View Full Version : more tricks please
08-24-2007, 04:47 AM
my concinnus - mom of babies - still will not take pinkie
not even by accident
it's so odd
everybody says, the concinnus can be gotten to eat anything
her babies had no problem recognizing pinkie strips as food
she doesn't though and it makes no difference what I scent them with
she won't take trout pieces or f/t minnows either - live food only apparently
I'm getting a little irritated at her
I'd thought if I put the pinkie in with worms over night . . .
well, the worms are gone of course
she's a good eater - always hungry - and I'm trying to tell her that a rodent would be so much more satisfying
alas the rodent was still there - covered with dirt and worm slime
I'm rambling now
any more suggestions?
she's still pretty shy, so tweezer feeding won't work
Lulu Bennett
08-24-2007, 05:00 AM
have you tried tweezer feeding though or is it just a guess because she is shy? my tetra babies are still very shy but i have been able to tweezer feed them and are quite vicious when i wiggle it on with the tweezers lol
08-24-2007, 05:16 AM
I'll have to try it, but she always disappears when I open her enclosure
I've never seen a snake slither backwards so fast
the plan was to fatten her up a bit with what she likes, so I can let her get a bit hungry
I've just been busy with the babies - not to mention the move
Lulu Bennett
08-24-2007, 05:40 AM
lol it looks real cool when they quickly slither back lol sooo funny. dont worry though she wil start eating again when she is ready.
the way i feed the babies and sissle (because he is a very stubourn lil bugga) is i take all the hides and plants and anything that they can hide in and just waft the mouse infront of them lol but with sissle i have to leave him in with just the mouse. the babies have just started taking the pinkie parts from the tweezers lol sooooo cute lol
08-24-2007, 07:24 AM
lol it looks real cool when they quickly slither back lol sooo funny. dont worry though she wil start eating again when she is ready.
the way i feed the babies and sissle (because he is a very stubourn lil bugga) is i take all the hides and plants and anything that they can hide in and just waft the mouse infront of them lol but with sissle i have to leave him in with just the mouse. the babies have just started taking the pinkie parts from the tweezers lol sooooo cute lol
I agree with Lulu mine do the backward slide into a hide also,but if I wiggle
something in front of her she will usually not hesitate to take it....:)
lol it looks real cool when they quickly slither back lol sooo funny. dont worry though she wil start eating again when she is ready.
the way i feed the babies and sissle (because he is a very stubourn lil bugga) is i take all the hides and plants and anything that they can hide in and just waft the mouse infront of them lol but with sissle i have to leave him in with just the mouse. the babies have just started taking the pinkie parts from the tweezers lol sooooo cute lol
its so funny when they eat it and start like swingin around lik it is alive lol
08-24-2007, 09:02 AM
I just fed her last night (she ate the worms and left bedraggled rodent)
so perhaps I'll try tweezer feeding Monday
08-24-2007, 11:31 AM
Do you wash the pinkies first, Rhea? To minimise the mousey smell? That can help.
Rhea, since she likes anything else that is live, I'd give her live pinkies if it's available in your area. Then getting her to take f/t will be easier.
08-24-2007, 09:54 PM
might have to try wrapping the worms around the one of my concinnus to take them that way....kinda didn't have a choice, eating the worm wrapped around the pink..ate them both...
08-24-2007, 10:03 PM
I have found this helpful... but it is REALLY GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
Don't continue reading, those with weak stomachs!
wash and dry on paper towels, the frozen and thawed pinkie or pinkie parts.
take an old margarine tub and place the scent item in the bottom... minnow, or worm
(for those who want to be as humane as possible, freeze the worm before placing it in the tub)
Take a pair of scissors and mince the worm or fish into very tiny pieces. The more "juicy" the product is, the better. KEEP mincing after all pieces are very small. You will end up with a soupy mess.
Insert the pinkie or pinkie parts into the soupy mess and stir with the scissors until thoroughly coated. Wait 60 seconds. roll the food around in the soup again and wait another 60 seconds
using clean forceps or tweezers, remove the food items and place them on a very flat dish (the peanut butter jar lid or the margarine tub lid work well) and place this in the viv.
I have a really high success rate with slow and non feeders using this method.:cool:
08-25-2007, 03:57 AM
thanks KitKat
I'll try that
I tried the wrapping with worm thing and the damn worm didn't stay put
08-25-2007, 04:21 AM
You could try 'posting' the pinky part:rolleyes:......just as the last of the worm is about to disappear gently place the end of the pinky part in the snakes still-open mouth, it normally will just continue swallowing.:)
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