns are particularly nervous and flighty. The two month olds are tame as heck.

09-05-2013, 11:08 AM
I have no idea how anyone would go about it but the international community really should pressure Spain to put an end to this ****. Ridiculous!

Fircrest woman adopts rare breed Spanish dog | The Columbian (http://www.columbian.com/news/2013/aug/28/rare-rescue-fircrest-woman-adopts-spanish-dog-want/)

You need to be logged on to facebook for this link to work. Can we get some "likes" for Sherry and Pilar? https://www.facebook.com/sherry.vandyke.5?fref=browse_search

09-06-2013, 07:41 PM
I found this video on YouTube and had to post it.
It's the first time I've seen a snapping turtle in the water show territorial behavior.
That turtle wanted a piece of the big ugly monster that was in his lake. I was laughing so hard it hurt:D
This turtle would put a hurting on you.
I love snapping turtles.


09-08-2013, 11:35 AM

another calm snapping turtle. i don't think i would be moving that fast around his head like that regardless of how calm, seems like a good way to get bit.

09-08-2013, 12:17 PM
Seen it and the guy blocked me from commenting. I made a comment that I'd never heard of anyone feeding processed fish to a snapping turtle and I would be concerned about the sodium content. The guy went ballistic on me. His turtles have thicker skin then he does. I meant no offense.

09-08-2013, 12:20 PM
I found this video on YouTube and had to post it.
It's the first time I've seen a snapping turtle in the water show territorial behavior.
That turtle wanted a piece of the big ugly monster that was in his lake. I was laughing so hard it hurt:D
This turtle would put a hurting on you.
I love snapping turtles.


Probably not a territorial response. More like a feeding response since he was baiting the water to get video of fish feeding.

09-08-2013, 06:50 PM
I'm so happy! Got this new addition last Sat, I've been wanting one for about four years and got the opportunity to pick this guy and his setup up for an unbelievably good deal. He had a bit of a nose rub happening but it's improved quite a bit in the week we've had him.


09-08-2013, 07:45 PM
Green Tree Python - Morelia viridis ?

09-08-2013, 08:11 PM
Yep! Been trying to decide between a GTP and an ATB, like both but this was way too good a deal to pass up. Going to be trying to feed him for the first time here in a bit, fingers crossed he eats!

09-09-2013, 05:41 AM
Yep! Been trying to decide between a GTP and an ATB, like both but this was way too good a deal to pass up. Going to be trying to feed him for the first time here in a bit, fingers crossed he eats!

Fingers crossed and out of the way.:D

09-09-2013, 09:41 AM
Some new photos of Panzer


Also, does anyone know why images resize when I upload them? On my computer, they're all the same size, but when I upload, they're all different.

09-09-2013, 03:09 PM
Panzer is looking good. Does she do much pulling in when you get close?

09-10-2013, 09:11 AM
Yea, a lot of the times she will. It all depends on how I approach her. Under the chin and neck rubs, she usually doesn't, but if I go to rub the top of her head, she will pull back. Sometimes she'll relax and let me scratch on the top. Most of the time though I just get a hiss, lol!

09-10-2013, 01:07 PM
That's a reflex. They don't seem capable at all of not pulling back when you touch the top of their head for reasons quite understandable.

09-10-2013, 02:41 PM
That's a reflex. They don't seem capable at all of not pulling back when you touch the top of their head for reasons quite understandable.

Tank doesn't.;) But then he has no idea he's a turtle:D

09-10-2013, 05:25 PM
And he has no idea that bicycle helmet isn't a turtle. :D

09-10-2013, 07:49 PM
And he has no idea that bicycle helmet isn't a turtle. :D

Gotta give him an "A" for effort.

09-27-2013, 11:34 PM
A Funny Tank Story

Yesterday morning I took Tank - Chelydra serpentina (Common Snapping turtle) out of his water and put him into his bed. He crawled right in and went to sleep. Later in the day I returned home from my volunteer job to find him looking out from under his blanket. I grabbed a pillow and joined him on the floor. He stretched his neck out to be as close to my face as possible while I told him about my day and asked him about his. This is a routine I have with Tank. We are face to face most of the time.
Along came my old dog Skipper. Tank is used to both dogs and doesn't seem to care much about them. They avoid him and he ignores them. Well, Skipper laid down on the floor a few feet away from Tank. Tank didn't seem to care until Skipper started rubbing and rolling around on the floor. I'm guessing this is the first time Tank ever saw this behavior as he stopped looking at me and zeroed in on the dog. He stretched his neck out toward the dog and cocked his head to one side as if he were thinking "what the heck is wrong with that dog" I started laughing at both Skipper and Tank. After Skipper was done he walked off. Tank watched him as he jumped up on the couch.
Tank is a creature for habit and is very observant to new thing. This dog throwing a fit was one of those new things.
This 26 pound snapping turtle is such a joy to be around. It's never a dull moment. He is by far the most unique reptile I've very had pleasure to work with. He is very smart, observant and docile. As I type this post he is under the living room book shelf sound asleep. He'll be there until morning. He gets up when I get up. The only difference is I get out of bed and get some work done. He stays in bed and watches me for a few more hours.:D

09-28-2013, 12:15 AM
Thank you Steve, I always enjoy hearing about Tank's life with you....

