View Full Version : Fake rockwall with waterfall

08-28-2007, 05:12 PM
Ok, this has nothing to do with garter snakes, but...
I have been planning to do this for years now and I have 2 weeks off before classes start back, so I only have the two jobs to keep me busy. Now would be a great time to build that fake rockwall with waterfall that I've wanted to try forever. I have the plans drawn out but my scanner isn't working right now. If anyone is interested I can post photos as I go.

The cage is going to be extended a foot on the back wall to give it the depth I need for the rocks. So I will build it separately and build the rockwall before attaching it to the front of the cage. I will be using epoxy on the parts where the water will actually be, but intend to airbrush all of it to look natural and will grow rock cap moss everywhere I can get it to grow. I am going to try to get litchens to grow on the rocks too. It will be set up for live plants to grow in spots and only use artifical in spots where I have to. I am trying for a totally real and natural look.

Wish me luck.


08-28-2007, 05:19 PM
Tori, will you be using a reservoir for your waterfall? They can be very dangerous for your snakes....let me find the relevant thread and post it for you....

Lulu Bennett
08-28-2007, 05:20 PM
it can cause bacteria to multiply when water is being reused in this way. this can cause problems for your snake

08-28-2007, 05:21 PM
Here you go, read through from permalink number 8

Lulu Bennett
08-28-2007, 05:36 PM
i thought i had seen something like that before. it is a good thread to read through and very informative!

08-28-2007, 09:04 PM
The cage belongs to 2 Australian water dragons. They are fulltime freeroamers so don't really use the cage, so this is really for me because I want to see what I can do with it. The tank at the bottom has a Fluval 3 filter and I change the water and clean the tank once a week. They are both over 2 years old and have never been sick (crossing my fingers now that I've said that!). The link below is to my personal photo gallery if you want to see it.


08-29-2007, 04:11 AM
Tori, If there is no risk to the inhabitant, go for it. Sounds like it will make a extra nice attraction for the viv. We'll be waiting for photos as you progress.

08-31-2007, 12:30 PM
those are water dragons?
I always thought they were green and not as friendly as beardies
yours are beautiful and seem to hang out just like my beardie

09-01-2007, 03:36 AM
Mine are Australian water dragons and not really related to the Asian water dragon, though for a long time they were listed as being almost the same lizard. They have been freeroaming for the last year and spend a lot of time laying on one of us, though Cujo more than Tera. She only lays on me. I frequently wake up to one of them piled up on me in bed. They have several tubs of water sitting around the apartment along with heat lamps and 2 different UVB lights. So they have everything they need. They do not require the high humidity or temps that an Asian water dragon needs and are very hardy lizards. I love all my pets, but Cujo and Tera are family. And thanks for the compliment.


09-01-2007, 04:44 AM
thanks for all the info
I'd never seen them before and I must say - I'm a bit smitten now
have to find out more about them