View Full Version : Prey ideas for a non-eater

11-02-2020, 10:20 PM
Hey guys,

So I collected a WC adult garter a few weeks back, and the guy still hasn't eaten for me. I've tried worms, slugs, tilapia strips, and pinky mice with zero luck. I'm hesitant to try live fish because I worry that he'll refuse and then I'm stuck with the fish.. Any ideas as to other prey items I could try? One page suggested grasshoppers/crickets, but I wasn't sure if they'd actually take those. He's not lethargic or anything (he recently survived an encounter with my cat and is doing great), but I worry about how long it's been since he's taken a meal. Any thoughts/tips? Should I consider force feeding worms?

11-06-2020, 10:39 AM
Hey guys,

So I collected a WC adult garter a few weeks back, and the guy still hasn't eaten for me. I've tried worms, slugs, tilapia strips, and pinky mice with zero luck. I'm hesitant to try live fish because I worry that he'll refuse and then I'm stuck with the fish.. Any ideas as to other prey items I could try? One page suggested grasshoppers/crickets, but I wasn't sure if they'd actually take those. He's not lethargic or anything (he recently survived an encounter with my cat and is doing great), but I worry about how long it's been since he's taken a meal. Any thoughts/tips? Should I consider force feeding worms?

I would suggest releasing it back into the wild. It's not doing well in captivity and should not be subject to conditions that are detrimental to its health. Do that right now while the weather is still decent and it can get underground to brumate. Do not wait.

Consider adopting or buying a captive bred garter snake. They will come with far fewer issues and will clearly be worth the expense by saving you the headache (and cost) you've already experienced trying to convince this wild-caught snake to eat.

Good luck.

11-08-2020, 10:28 PM
Nevermind, he started eating with gusto. I guess it just took him a bit (and a shed) before he settled in. Thanks though!

11-09-2020, 04:21 AM
Nevermind, he started eating with gusto. I guess it just took him a bit (and a shed) before he settled in. Thanks though!

Good update.