09-29-2013, 01:53 PM
Here's a few new photos of the man turtle.




SD Reptiles
09-29-2013, 02:57 PM
A friend of me want to give me a snapping turtle from about 12 inches long.
I always liked snappers but i dont know acctually how te keep them as adults.
If i give him a large outdoor pond , wil he hibernate in it?
I dont want to put him in a tiny aquarium.
I've seen photo's of Tank and he is absolutely gorgeous !

SD Reptiles
09-29-2013, 03:06 PM
Lovely beast !
More pics of him are welcome :-)

09-29-2013, 03:32 PM
Lovely beast !
More pics of him are welcome :-)

Lovely in looks and in attitude also. He's a real member of our family. I've had many snapping turtles in my life but never one like Tank.
He lives with my family and they all accept him and treat him accordingly. Sometimes he has to work around us and sometimes we have to work around him. It all seems to fit well together. Stepping over a 26 pounds snapping turtle is just part of living here and Tank doesn't seem to mind at all. He certainly doesn't show any apprehension about being with us. He's never defensive or scared with anything except wagging dog tails. He's been smacked in the face a few time. I'm sure he could teach the dog not to do that in his own special way.:eek::D

09-29-2013, 03:43 PM
A friend of me want to give me a snapping turtle from about 12 inches long.
I always liked snappers but i dont know acctually how te keep them as adults.
If i give him a large outdoor pond , wil he hibernate in it?
I dont want to put him in a tiny aquarium.
I've seen photo's of Tank and he is absolutely gorgeous !


10-01-2013, 01:12 PM
Tank went to bed last night but slept in all morning and into the afternoon.
I was worried about him so I started to uncover him. It didn't take long for me to see he was fine.
That back leg stretched out and palm turned can only mean one thing.
"I'm sleeping in. Do not disturb"


10-01-2013, 01:48 PM
Guess what......turtle butt ;)

10-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Guess who....turtle poo:eek:

10-01-2013, 02:06 PM
The King is awake.


10-01-2013, 02:12 PM
Is it just me or is it that he doesnt even look mean like all the other snappers ive run across. He looks like he wants a hug.

10-01-2013, 02:30 PM
Is it just me or is it that he doesnt even look mean like all the other snappers ive run across. He looks like he wants a hug.

It's the eyes. Those are trusting eyes.

10-02-2013, 09:05 PM
I'm sure he could teach the dog not to do that in his own special way.:eek::D

I'm sure he could. Researchers discovered that negative reinforcement is a particularly effective teaching method when it includes searing pain. Especially when it involves loss of the body part used to carry out the undesirable behavior.. :D The same researchers also discovered that teen pregnancy drops after age 19.

10-11-2013, 04:15 PM
It was a beautiful day here in Iowa, Tank got some outside time. He never ranged any further then 20 feet from me and he never went out of my sight.
He kept coming back to me looking at the front door of the house, he's such a spoiled little 26 pound snapping turtle. We were out in the front yard. People would walk or ride by and do a double take when they saw the big man out in the yard. One guy almost crashed his bike.
Such a pleasant turtle.


10-11-2013, 06:14 PM
Funny story. I raised a baby squirrel one year. Found it cold, alone and crying in the middle of the yard. Eye's weren't even open yet. To make a long story short he grew into a healthy weaned adult and started staying in a house I built for him in a tree outside. When I'd go outside he'd come running and climb up on my shoulder. one time he did this as a car was driving by. The driver did a rubberneck move and nearly hit a parked car. Apparently keeping wildlife as a pet is dangerous lol

That's one cute species of wildlife we can keep legally (possums too) since they are introduced eastern grey squirrels.

10-11-2013, 07:05 PM
A tolerant snapping turtle.

Over the last week I've noticed a strange crack on the side of his upper left beak. Tonight, I figured out what was wrong. He has an over-growth that would usually break off if he where in the wild and in a natural environment. I knew he wouldn't like me using a pair of clippers so I decided to pull it off with my fingers.
So I cradled his head in my hand and peeled the extra beak piece off. Tank only resisted a little but never showed any signs of being angry or threatened. He did have every opportunity to bite me but chose not to. I'm glad for that. The other side will need done in a few week so I take care of it then.
Not to shabby for a big snapping turtle.

