View Full Version : Pictures Of Thamnophis proximus (sub species)

04-15-2021, 10:20 AM

following numerous identification errors in imports into France (thamnophis sold as sauritus while they are proximus), I am looking for photos in order to be able to determine the subspecies. For descriptions, I use the following book: The garters snakes: evolution and ecology. But there are no photos.

The "sauritus" are breeding a lot in Europe and I fear that there were hybrids, how to recognize them?

04-18-2021, 10:44 AM
Hello from Sweden!

"Telling the difference between an Eastern and a Western Ribbon Snake is quite easy: Western Ribbon Snakes have two sometimes fused white spots on the top of their heads; Eastern Ribbon Snakes do not. Ribbon snakes can be differentiated from garter snakes by their overall shape: they’re very elongate; their side stripes are higher up on the body (on the third and fourth scale rows — most garters’ stripes are on the second and third rows); and there is no black between their labial (lip) scales."

Source: Questions About Ribbon Snakes in Captivity - Gartersnake.info (http://www.gartersnake.info/articles/2004/questions-about-ribbon-snakes-in-captivity.php)

04-20-2021, 10:26 AM
Thanks but I search to differentiate the sub species of T. proximus. I can see in INaturalist but the identification of T. proximus proximus and T. proximus orarius are not sure (pictures presents differents colours of lateral and dorsal stripes).

Can post a photo of your Thamnophis proximus proximus please ? I have a Thamnophis proximus orarius and I would like see the difference.