View Full Version : Snake Too Tame? What should I look for?

05-19-2017, 04:20 PM
I picked up a snake a few days ago (see my post: "Midnight Snake"). She ate only a few hours after I got her and physically looks fine. The thing is, she is very tame. She will try to escape or explore but she does not thrash, has not musked me. Today she pooped and it looked normal. She seems fine crawling all over me and will settle on my arm or across my shirt for 5-10 minutes at a time (I watched a movie). Are some older snakes just cool like this? Can anyone with more experience chime in? I have another snake who is much younger and despite almost two years of captivity now will thrash and musk when I pick her up.


05-19-2017, 05:21 PM
I know what you are saying, I've picked up a few big T. radix females and they were as docile as could be. Hand feeding immediately, no musking or strikes. Is the smaller snake you have a male?

05-19-2017, 06:41 PM
No definitely a female lol. ...weeell I haven't breed her but I looked over the pictures closely and she has a really thin tail right after the vent.

05-19-2017, 09:12 PM
That pretty much seals it, each garter has their own personality. I've found the females(T. radix) in my area as sweet like sugar. The males are standoffish and don't want anything but females and food.