View Full Version : Last Wild Garter of the Year Contest
10-28-2006, 01:33 AM
I propose having a "last wild garter of the year" contest. From now until the end of the year, why doesn't anyone who finds a wild garter report it on this thread. Then we'll review the posts in January 2007 and see who won. The only stipulation is that the garter must be wild, and it must have been found outdoors.
I'd propose that anyone who wishes to, could sent one dollar ($1) in foreign or domestic currency to the winner (or perhaps to Jason/Boots, as a trustworthy caretaker of the money before the contest ends). If the winner chooses not to post their address online (or give it to Boots), we would need to have a fallback plan. Maybe the person who found the second-to-last garter would want to offer their address. Then Jason/Boots could either distribute the money, a gift certificate, or an actual prize (rodentpro shipment, free garter, etc.) to the winner. If we choose to send a free snake, it could even be purchased from one of our members who breeds snakes.
Participation, of course, would be voluntary as would the donation of the dollar, and we would have to operate under the honor system. Each report of a wild snake discovery would have to include details of the discovery, including a rough description of the area as well as events of the day for us all to enjoy. There aren't any wild garters within about 300 miles of where I live in Alaska, so this isn't a self-serving proposal. If this is something we want to do, we could probably come up with a lot more ideas to make it more interesting, like having a poll to decide on the prize. What do you say? Do we have a contest?
10-28-2006, 09:15 AM
Go for it. does a garter found without a camera count. I mean, you won't be carrying it around all the time. and can I enter my garter, which was found a couple weeks ago, just in case nobody else finds one? Although the people in southern states would probably be able to find one still. I think if we made a poll, everybody would want a free garter, depending on the size of both the garter and the rodentpro shipment
10-28-2006, 01:11 PM
Like you say, people don't carry around a camera all the time, so pictures would also be optional. This has to be completely on the honor system, and the success of future contests would be based on how this one plays out.
Whether we have a contest at all has to depend on the interest level of the forum members and whether we could find a "treasurer." I proposed Jason but don't know if he's willing to accept the job. The prize would also depend on how many people send in the dollar. Maybe the winner would only receive $1 if interest is low.
Once we find the "treasurer" anyone wanting to contribute a dollar (or win the jackpot) should send them a private message to the treasurer. Then the treasurer would have to be willing to send a private message with their address enclosed to everyone that wants to participate. That way, nobody would have to post their address on the internet.
10-28-2006, 08:22 PM
Sounds like a fun contest! But what about us guys further north....all the garters are heading for hibernation now... down in the southern states they could still be found as it doesn't get as cold...
10-28-2006, 10:33 PM
Yep, folks further south would have the best odds of winning, so I view it as a one dollar donation for the sake of stimulating interaction, fostering commaraderie, and hearing stories about how late garters can be found in different locales. I can see other contests, too, like "best photo of the month." The tricky part is enhancing participation and awarding prizes. Maybe this will get the ball rolling and server as a prototype that we can refine.
10-29-2006, 09:07 AM
I am afraid that I will not see any garters in the wild in Holland. :(
10-29-2006, 01:23 PM
I am afraid that I will not see any garters in the wild in Holland. :(
Don't worry. Just travel to Halland (Sweden). There's reportedly a wild T. sirtalis parietalis population in that area.
10-29-2006, 04:43 PM
Don't worry. Just travel to Halland (Sweden). There's reportedly a wild T. sirtalis parietalis population in that area.
Really... ?
Do you have more info on that?
I have often said to my colleagues in the Reptile Zoo that it is amazing that there are no population of Thamnophis living in the wild in the Netherlands.
I know of Pantherophis guttatus that they can survive the whole year in our country, but it is difficult to reproduce because our summers are to short to incubate he eggs.
And that is no problem with Thamnophis because of their live-giving birth.
There must be escaped specimen here that survidec over longer time. Maybe tey did not find a partner. It's just a matter of time that a pregnant female escapes somewhere.
10-30-2006, 12:56 AM
Really... ?
Do you have more info on that?
I have often said to my colleagues in the Reptile Zoo that it is amazing that there are no population of Thamnophis living in the wild in the Netherlands.
I know of Pantherophis guttatus that they can survive the whole year in our country, but it is difficult to reproduce because our summers are to short to incubate he eggs.
And that is no problem with Thamnophis because of their live-giving birth.
There must be escaped specimen here that survidec over longer time. Maybe tey did not find a partner. It's just a matter of time that a pregnant female escapes somewhere.
I haven't really seen any big stories about the Halland population, but I have seen several fairly credible sources mention it and a few eyewitness accounts. I think it's been mentioned more than once in the Swedish media.