Today was the day I had to remove the built up keratin on the left side of Tank's upper beak. This time I didn't even need to hold his head. I just slipped my fingernail under the growth it and peeled it off. Took about a second to do. Now Tank doesn't have an overbite.
It seems Tank has excepted me and the things I do to keep him healthy and hopefully happy. I never get an untrusting eye from him. We seem to operate pretty well as a team.
Tomorrow our local Petco is having a Reptile Rally and the "who's the most bootiful reptile of all contest".
I thought this might be a good chance for Tank to make some new friends. Not sure if I 'll take him or not. I'll post back if I take him.

10-11-2013, 11:27 PM
Tomorrow our local Petco is having a Reptile Rally and the "who's the most bootiful reptile of all contest".

This one I found at petco today certainly isn't winning any beauty contest. This **** makes me so angry.


Not hard to figure out what caused this:


SD Reptiles
10-12-2013, 03:21 PM
I have a snapping turtle now !
Meet Snappie ;-)

10-12-2013, 04:12 PM
Good looking young snapper.

10-12-2013, 05:13 PM
Sure is

10-12-2013, 05:42 PM
My little roo roo lost almost all his hair when he was about 2 yrs old. He's been bald ever since. Vets are stumped. Well, here he is 13 yrs old and in the last couple of months, it grew back. Very mysterious to say the least.

10-13-2013, 01:39 AM
Tomorrow our local Petco is having a Reptile Rally and the "who's the most bootiful reptile of all contest".
I thought this might be a good chance for Tank to make some new friends. Not sure if I 'll take him or not. I'll post back if I take him.

Tank is an incredible reptile, but he isn't going to win any beauty contests... He's got a great personality though, and it's personality that counts. :)

10-13-2013, 09:38 PM
What are you talkin' 'bout? he's beautiful. :D

10-14-2013, 06:02 AM
No word yet on whether Tank won the Bootiful Reptile contest.
Tank and I agree that he did well in the interview and scored the highest in the swimming segment.:D
We have talked and he understands he might not win but he's confident he did his best and that's all a dad can ask.:D

10-14-2013, 03:05 PM
No word yet on whether Tank won the Bootiful Reptile contest.
Tank and I agree that he did well in the interview and scored the highest in the swimming segment.:D
We have talked and he understands he might not win but he's confident he did his best and that's all a dad can ask.:D

Tank won!

10-14-2013, 03:32 PM
Congrats...thats great...i knew he was pretty;)

10-15-2013, 11:30 AM
Tank is an incredible reptile, but he isn't going to win any beauty contests... He's got a great personality though, and it's personality that counts. :)

Tank won!

I take it back.

Did he tell pledge to work towards world peace in his acceptance speech?

10-15-2013, 12:08 PM
I take it back.

Did he tell pledge to work towards world peace in his acceptance speech?

Actually, he talked more about the need for extra shrimp and more lean meat at dinner time. :D

10-16-2013, 08:49 PM
Tank won!

Told you he was beautiful. :p

Or maybe he just resembles and old worn out leather boot? You did say it was a "most bootiful" contest. :D

10-17-2013, 05:42 PM
My male cat, Tiger. He was born in May 2007.
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1721_zps4c3659fd.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1721_zps4c3659fd.jpg.html)

Tiger's mother, Lucky, enjoying the sunshine in a window. I have no idea how old she is, as I found her as a stray a little over 8 years ago. She had three kittens before being spayed: Tiger, Sweetie, and Tom. Tom had to be put down because of a terminal illness, though. :(
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1984_zpsc0d0b1d3.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1984_zpsc0d0b1d3.jpg.html)

Tiger's sister, Sweetie, who was born in the same litter as Tiger. Unfortunately, thanks to my mother's roommate, I no longer have her. She's been missing since May, and I haven't been able to find her despite putting up multiple posters, posting lost&found ads, searching at night for weeks in the apartments and surrounding streets, and asking around town if anyone had seen her.
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1093_zpsc63a6be1.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1093_zpsc63a6be1.jpg.html)

Now, my non-garter snakes :P
Cloud, my 2 year old boa constrictor. He's about 5.5ft now, and is my favorite of my snakes.
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Snakes/IMG_0326_zpsad4909dc.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Snakes/IMG_0326_zpsad4909dc.jpg.html)

And Bud, my 7 year old ball python. He's only 3.5ft, but he makes up for it by being super inquisitive when I take him out. Here he is, doing his favorite activity: climbing. Unfortunately, he's very clumsy despite his arboreal habits, so I no longer provide things for him to climb on in his enclosure. I'll try some intricate weaving of bamboo if I can ever get out and gather some (we have an nuisance problem with introduced bamboo in my neighborhood).
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Snakes/IMG_1534_zps9afe5e1b.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Snakes/IMG_1534_zps9afe5e1b.jpg.html)

10-21-2013, 11:19 PM
I got a new snake. Someone found it in a parking lot a few blocks away, called me to say they found a "red tailed boa". I get there and it's a Lemon Blast Ball Python. He/she seems fine. Active, tongue flicking, no signs of R.I. but I'll be watching for that. Was awfully cold last night and this morning. First sign of sniffles he's going to the vet. I'm sure I can recover that cost later.

