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View Full Version : 3rd litter of 2017 born 30 babies

Jeff B
05-03-2017, 07:17 AM
The blizzard female popped last night, 30 babies in total. Just as last year it looks like about half blizzards and half are snows, but they all look pretty much like snows in the pic at this point14552

Albert Clark
05-03-2017, 08:59 AM
Now that's a real tub of worms, lol. Grats on the scrubs. Amazing how reptile reproduction never gets old.

05-03-2017, 08:04 PM
Awesome litter bud!!

05-03-2017, 08:35 PM
Looks like it's a good birthing Spring so far.

Jeff B
05-04-2017, 07:00 AM
Thanks, yes pretty good start, but no infernalis yet.

05-04-2017, 11:04 AM
Awesome Congrats Jeff..

05-05-2017, 08:54 AM

Jeff B
05-05-2017, 10:13 PM
Thanks, I split out the blizzards and snows today. The only way I tell them apart before they get a couple sheds is the blizzards have a faint dorsal stripes and the snows do not. I ended up with slightly more snows than blizzards, would have rather it was the other way around.