As for thamnophis in Europe, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a wild population elsewhere too. I've heard that the red-eared sliders (another North American species) are pretty much thriving in certain places in western Europe. Just judging by the common garter snake's diet and how far north they have spread in North America, I'd say they should be able to survive anywhere the grass snake (Natrix natrix) can. But what do I know, I'm not an expert. :)
10-30-2006, 01:40 AM
I'm almost certain that a lady from the UK on another forum found her T.s. parietalis in the wild after a flood. I could double-check on that statement if you're interested.
10-30-2006, 02:39 AM
I am. If it's not too much trouble. :)
10-30-2006, 03:22 AM
I sent an e-mail out to confirm the story and will post the reply when I hear back.
10-30-2006, 11:10 AM
I am also pretty sure that there must be populations in Europe. But I haven't heard about it in the Netherlands.
11-05-2006, 05:30 PM
guess what i found today nov 5 06? a small garter, and im on long island ny
11-05-2006, 05:37 PM
Way to go. Would love to hear the story. Was it lethargic? What was the temp, roughly?
11-05-2006, 05:43 PM
hi It looked like a white root cause it was upside down it must be around 40 out today anyway once i had it in my hand it started to move about i brought it inside but id like to feed it any suggestions?
11-05-2006, 05:45 PM
I had to wait a week before I brought mine indoors. Although it was a lot warmer when I got it (55-65 I don't remember)
11-05-2006, 06:07 PM
It may not eat right away. It has already acclimated to the cold and has probably shut off it's production of digestive enzymes. If you're going to keep it, warm it slowly over a period of several days. It may take a week or so, before it's ready to eat. It's hard to go wrong with cut up nightcrawler or fish chunks. Maybe it'll even be interested in catching some guppies out of its water bowl. In time, you may want to convert it over to eating newborn mice (pinkies) that can be purchased at most pet stores that sell reptiles. Tadpoles are also a very nutritious meal, though they contain a lot of fat and oils and should be provided as an occasional supplement rather than a staple. If you post a picture, I'm sure someone will be able to tell you what species/subspecies you've found.
By the way, it has to feel secure in order to eat. Give your new snake a few places to hide in it's terrarium, and make sure the lid is secure or it'll escape after it warms up. Welcome to the world of gartersnakes. There's a lot more to discover, so don't be shy about asking for help and sharing your experiences. Enjoy,
11-05-2006, 06:31 PM
do you think it would die if i put it back outside i read that they sleep all together i didnt see any others i want to do whats best for it
11-05-2006, 06:46 PM
If you're going to release it, you should do so soon. Put is somewhere cool for the night (preferable around 45 degrees), and release it in the morning when the temperatures are rising.
Sometimes they brumate/hibernate in large masses; sometimes they don't. There are few "absolutes" in nature. Most garters don't survive their first winter. Maybe yours will; maybe it won't. Others may have different opinions, but I don't think that you've done any irreparable harm in the few hours you've warmed it.
I hope I didn't frighten you away from keeping it by saying, "it won't eat for a week or so," or "there's a lot to discover." They normally go for months at a time without eating during brumation, so that's not an issue. Garters are fascinating and hearty creatures. There's no right or wrong answer here. You just have to decide if you'll be ABLE to provide good care for it and if you WANT to keep it. Best of luck either way,
11-05-2006, 08:31 PM
All you really need is room for it. That is one of the most expensive parts (I think) of caring for snakes. The cage is relatively cheap, Petco sells then gallon tanks for about ten dollars, but the bigger ones are obviously more expensive and will be required. I currently have 2 wild caught animals (garter and anole) and have had many more (praying mantis, more anoles, etc.) and they are and have done fine in cages.
11-11-2006, 01:52 PM
Hi all,
It seems that the "prize issue" and "fairness" are obstacles for the "last wild garter of the year" contest, so let's just make it a competition among friends (no prize).
Be sure to post your stories whenever you find a wild garter for the rest of the year, and you'll receive a well deserved pat on the back (self awarded), and a hearty "at-a-boy" or "at-a-girl" at the end of the year if you win :p. Good luck,
12-06-2006, 05:59 PM
heres one for yas .... 2 1/2 ft eastern garter. caught today 12/06/06 not by me but from my girlfriends father. a short walk in the cemetary and it supposedly crawled out and nearly slithered on his girlfriends foot . he immediately braught it over to me ,it looks like its been feeding good,its very plump a beast of a garter snake , but when he braught it to me it was pretty much freezing out and it was moving very slowly and in half speed . after it warmed up a lil inside its new kickass home he appears ok and more active and curious . the place hes was gettin caught at is getting torn down and all plowed over for grave-room so i will try n breed her with my other eastern garter this year and let her go at a few secluded ponds i go fishing at and hope for the best this upcoming summer
****ty camera, once again , but its all i gots
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