Free is a good price for these is it not? I don't even like ball pythons, that's the ironic part. Pretty little guy though. Just a baby. I'll probably keep him just for a spell until I'm sure he's OK.


10-22-2013, 05:50 AM
Nice save.

10-22-2013, 07:56 AM
Great save richard at a great price! Are you sure it's a lemonblast and not a superblast? Depending on sex it could be worth anywhere between $200 and $500!
i got a new snake. Someone found it in a parking lot a few blocks away, called me to say they found a "red tailed boa". I get there and it's a lemon blast ball python. he/she seems fine. Active, tongue flicking, no signs of r.i. But i'll be watching for that. Was awfully cold last night and this morning. First sign of sniffles he's going to the vet. I'm sure i can recover that cost later.

Free is a good price for these is it not? I don't even like ball pythons, that's the ironic part. Pretty little guy though. Just a baby. I'll probably keep him just for a spell until i'm sure he's ok.


10-22-2013, 10:01 AM
No, I'm not sure but all the pics I see of super blast they have faded lines. These are nice and dark black. It does have more of an orangy yellow color though but from what I can tell, lemon blast varies a bit. I did see ads for baby lemon blast and some looked exactly like this snake. I looked at a lot of pics and got many opinions that its a lemon blast. Female I think but not really sure. Seems to be doing fine this morning. going to try feeding later today.

A local breeder is selling males for $175 and females for $275. If I can fatten it up I probably will sell it. Not interested in keeping a BP. And I just had a heat pad and a dome lamp quit on me this week. I could use the money to replace them and maybe get another extra lamp or pad.

I checked local ads on craigslist and humane society. nobody reported missing a snake.

10-22-2013, 10:07 AM
Nice "boa." ;) Wish I could find a free snake just roaming around. I hope everything checks out, though. :)

10-22-2013, 10:28 AM
I see what you mean it's color is very bright though! It's a very nice colored lemon blast! Do you know if it's a male or female?
No, I'm not sure but all the pics I see of super blast they have faded lines. These are nice and dark black. It does have more of an orangy yellow color though but from what I can tell, lemon blast varies a bit. I did see ads for baby lemon blast and some looked exactly like this snake. I looked at a lot of pics and got many opinions that its a lemon blast. Female I think but not really sure. Seems to be doing fine this morning. going to try feeding later today.

A local breeder is selling males for $175 and females for $275. If I can fatten it up I probably will sell it. Not interested in keeping a BP. And I just had a heat pad and a dome lamp quit on me this week. I could use the money to replace them and maybe get another extra lamp or pad.

I checked local ads on craigslist and humane society. nobody reported missing a snake.

10-22-2013, 11:25 AM
I don't know how to tell. Looks like it has spurs but they don't stick out any. I'll get some cloaca/tail area pics later

10-23-2013, 05:10 PM
I am told she's female. Extremely short tail and only a hint of spurs. They don't even really stick out. She's doing fine. Ate a pinky mouse last night.



10-23-2013, 05:29 PM
I told you guys about the sudden unexpected death of my thumbilina not long ago. For a month her symptoms were excessive and frequent urination, and constant unquenchable thirst. vet said it wasn't kidney problems or diabetes but she slipped into a coma one morning and died a day later. I was feeding her those chicken jerky treats. I'm so pissed off right now... Luckily my other dogs were on a restricted diet and didn't get jerky. I don't know whether to cry or be extremely angry so I'm doing both. :mad: Thanks for the warning CNN but it's too ****ing late for my girl.

FDA to vets: Watch out for jerky pet treats; some linked to illness - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/22/us/fda-jerky-pet-treats-warning/)


10-23-2013, 05:48 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss.

10-23-2013, 09:58 PM
At least the mystery is solved. Vets couldn't figure out what was wrong with her or why she even died. When they listed the jerky treats I was giving her, as being linked to pet deaths my heart just sank. I feel a class action lawsuit coming on. That vet bill was like $1600 and she died anyway.

10-24-2013, 02:10 PM
that's a nice looking ball python you found! :) sorry to hear about thumbilina :(

10-30-2013, 03:33 PM
Here are some other great snakes Im currently working with. :-) 9875987798789879

10-30-2013, 07:38 PM
Tank went on the scale this evening. 27.50 pounds at only 5 years old. He's going to be a big boy when he's done.
Here he is relaxing on the couch.


11-01-2013, 11:54 AM
that's a nice looking ball python you found! :)

Too bad she only lived 4 days.

11-01-2013, 12:24 PM
sorry to hear :(

11-01-2013, 02:18 PM
sorry to hear this!
Too bad she only lived 4 days.

