View Full Version : Help identifying

09-18-2020, 12:44 AM
So we've been discussing the possible identity of one of my young WC garters in my other post, but I figured it might be best to give it it's own thread for discussion

This little guy is WC from WA, and is likely just over a week old. When caught he had very small, dilute red spots, which have grown and brightened tremendously over the week that I've had him. Any ideas as to ID?


09-18-2020, 12:46 AM
Trying to upload a picture of his head, but my phone is being difficult. I'll do so as soon as I'm able to


09-21-2020, 07:53 PM
I’m no expert but he looks like he could be a Valley garter or Redsided! Wow! He is gorgeous, what ever he is!!! His colors are amazing for such a young baby! I’m jealous!

Albert Clark
09-25-2020, 08:05 PM
Nice. Are both pictures of the same reptile? Pic #1 looks like it may be a red spotted (t.s. concinnus). Pic #2 looks like a red sided ( t.s. parietalis), or valley garter (t.s. fitchi). If the pics are of the same reptile then I would think more ( t.s. concinnus).

10-14-2020, 09:29 PM
The first and second picture are (I believe) siblings, so not the same animal. I have updated pictures as well if it helps.. I'm thinking valley?

10-14-2020, 09:31 PM

10-15-2020, 11:44 AM
Those new pics do look like little valley babies to me. Again I can’t get over how gorgeous and vibrant their colors are already! Look at that red! Amazing find, whatever they turn out to be.

10-15-2020, 11:49 PM
Do they typically not develop such colouring so early? I thought they seemed quite neat looking too, but I'm still so new to this. Its like every week their colour seems to get brighter!

10-16-2020, 10:55 AM
I‘ve found with babies their coloring starts out more dull and earthy, and they get a bit brighter with every shed. I’ve seen some little red sideds and valley babies with kind of brick red shades but not that bright orangey red your guys seem to have. Even their yellow back stripes look pretty bright too. It’s just really cool to see on such tiny babies. Especially at only a few weeks old.

10-16-2020, 11:58 AM
I‘ve found with babies their coloring starts out more dull and earthy, and they get a bit brighter with every shed. I’ve seen some little red sideds and valley babies with kind of brick red shades but not that bright orangey red your guys seem to have. Even their yellow back stripes look pretty bright too. It’s just really cool to see on such tiny babies. Especially at only a few weeks old.