View Full Version : Breeders

06-08-2019, 08:21 AM
I'm sure this has been asked many times on this forum, but many of the posts seem to be from years ago. Who are the current reputable garter snake breeders?

Although I spent my youth catching and releasing eastern garters and ribbon snakes, I am new to garter snakes as a hobby. Four years ago, I picked up a garter snake at Petco and fell in love with him. He is a wonderful pet. Recently, I purchased a male checkered garter snake and a whole bunch of garter snake books. I found my new hobby to be quite complicated when you look at garter snakes outside of New England. : )

Anyway, I am hoping to purchase a couple of female garter snakes. Can anyone recommend some breeders?

06-09-2019, 07:14 PM
First off welcome. With that said you should pick a subspecies and stick with it for a while. All subspecies have different habits along with the fact that each individual garter has its own personality. Raise what you have for now and see how it goes. When you are ready to add to your collection we are here.

06-10-2019, 06:58 PM
Agree with Eddie, don't go overboard getting a ton of different species, I did it and got overwhelmed and almost burned out and snakes didn't get the care they deserve, plus constantly bringing in new snakes from all different people is a big risk for diseases, mites, etc. I've cut back now and I'm trying to focus more on Easterns but still have other stuff but after they drop litters this year I might sell most of my breeders from other species and try to find more unique easterns as they are my favorite.