11-10-2013, 12:34 PM
Slightly excited would be an understatement, Sinaloan milk eggs started to pip!

11-10-2013, 02:28 PM
Very cool. Good job mom.;)

SD Reptiles
11-10-2013, 03:00 PM
@ Steve about your snapper:
Do you keep him " dry " all the time?
My snapper never comes out of the water.
With his previous owner he only had a dry tank with a bowl of water.

11-10-2013, 03:48 PM
@ Steve about your snapper:
Do you keep him " dry " all the time?
My snapper never comes out of the water.
With his previous owner he only had a dry tank with a bowl of water.

Tank is wet 90-95% of the time. He will be dry for a short time while he's sleeping in his bed. I like the fact he does get time to dry out. I think that keep the algae and any other skin problems at bay. I don't think a dry environment like you described would be good for a snapping turtle since they are mainly aquatic.

11-11-2013, 12:29 PM
One has finally ventured out of the eggs, all but one pipped now
9905 9906

11-11-2013, 01:42 PM
One has finally ventured out of the eggs, all but one pipped now
9905 9906

11-11-2013, 03:50 PM

Same here.

11-12-2013, 07:26 AM
The other night Tank refused to sleep in his regular bed under the book case. So, he climbed up on the recliner and went to sleep. This is him in the morning taking a good stretch. He got up when the kids got up for school. Just another member of the family. He's such a good turtle.


11-13-2013, 11:06 PM
I must be getting to know my Tank pretty well. Tonight, I walked into the bathroom and Tank gave me a new look. It wasn't a "feed me" look and it wasn't a "my water is dirty" look. From the body language I was seeing it had to be "I'm tired and want to sleep in my bed" I drained his water and he reached out for me to pick him up. I carried him into the living room and put him in his bed. With no hesitation he crawled into bed and settled in. I tucked his blankets in around him and turned out the lights. What a special turtle. I am so privileged to have him in our family.
So much personality in such a misunderstood reptile.

11-14-2013, 03:09 PM
You have opened my eyes....every snapper ive seen has given me the "i wanna bite your finger off" look! But tank seems to be very domesticated.

11-17-2013, 08:43 AM
He gave me that same look again tonight. It only took a few moments in his bed for him to settle in. He rules the house and we don't mind. Getting to work so closely with such a large snapping turtle is great. He has so many opportunities to bite me and never does. He moves around my hands and arms with no interest at all. He is used to me touching him and working with him, it's just the life he lives.
He's adjusted well to life with humans. I know there are times he doesn't want me messing with him(rubbing dead skin off) but he never bites to get his point across.
Look at that face, what a handsome young man turtle.

11-22-2013, 07:07 PM
i've got way to many pics...so, help yourself :P
vuurbuikpad - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v479/vuurbuikpad/)

Nice pics! But in one picture is your leopard gecko eating some type of LEG????!? :eek:

To clarify, this is the picture: http://smg.photobucket.com/user/vuurbuikpad/media/Noxeethand.jpg.html?sort=3&o=47

11-22-2013, 08:50 PM
Leopard geckos will eat their shed skin. I think that's what is going on in that photo :)

11-25-2013, 02:20 PM
an early birthday present from the hubby :)
Meet Noodles!
9937 9938

11-25-2013, 04:00 PM
Awesome. Love Erinaceinae.

11-26-2013, 06:03 AM
I must be getting to know my Tank pretty well. Tonight, I walked into the bathroom and Tank gave me a new look. It wasn't a "feed me" look and it wasn't a "my water is dirty" look. From the body language I was seeing it had to be "I'm tired and want to sleep in my bed" I drained his water and he reached out for me to pick him up. I carried him into the living room and put him in his bed. With no hesitation he crawled into bed and settled in. I tucked his blankets in around him and turned out the lights. What a special turtle. I am so privileged to have him in our family.
So much personality in such a misunderstood reptile.

i have a snapper that is such a sweety (still small he is no tank :) ) he eats out of my hands and loves a lil rub on his nose. I hope he turns into a snapper like yours.

11-26-2013, 06:13 AM
i have a snapper that is such a sweety (still small he is no tank :) ) he eats out of my hands and loves a lil rub on his nose. I hope he turns into a snapper like yours.

So do I. Love to see some photos. I think these turtles have great potential.
Does your little one have a name?

11-27-2013, 06:19 AM
his name is beefcake. he is the small guy on the left. this is the only pic i got on my phone(im at work sshhh). he is a lil bigger now. 9942

11-27-2013, 06:23 AM
ill get more of my snapper tonight....99439944994599469947here are a cpl of my loves... no kids=too many pets to name or post pics of lol heres what was lying on my phone. my baby spotted turtle (princess)and my two cutest musk turtles. my cutie cosmo with bedhead. my handsome old man saamma. my mouse shrooms and of course my garter when i first got her. ill be taking more pics tonight. i left out another dog, cat and more turtle and fish and another mouse lol

11-27-2013, 07:23 AM
Sweet crew.

