View Full Version : Hey guys

09-16-2017, 07:31 PM
Hi, a few weeks ago I caught what I believe is either a western terrestrial or common garter snake in northern New Mexico. I've always liked snakes and it seemed rather friendly so I decided to keep it. It's around 12-14 inches long so I assume it's still young but I could be wrong. I'm not super knowledgeable when it comes to snakes, but it seems to be very picky with its food. The only thing it will eat is live fish, and all the pet stores I can find only sell rosy red minnows and goldfish, both of which I know contain thiaminase. I've tried feeding the snake frozen pinky mice and live nightcrawlers as well but the snake doesn't even seem to recognize them as food. If anyone is interested I can upload a picture of the snake. Anyway, I look forward to being a part of this community and learning about garter snakes!

09-19-2017, 06:51 PM
You can try rubbing the pinkies on a goldfish. That usually works. I've even dropped pinkies in the water bowl with the fish. When the snake hunts for the fish the pinkies become easy pickins'.
Good luck