View Full Version : Another baby

09-25-2017, 01:25 PM
So I guess the little one I found and kept was part of a nest of babies. I found another little one today while looking around for small earthworms. I was just about to flip a rock when I startled her out of hiding. I released her after taking a few pictures, since I didn't want to house two together and I knew my husband wouldn't approve another pet so soon after adopting another. We live in a basement, so we're pretty cramped as it is.

The tip of her tail, where it is curled in the picture, seems to be damaged somehow. Though it was curled, that small section at the end seemed to be basically limp and useless while she was moving around in my hands, flopping around. Birth defect or injury, what do you guys think?

Can anyone answer this for me: is it typical to find new babies during the fall? I've never seen any out before - only older ones. And these guys weren't around a month or two ago, so they must be young. I've caught plenty of the larger fellows this year.

Also, I'm fairly certain that Creek (the little one I adopted) is a northwestern now that I got a look at this new little one, who looks even more like an ordie than Creek does. Do you guys agree?


09-25-2017, 02:54 PM
Yes, probably birth defect. Fall in prime birthing time for Thamnophis.

Albert Clark
09-25-2017, 03:02 PM
Sad. Really sad.

09-25-2017, 07:22 PM
Looks like an Ordie to me. To bad about the defect.

09-26-2017, 01:06 PM
Do you guys think the defect might hinder survival? I released her because I couldn't take in another.

09-26-2017, 02:53 PM
Maybe, but I doubt it. I'm not even sure it will affect mating.

09-26-2017, 06:49 PM
That's good.

I went wandering around the yard today while the dog was out - he can't be out by himself because of the lack of fencing - and I found probably 10+ baby/young snakes, all around or a little older than creek. I also found a big one. I think it was female. She was the normal black with a stripe on her back like the ordies I've been finding, but the stripe was a little more orange than yellow. She was very pretty, and very big compared to the others I've found. I moved a few of the babies away from where they were because the dog likes to try to catch them. But they've nested in the holes between some stonework along the edge of the yard. It goes about three or four layers deep, into the ground. I even found the bigger one's recent shed...and some nasty spiders and an anthill.

Point of the story: if anyone wants ordies, I know where to find them lol.

09-26-2017, 07:49 PM
I could certainly use an adult male if you come across any.

09-27-2017, 01:44 AM
Most of the ones I've found so far are still babies from this year, but if I run across any adults outside of the female, I will let you know!