11-27-2013, 07:30 AM
his name is beefcake. he is the small guy on the left. this is the only pic i got on my phone(im at work sshhh). he is a lil bigger now. 9942

Well, hello Beefcake. Baby snappers are some cute and to think Tank was that size 5 years ago. He still thinks he's a pocket turtle and wants held. He came to me the other day and climbed up on my leg to be held. I picked him up and held him to my chest. He relaxed and seemed to enjoy it. He got about 30 seconds worth as being near 30 pounds he's just to dang heavy to hold like that. He's a big, spoiled baby and I love him.:D

11-27-2013, 09:56 AM
haha Tank is just a ham, too cute... hope my snapper turns out to be a sweety like yours

11-27-2013, 11:48 AM
... my mouse shrooms....

Mouse named "shrooms" hahaha... cute.


11-27-2013, 09:14 PM
Bedtime for Tank was met with a reluctant turtle. He decided to try for some more water time so I closed the bathroom door and turned out the kitchen lights. What usually happens is Tank walks out to a dark room then opts for the lighted living room and heads for his bed or to sit with me while I'm on my laptop. I went back into the living room and a few moments later I heard the sound of a turtle fighting with a fixed object in the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen and found Tank fighting with the cabinet over-hang. While he's walking he'll rub against them. He gets mad and he pushes back. Since the over-hang isn't moving he keeps pushing. I pulled him away for the cabinet and he took a defensive stance(rear-end up, head pulled in) I immediately laid on the floor and told him all was fine. There was only a couple inches between our faces so he had the perfect opportunity to bite me. Instead, he pushed his head out and lowered his rear. Within seconds of being ready to defend himself he calmed to his relaxed self. I knew I was taking a big risk but if he's going to live with us it's good to know where he stands.
I know I sing the praises of Tank all the time but this really is a special turtle. I also know the reality of what he is and know I've got some bites coming in the future. The way it's looking those bites will come because of mistakes made by me. Tank continues to show he's fine with his human family.

11-28-2013, 10:26 PM
It was a good day here at the Ranch. Family, friends and good food. We were all blessed. After all the guests had gone and the clean-up was done Tank got his Thanksgiving meal. Then it was bedtime for the big guy. My son brought him into his bed, Tank crawled right in. About 15 minutes later my youngest asked me if I knew Tank was out in the kitchen. I had her turn off the lights out there and close the bathroom door. This turned the big guy back into the living room and he went into his bed once again. That only lasted a few moments as he headed back out towards the kitchen. I pounded on the floor and got his attention. He turned and came back toward me. I knew he was tired but didn't know what he was up to. Before I knew it he climbed over my legs(I was laying on the floor) and came up along side me. He then trying to get under me which indicated he wanted to sleep by his dad. I grabbed one of his blankets and he settled in right up by my head.
I have one spoiled, nice turtle here.:D

11-29-2013, 02:07 AM
It's official, Steve. You're a turtle's bed warmer. :D

11-29-2013, 07:23 AM
It's official, Steve. You're a turtle's bed warmer. :D

Bed warmer or bed hog, he's something else.

11-29-2013, 02:28 PM
Dad, there's nothing new to read in this house!


12-01-2013, 11:04 AM
I had another interesting feeding situation with Tank a few moments ago. He was getting some of his Purina Grower 600 trout chow pellets for breakfast. These pellets are about the size of a pea. He watches me get them from a small container and then follows my hand to the water. I lower the front of my hand in the water and let the pellets roll in. Tank then takes them rather gently as my fingers are only a few centimeters away. Most snapping turtle strike at their food trying to take in as much as possible but that's not the way Tank takes it. I repeat this process up to a dozen times until I feel he's had a good meal. Many times he will miss some of the pellets so I move them together so he doesn't waste them as he won't eat water soaked pellets(spoiled turtle) During one of these times he missed one pellet. I moved it just to the side of his mouth and actually pushed it against his upper beak. So now I'm applying pressure to the pellet against his beak. He looked at the pellet and my finger but only opened his mouth enough to take in the pellet but not bite my finger. I have to ask myself why he would do this. It has to be because he's making a conscious effort to not bite me and why would that be? He must know/feel something that is keeping him from bite me. I know none of this is scientific in any stretch of the imagination but come on. Why should he care what he bites as long as he gets his food. Why in the past when he has bitten me(feeding mistakes on my part) has he released me immediately, causing a very minor injury. He is capable of inflicting serious injuries if he wanted to. Why when he's very hungry does he not bite me. Those of use that have kept turtles have seen the hungry turtle look. It means keep your fingers away from the mouth. I have a sulcata and a western painted turtle that will bite me at the drop of a hat. They don't care what they are biting as it might be food. That isn't the case with Tank.
I've said it before that Tank is a thinking turtle and he proves it everyday. When given the opportunity to study a situation he will opt not to bite. This is why I show him my empty hands when he's hungry. He looks and sees my hands are empty and then waits for the food to appear. If I were to shove my hand in front of his face I think instincts would kick in and I'd get bitten. I think Tank is a unique turtle and not the norm of course but it does show the potential these misunderstand reptiles have.
I can only see this relationship we have growing stronger. He trusts me and I him. My trust is with a eye to what potentially could happen if I drop my guard or get complacent.
Enough rambling from me. Thanks for reading this.

