11-02-2020, 10:20 PM
Hey guys,
So I collected a WC adult garter a few weeks back, and the guy still hasn't eaten for me. I've tried worms, slugs, tilapia strips, and pinky mice with zero luck. I'm hesitant to try live fish because I worry that he'll refuse and then I'm stuck with the fish.. Any ideas as to other prey items I could try? One page suggested grasshoppers/crickets, but I wasn't sure if they'd actually take those. He's not lethargic or anything (he recently survived an encounter with my cat and is doing great), but I worry about how long it's been since he's taken a meal. Any thoughts/tips? Should I consider force feeding worms?
So I collected a WC adult garter a few weeks back, and the guy still hasn't eaten for me. I've tried worms, slugs, tilapia strips, and pinky mice with zero luck. I'm hesitant to try live fish because I worry that he'll refuse and then I'm stuck with the fish.. Any ideas as to other prey items I could try? One page suggested grasshoppers/crickets, but I wasn't sure if they'd actually take those. He's not lethargic or anything (he recently survived an encounter with my cat and is doing great), but I worry about how long it's been since he's taken a meal. Any thoughts/tips? Should I consider force feeding worms?