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What was your worst injury?
I have had many, I play sports bike and skate board very bad combo.
This is mine.
Well it was in november 2005. I was skate boarding to my house wich was a block away at 7 am( from my grandmas house) I was not completly awake. I was going down a hill, and my bestfriend's dad was pulling out hi dodge huge 4x4 hemi!! Can you guess what happens? Well to put in the easiest words........Bam. Well That left me with A screw in my arm a plaster bracelet, and 7 or 8 bruised ribs ( im not sure)
Wanna hear something wierd two yers later my friend his son broke my same wrist in a wrestling match:cool:
08-07-2007, 09:42 PM
Very nice....:) well in first grade I was driving in the front seat of my grandmothers car leaning on the door when it flew open and went out face first into the road and almost over a bank, but I grabed a tree branch!!! got some major road rash, and some deep cuts on my face, arms, and legs.........than no sooner did I recover, I ended up with chicken poxs........:eek:
08-07-2007, 09:48 PM
yeah I ended up out of school for 4 months and was held back because of it.....
08-07-2007, 11:45 PM
Developed multiple stress fractures in the army. :rolleyes:
im not not sure if you saw it as it is an american show(i dont you guys broadcasting stuff) but its called scarred and it shows the people get completely dismantled. half fun half gruesome.
08-07-2007, 11:58 PM
We do get the "biggest" of the American shows, but that doesn't matter much, since I get most of the shows I want to see over the internet. ;) Haven't seen that one.
I think I know who'll win the worst injury competition, by the way. ;)
08-08-2007, 06:58 AM
yeah who????
08-08-2007, 07:00 AM
If the person wants to share, he or she will. I'm not going to gossip. :p
08-08-2007, 07:03 AM
Thanks for hanging us up there......Stefan:p
well who ever you are that Stefan is talking about please consider letting us know what happen to you.......Thanks:D
08-08-2007, 07:32 AM
I've not had anything worse than some fractures and sprains
and I know this is about people in this forum
I just have to tell this story of this guy I met who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident
I've met a number of people who've lost legs that way - seems to be pretty common
this guy got his back though
some lady found it on the side of the freeway, wrapped it up and brought it to him
he was fully conscious, not experiencing any pain, but fairly certain he was going to die and he told her as much
she wouldn't let him though
the way he tells it is pretty funny, because he kept telling her to leave him alone, he was gonna die, and it was okay
she kept slapping his face, going "I got your leg and you're not dying on my shift, buster"
08-08-2007, 08:56 AM
That's fantastic! A fellow schoolbus driver cut off his arm with a chainsaw, picked up the arm and carried it to his house, where his 8 year old cub scout applied a tourniquet and saved his life! The PMT that took him to the hospital said the same thing... "not on my watch!"
08-08-2007, 09:01 AM
it's amazing that they can re-attach entire limbs now
08-08-2007, 09:04 AM
Yes, my friend has use of his arm now. He is missing the little bone in the lower arm (radius) and only has his ulna. This interferes with the ability to rotate the lower arm, so he is somewhat impaired... but what a better result than being an amputee or being deceased!!!
08-08-2007, 12:20 PM
My worst injury is must less dramatic...... When I was a toddler I pulled a pan of hot fat off the cooker and onto my head and face.:eek:
I spent a couple of weeks in the eye hospital, but fortunately my eyesight was not permanently damaged. However, every day since then has been a "bad hair day"!!:D
Which is why I shave my head now, I got fed up of all the holes in my mullet!
Lulu Bennett
08-08-2007, 03:08 PM
my worst injury...
i took trampolining lessons about 5yrs ago at college. at the time i was learning to do a somersault. my foot slipped as i set off and i bounced quite high but only made it half way round, resulting in me landing on my face. as it lowered to the end of its working travel i felt my calfs touch my head and they staied there untill the trampoline came back up and to a stop. i never knew my body was so flexable. i still get a bad back and i am unable to do much lifting...:rolleyes:
08-08-2007, 03:54 PM
I've had a leg and arm fracture, both of them pretty complicated. The first one was by playing football... the stone didn't move in the end. And the second one was by skate boarding.
The stupidest and yet worst injury was in my neck. We where doing some small gym exercises at school and I landed on my 2 feet. The shock went all the way from my feet and stopped at my neck between 2 vertebra. Couldn't move my neck as it was dislocated. It's still not ok at this point, after recovery they saw that my vertebra are now flattened. Which is why I may not do some things... mostly sports. After that I had 2 more dislocations. 1 was from diving into the pool from a big diving board ( go figure ). Well, all in all it does not bother me most of the time and I still can do most of the things:)
08-08-2007, 04:42 PM
my worst....skating with my kids, fell and broke my tailbone... I had a herniated disk in my back...this fall also blew out more disk material and it wrapped around the nerve running my left leg and various other organs...the disk material then started to calcify (turn to bone). I had to have surgery, worst pain in my life!!! the surgery fixed me up fine, but have some residual numbness and all in my left leg. I missed 3 months of work....I have been banned from skating now by my wife (also banned from picking up stuff from off the side of the road - thats another funny story!!)
here's that story....