12-02-2013, 06:03 AM
Tank is just to DIE for. here is two newer pics of beefcake. my shy snapper. 99539954

12-02-2013, 06:44 AM
Before you know it Beefcake will be living up to his/her name.

12-02-2013, 06:51 AM
Before you know it Beefcake will be living up to his/her name. OH this i know! i had two snappers. and decided one was all i needed. so i got rid of the more "aggressive" one. Beefcake lives in his own lala land i tell ya... he just looks at me in my eyes and goes about his business. im getting him in a bigger tank this week, hopefully that will perk him up a lil. he seems depressed sometimes. maybe i should take him out let him stretch his legs and dry off for a few.

12-02-2013, 06:57 AM
I don't think that would be a bad thing. Let him/her crawl through your hand and get used to your touch and scent. Keep us posted.

12-02-2013, 07:01 AM
I don't think that would be a bad thing. Let him/her crawl through your hand and get used to your touch and scent. Keep us posted.

yeah he is small enough that even if he did bite me... it will hurt but i wont lose a finger! lol and a chunk outta me just makes me lighter on a scale right? lol. ill def spend some hand time with me wednesday. i dont see him today or tomorrow :(. ill let you know how it goes. see if he bites me (i dont think he will) he doesnt seem like the type to do it. but hey he is a wild animal.

12-02-2013, 07:04 AM
I caught this guy this summer. saved his *** from a busy parking lot (he was in the puddle in the lot) 9955 he was not a happy camper. but we let him go some place nicer. and for fun this is my creeper betta fish (tries watching me get nakey all the time) this is pigpen9956

12-02-2013, 04:30 PM
Thanks for helping out the C. serpentina. For any future reference it's not good to pick a snapper up by the tail. It can cause injury to the tail and spine.

One hand under here and one on top of the the shell works great. You could also cover the turtle with a blanket, coat, towel. Then you can pick it up from the sides of the shell but beware of the claws as the are a formidable weapon and can cause some injuries. The problem with that is the infection those puncture wounds can cause.

12-03-2013, 12:07 PM
Tank has a 2:15pm Vet. appointment today.
I found this in his water. Dang parasites. He'll probably get another couple doses of Drontal Plus. Not sure where he picked them up. Might be the raw shrimp I'm guessing. Not sure which worm it is. It's not a tapeworm. Probably a hook or pin worm.
Drontal Plus (praziquantel/pyrantel pamoate/febantel) Taste Tabs Veterinary Information from Drugs.com (http://www.drugs.com/vet/drontal-plus-praziquantel-pyrantel-pamoate-febantel-taste-tabs.html)

12-03-2013, 01:12 PM
Thanks for helping out the C. serpentina. For any future reference it's not good to pick a snapper up by the tail. It can cause injury to the tail and spine.

One hand under here and one on top of the the shell works great. You could also cover the turtle with a blanket, coat, towel. Then you can pick it up from the sides of the shell but beware of the claws as the are a formidable weapon and can cause some injuries. The problem with that is the infection those puncture wounds can cause.

Yes im aware of this (after the fact) :( TY tho

12-03-2013, 01:29 PM
... he's making a conscious effort to not bite me and why would that be? He must know/feel something that is keeping him from bite me. I know none of this is scientific in any stretch of the imagination but come on. Why should he care what he bites as long as he gets his food.

Why do some of my biggest female garters do that? After being bitten by them a few times during feeding and they realized the mistake and let go, now some (and just a few) are careful and calculating. They'll go all the way around the food with their labials touching it. When they feel the warmth of my hand compared to the room temperature food, they're careful to bite only the food, but only after cautiously taking their time to figure out which is which.

I can understand why a dog would do this because in their mind, having their keepers favor (and so getting food, affection, etc.) means survival. This serves an evolutionary purpose. No animal develops this sort of intelligence unless it serves a purpose for survival. So, I wonder what purpose it serves the snakes. The only thing I can think of is that this behavior would keep them from taking on a potential prey animal that they can't handle or could potentially fight back and injure them. For example, knowing the size of the prey before biting could be the difference between an easy meal and being torn to shreds/killed by something defending itself. If a snake wanted to benefit from scraps dropped by a mammal tearing into a fish, it might be useful to know what's a scrap and what is say, the leg of raccoon. Probably best to avoid biting the animal and just take his fish scraps since biting the animal could mean being killed. And so, they developed enough intelligence to figure out which is which and applied that ability to me at feeding time.

