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View Full Version : to sleep or not

08-22-2007, 08:17 AM
wall its going to be getting cold here in a couple of months , i need to know if hibernation is manditory or can i keep my daikeys snake awake all winter . and if so what do i do to feed him, he needs earth worms
do pet stors carry then
i get most of my food from the backyard. so when it gets cold that will dry up very quickly
what to do.....

08-22-2007, 08:40 AM
You can keep your Dekay's up during the winter, but like you said, that will make feeding kind of hard. Some petstores and baitshops will carry earthworms during the winter, but I don't know how reliable that is. You might want to "stock up" on worms now for the winter or actually get a culture going for them so you have your own "home grown" supply anytime you need them. Something I've always wanted to try to is there is a product on the martket, that's canned snails. I know my T.s.concinnus eats them, but I don't think anyone else has had any luck with them. They might be just the thing though for a snail, slug, worm eater like a Dekay.


08-22-2007, 11:57 AM
wall its going to be getting cold here in a couple of months , i need to know if hibernation is manditory or can i keep my daikeys snake awake all winter . and if so what do i do to feed him, he needs earth worms
do pet stors carry then
i get most of my food from the backyard. so when it gets cold that will dry up very quickly
what to do.....

Michelle, It's up to you for the most part. Some snakes are just programmed and will fall off the food in late September, or October. Those are the ones I just give into after not eating for a month or better.

If you decide to not brumate, you will have to keep the temps in their home warm, and during the coller months requires a little extra attention. A heat lamp and a heat mat under the warm side helps. The air in the house will also be drier so extra water in the bowl and a light misting once a week has helped me in the past.

I talked to the bait shops in my area until I found one that stocked worms all year long for the guys who icefish. That's the guy who has my business year round now. If you can, talk to some of them and if they don't stock them in the winter, usually know someone who does. Pet stores usually have feeder guppies relatively cheap if need be, and the exotic pet places can help you with some pinkies. A little preperation and homework and you shouldn't have any problems. Good luck.


08-22-2007, 07:27 PM
I can get worms year round at Wal-Mart...

08-23-2007, 09:53 AM
yes wal mart I just found out about this just about the time that you posted this, cool heeee heeeee
so if he goes off his feed ,I guess he will be sleeping this winter , okay you all helped out so much, thanks
will keep you up dated on him , He is still sheding and eating fine still small as all heck though, some time I think I would like to get a bigger snake , but not right now,
he is a doll !!
I know sounds corny, but he is very neet!
like reps very much , maybe because I am a dragon on the chinese calander,
heeee hee

08-23-2007, 10:21 AM
we all think they are neat!!!! by the way, I'm a snake on the chinese calendar...imagine that!!!!!