View Full Version : i was wondering when and where would

08-23-2007, 08:47 PM
be the best place to catch garter snakes around my house i have a creek with a bunch of bushes and trees and in my back yard i have a large hill with a bounch of dead grass taht looks perfect for snakes but i never find any
any1 know when i should look for them like in the morning?

08-23-2007, 08:56 PM
I would just go look outside before it gets too hot in the morning, then I'd look again in the evening when it starts to cool down.

08-23-2007, 09:23 PM
As Elliot said. Early morning or later after the sun goes down. The best places are under rocks, or wood and things. They like to hide and stay safe. They leave to sun themselves during the day. You can also kinda bait them by putting out things for them to hide under. Leave them for a couple weeks, then go back and lift them up and see if any have made it a home. Remember to put it back in the same spot you had it. Good luck

08-23-2007, 09:34 PM
As Elliot said. Early morning or later after the sun goes down. The best places are under rocks, or wood and things. They like to hide and stay safe. They leave to sun themselves during the day. You can also kinda bait them by putting out things for them to hide under. Leave them for a couple weeks, then go back and lift them up and see if any have made it a home. Remember to put it back in the same spot you had it. Good luck
k would just like peices of wood work?

08-23-2007, 10:09 PM
k would just like peices of wood work?

Definitely. I've found many under old pattets. If you can put out a few in different places to give them a choice. Lots of things work. I found a place with an old rain coat on the ground. To this day I keep going back every so often and I've found and caught more than 20 snakes in or under it. Let us know how you do.

08-23-2007, 10:51 PM
Definitely. I've found many under old pattets. If you can put out a few in different places to give them a choice. Lots of things work. I found a place with an old rain coat on the ground. To this day I keep going back every so often and I've found and caught more than 20 snakes in or under it. Let us know how you do.
hmm would a large towel work?

08-23-2007, 11:08 PM
hmm would a large towel work?

Possible, like I said lots of things work as long as it will give them some shelter. But I don't see it as the best idea for them and I see problems with a towel. If it gets wet from the rain, they won't stay in or under it. They know better than to stay that way for too long. It might also blow away in the wind. Remember, put something down and leave it undisturbed for a couple weeks so snakes can investigate it. If you move it daily, you might find less results.
The idea of a wood pile works. A few various wood pieces with a larger sturdy piece on top. They like the security that a wood pile provides and also it's home to some of it's food sources like worms, slugs, and mice. It also holds in some of the days heat when the sun goes down.