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View Full Version : This forum is dying

05-02-2019, 07:49 PM
I’m not sure who owns this page or currently runs it but there is a lot of really good information on this page I personally just feel like there isn’t vary much activity on it anyone would be cool if someone made a app so you’re everyday garter lovers could easily get notifications when others post and would make it easier for everyone to stay connected like all the other social media groups on our phones we use apps for I’d be willing to help with some of the cost to have a app made

05-03-2019, 07:51 PM
Technology has done this forum no favors. I am not on social media so this is it for me as far as contact to garter enthusiasts goes.

05-04-2019, 10:02 AM
It is dying, and that’s really unfortunate. I learned so much here when I began researching garters. Although I’m on two garter Facebook pages, I prefer using independent forums like this because I hate all of my Facebook friends knowing my activities/posts on other pages.

Someone should make an app for this site. I’m in a saltwater aquarium forum and it’s active because people post.

05-04-2019, 10:52 AM
Yeah this is my favorite thamnophis page too and the cool thing for nobodies is any questions they have or answers they need chances are they will find old posts with the information they need without even having to ask anyone everything is here we just need our people back

05-08-2019, 06:44 AM
I don't do Facebook either! I would love to see this forum become more active again!

05-08-2019, 08:00 PM
I use the Tapatalk app for fauna as well as a few other forums. It’s a central location that allows me to get notifications when posts are made as well as easily post pictures. I think if this forum were on there it could only help. I too prefer forums over social media.

05-08-2019, 08:15 PM
I’d also like to add, Facebook has been cracking down on animal sales since it’s against their policy. This may be a good time for this forum to appear on a mobile app like tapatalk in order to get more people on.