View Full Version : Hi! I'm AJ :)

06-21-2018, 06:04 PM
Hello everyone! My name is AJ. It doesn't really matter, but since my name is gender neutral I will point out that I am female haha. I currently own a dog, a cat, 2 sugar gliders, a hedgehog, and a crested gecko. I am the co-director of a brand-new organization that provides low-cost educational animal programs and acts as a rescue for herps and small exotic mammals.

I grew up with bearded dragons and loved snakes as a child, but I became more involved with mammals and raptors as I grew older. However, many of our educational ambassadors are herps and my business partner is very involved in the herp community. Over the past few months she has really renewed my passion for reptiles. While studying up on my species, I was really drawn to garter snakes. I hope to purchase a garter as my first snake in the next few months and am currently studying all the different species and morphs. While I think garters are just about the coolest snake ever, I am also falling in love with the garter snake community! It's so tight-knit and engaged and you all just seem like lovely folks!

07-01-2018, 03:41 PM

07-01-2018, 04:45 PM
Thank you! Happy to be here! Since my intro post, I had two male eastern garters donated to my organization. I'm already obsessed with them, and have decided to name them Hawthorn and Huckleberry :)

07-01-2018, 09:29 PM
Welcome to the page.

07-01-2018, 11:28 PM
Thanks, Steve!