Of course, not all my snakes are that smart and once in a feeding response, they'll bite just about anything including my hand. It just seems like it's a few of the biggest and smartest girls that go out of their way to avoid biting me. Seems like the biggest females I catch in the wild are also the smartest and quicker to tame down. Perhaps that intelligence is how they got to be this big in the first place since being smart likely gets you well fed without being injured, killed, or exposed to high-risk situations.

12-03-2013, 08:32 PM
Tank has a 2:15pm Vet. appointment today.
I found this in his water. Dang parasites. He'll probably get another couple doses of Drontal Plus. Not sure where he picked them up. Might be the raw shrimp I'm guessing. Not sure which worm it is. It's not a tapeworm. Probably a hook or pin worm.
Drontal Plus (praziquantel/pyrantel pamoate/febantel) Taste Tabs Veterinary Information from Drugs.com (http://www.drugs.com/vet/drontal-plus-praziquantel-pyrantel-pamoate-febantel-taste-tabs.html)


Tank is on Drontal Plus 136mg tablets. $48.75 a tablet. One every two weeks. I'm getting ripped at that price.

12-04-2013, 11:51 AM
Yes I do believe you're getting taken for a ride. At least 2 of the active drugs in it are dirt cheap and available without a prescription. (praziquantel, pyrantel pamoate) These are the two ingredients in regular Drontal which can be purchased without a prescription.

But I can still find the 136mg Drontal Plus (praziquantel, pyrantel pamoate, and febantel ) pill for about $18 online as long as you have a prescription.

Since his last deworming I've been noticing what you feed him and was thinking he would probably need dewormed every so often. I'm with you Steve, he's likely getting re-infected by raw seafood. The low temperature needed to kill some parasites by freezing can be as low as -50 C so freezing doesn't always take care of all parasite species.

Not really a big deal so long as he gets dewormed thoroughly once in a while to keep it under control. Any snakes of mine that get foods which present a high risk of re-infection get a 2-dose course of Panacur about once a year. That takes care of knocking down most of the common parasites and if there's indication of tape worms (segments in the water or feces and trouble keeping up a healthy weight) I hit 'em with Praziquantel too which I get cheap by itself in tablet form. I know it works when wads of dead tapeworms are passed. I try to avoid using it unless they obviously have tape worms because it seems a bit hard on them. They get the squirts, mildly dehydrated and sometimes even a head tick during the treatment but then they recover in a few days.

Seems to me that the vet is treating very aggressively for having the worm you showed. A little panacur alone would probably take care of that and the praziquantel is not tolerated as well and is only needed when certain tapeworms are present. I guess he just wants to be thorough.

12-04-2013, 02:32 PM
Found it(Drontal+) out of Canada for $15.99 and no script.
Tank had his first steamed shrimp a few moments ago. He loves them.

12-04-2013, 03:45 PM
Did you find out what type of worm it was?

12-04-2013, 03:47 PM
Did you find out what type of worm it was?

Nope, they wanted a fecal for that. It was a food day for Tank so his bowel was clear. I've got his schedule done pretty well.:D

12-05-2013, 06:19 AM
here is my ham bone Beefcake 9978997999809981

had a chance to take him out and hold him and pet him :) he seemed to love when i put him on the floor to stretch his legs. didnt realize a snapper could bolt so fast :) i love this lil man... well i think he is a man haha

12-05-2013, 07:12 AM
Good looking little one. It will be some time before you can sex him/her. You've got a good start going with him. The head out looking around shows he's not that stressed about what's going on.
Your photo takes me back to when Tank was that small (that was only 4.5 years ago:D) I have a small amount of Purina Grower 500 trout chow leftover. Tank eats Grower 600 now. If you would like it I'll send it your way. It is a very good food source.

12-05-2013, 08:04 AM
Good looking little one. It will be some time before you can sex him/her. You've got a good start going with him. The head out looking around shows he's not that stressed about what's going on.
Your photo takes me back to when Tank was that small (that was only 4.5 years ago:D) I have a small amount of Purina Grower 500 trout chow leftover. Tank eats Grower 600 now. If you would like it I'll send it your way. It is a very good food source.

Thanks. yeah he was running/walking from hand to hand. even gave him a gentle rub down to get some of the muck off his shell. very gently tho. He shows not ONE interest in biting me at all. just gives me a look of " sooooo is it nap time yet?" lol cleaned hs tank yesterday so he is all spunky now. cant wait till he gets big. :). If shipping it to me is of no hassle money wise id love that. But its ok if you cannot.