View Full Version : pinkie pieces

08-31-2007, 05:39 AM
I was going to put this in KitKat's "undigested" thread, but I think it's a topic onto itself

I feed my babies by holding them in front of their food (yes, I'm a control freak), so I can see exactly what they eat
I've noticed something interesting
the females are more picky and they will consistently seek out strips with organs in them - preferably liver
the males will tend to just grab the piece in front of them - skin and bones is fine

since more developed rodents are supposed to have more nutrients, once they eat pinkie strips, wouldn't it be better to give them, say, fuzzy strips?

08-31-2007, 09:45 AM
One of the big things between pinkies and older mice is the developement of the skeleton. Pinkies are actually somewhat calcium deficient, due to the fact that the skeleton has not really devleoped well. If your talking about "bits o' mice", I don't know if the snakes will really be benefiting all that much more from pinkies to fuzzies. Also, for small snakes, there can be concerns about the amount of hair and possible larger bones that might go along with older mouse bits. For my little ones, I've just stayed with pinky parts and supplement with a good mineral supplement. Hope this helps.


08-31-2007, 09:50 AM
yes Roy, that does help
I was thinking about the hair myself - it seems like a bit too much roughage for a little one

08-31-2007, 11:38 AM
I agree with Roy. I always feel a bit worried about feeding hair and larger bones to baby Garters.