View Full Version : Twisty Snake
01-06-2019, 11:00 PM
So here's the deal. I have a 6 month old garter snake that is just the sweetest thing ever. He's been a good eater since day one and has had absolutely no issues. But suddenly he's developed some twists and kinks. I have NO idea why!!! I've tried researching and read hundreds of forums and found zero instances of this happening. He still eats, drinks, poo's and sheds. But he's definitely not as good at slithering or swimming. He's all lumpy! 151241512515126
03-17-2019, 11:18 AM
Spinal osteoarthropathy* that's what it looks like to me. google this! If this is it then your snake is suffering and might need to be euthanized. This is extremely painful for them. As he gets older it will only get worse. You should take it to a vet and get their opinion and advice but I'm pretty sure this is incurable. Best of luck!
03-19-2019, 01:14 PM
I had a garter with what the Vet call scoliosis. I found him in my back yard. He was in bad shape and had trouble moving. I brought him in and gave him 3 years of the easy life before he passed. The Vet only gave him a year and said he would die of lung difficulties. "Crinkleback" was an awesome garter.
03-31-2019, 10:52 PM
This could be diet related - I wonder what this snake is being fed?
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