09-02-2007, 10:34 AM
Was just browsing the web, and came apon the Center for North American Herpetology website and thought I'd check out what they had to say about thamnophis. It was very interesting. Apparently there are only two recognized subspecies of T.elegans now......vagrans and elegans. Terrestris, arizonea and vascotanneri are no longer used. Also T.s.semifasciatus ( the Chicago garter) no longer is a recognized subspecies. They also talked about the argument between the classifications of T.s.infernalis, tetrataenia and conccinus...and apparently they've all be allowed to remain as they were before. Apparently Rossman concluded to get rid of tetrateania and make it infernalis and then to take populations of infernalis and put them with concinnus??? Also interesting, there's no listing for Rossman's Garter (T.rossmani) it makes me wonder exactly how up to date the information on the site is????? Still an interesting site.