View Full Version : snapping turtles???

09-02-2007, 10:46 AM
i have just aquired a baby snaping turtle one inch in size....cutest!! little bugger i have ever seen!!! theres a problem though i can't release him due to some factors in his natural area thats how i came to get him, and now that hes in my possesion i need some good advice on what to feed him...

i have had large snaping turtles as pets before my bigest was a male weighing in at 43 pounds. so yes i am prepared and yes i know what i am in for. but i can't release him till hes bigger maybe 3 years tops of captivity. any advice on feeding? i have never had a turtle of any kind this young and small...

09-02-2007, 11:44 AM
Hi Chris. I think you'll find he'll eat pretty much anything that comes within range!:D Fish pieces and pinky parts are what I've used in the past for young turtles of different species. Good luck....how about a photo of the little guy?

09-02-2007, 11:58 AM
ANYTHING, (worms, minnows, chicken, meat) alive or dead, fresh or rotten (probably like rotten better Indians bait traps with rotten fish to catch them). Snapping turtles are opportunists and will eat carrion or live food makes no difference to them.

09-02-2007, 01:56 PM
Feed it well and soon it will become........ a MONSTER :eek: :D


09-04-2007, 03:48 PM
he ate some crickets and a little feeder fish i took out of the feeder tank. thanks for the help guys. i'm working on geting pictures out of my cell but its rather dificult.