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04-07-2018, 06:58 AM
Thamnophis elegans terrestris Coast or Terrestrial garter.

I can't have the California Red Side, or the San Francisco here.
The Coast is similar, where the red side has black stripes, the SF has zero stripes, the Coast has spots instead of stripes, and a lesser shade of red and blue.
of course there are variations of the Coast, but ones that mimic the red side and SF are what im looking for.


04-09-2018, 05:54 PM
Does anyone have a specific GOVERNMENT link saying anything about the California Red Side?
Not a webpage where someone is giving advice or interpreting the law, but actual .gov?

The SF is concrete as its both Federally and State protected.'
For infernalis, all i find on the STATE website says "T. sirtalis spp." and "South Coast" is specified.
On the map it basically shows the "south coast" T. sirtalis as below Ventura County, therefore the T. sirtalis in SB and SLO counties should be fine?

Does not mention anything anywhere on state site regarding infernalis.
any help??