My brother was visiting and we walked to the local store. on the way back I found a bass guitar laying on the parking strip near my apt. the body was broken around the connections for the amplifier. the rest was in ok condition. I picked it up and brought it home. the next night we had another friend over and saw breaking news on the tv. there was a man killed a block from where I lived. he was beaten to death (see where this is going?? LOL). there wasn't much info at that time. My wife was a dispatcher for the sheriff's office. I am an animal control officer for the county. she heard they caught the guy. he confessed and said he beat the guy to death with his own bass guitar because he didn't like how much he was being charged for a bag of he beat him to death.....
well, i was working a late shift and she called the city detectives on the case. they verified he was caught and confessed, but they didn't have the murder weapon. she asked if they wanted!! I met with the detectives and turned over the murder guitar... funny thing is htere was no blood on it..just a chunk of the body broken off...the guy got 27 years in prison and I got banned from picking things up off the road unless is was for work. :eek: :D
08-08-2007, 04:58 PM
Good story Don! It's not every day you get to play "Smoke on the water", on a murder weapon!
08-08-2007, 04:59 PM
3 1/2 years ago I was desperate to make our house and garden look a little Christmassy as we went through a rough time when my dad was diagnosed with having cancer. I needed something pretty to look at and decided to hang red and purple baubles onto the tree in our front garden.
To get to the top branches I climbed onto the gardenwall, which is only about 1 metre high. When I was finished I jumped off the wall onto the did the large stone slab of the top of the wall! I landed and so did the slab... it fell on soft left foot! I was so shocked and embarrassed, I picked the slab up and lent it against the wall so noone else would trip on it, the hobbled into the house, closed the door and then.. SCREAMED! I screamed and cried so much I could hardly catch my breath. I had to ring a friend to collect my sons from school but could hardly get the words out. She guessed what she had to do, brought the boys back to me and took me to the hospital. I was told I had probably broken several bones and at least three toes, but they wouldn't x-ray as they wouldn't do anything with broken bones in your foot anyway. :confused:
I got strong painkillers and a bandage and my toenail fell off for my enjoyment, but that was it.
08-08-2007, 05:00 PM was funny....I received calls from her friends in dispatch for a month asking where they can "pick up a guitar real cheap" I still get guitar stuff at christmas and on my birthday....and this happened 4 years ago!!!! :D
08-08-2007, 05:09 PM
One time I was reading one of Stefans' posts on this forum, and I laughed so hard my head actually fell off! Luckily I keep my brain in my ***, so I was alright!
08-08-2007, 05:28 PM
James, that was terrible!
(and I want some chocolate, but that's beside the point.)
08-08-2007, 05:39 PM
a month a go i broke my little toe.
we were in a resturant and i was following my son, he stopped to let an older gentleman in front of him and i was looking the other way and kept walking, i had flip-flops on and caught my little toe on his shoe.
i got alot of crap for not looking where i was walking.
thats it. oooh the horror
08-08-2007, 05:41 PM
James, that was terrible!
(and I want some chocolate, but that's beside the point.)
If you find some, call me...I want it too!:D
Well, not nearly as dramatic as some of the rest, but I caught my foot on a machine guard someone had laid in a walk isle at work. My leg twisted and I hit the floor. After getting myself to a sitting position, noticed teririble pain in my right knee. My leg had folded sideways. Took two years to get over that. Guess our legs were not intended to bend 90 degrees to the side.
08-08-2007, 06:00 PM
no nothing too nasty..
I was a generally clumsy child...I had concussion so many times as a kid, that my parents actually got taken away for questioning...:o having it three times as an adult, they have now let them off the hook....
then last year broke both of my little fingers within a month of each stupid!! (one car racing, lucky escape in a nasty crash, the other just caught it funny on my sons ice hocky bag.....)
the hospital tried to sign me off work for two weeks for each...and got really annoyed with me for not accepting the sick it was law...:rolleyes:
08-08-2007, 06:43 PM
like I said before James your sick man........:D
08-08-2007, 09:40 PM
One time I was reading one of Stefans' posts on this forum, and I laughed so hard my head actually fell off! Luckily I keep my brain in my ***, so I was alright!
Oh really? Hope it was a post that was supposed to be funny.
Gives me an idea for a skit..
08-09-2007, 04:09 AM
Ive had no serious injuries but thought id share one of my more stupid moments. When i was little my mum took me and my sis to the park, i got my knees stuck in the vertical gaps in the back rest part of a park bench:eek: . I was stuck a while my mum was about ready to call the fire department to get me out, but eventually she pulled hard enough and freed me. I ended up with very bruised knees.
08-09-2007, 06:34 AM
I may be slow, but where do you keep your brain, James?
I just can't think of any appropriate three letter words you wouldn't be able to write out . . .
can you give me a hint?
as a child I was once hung on a tree by a horse
no serious injury - just a tree branch puncture wound on my backside - but pretty funny judging from witness accounts
08-09-2007, 06:44 AM
I may be slow, but where do you keep your brain, James?
I just can't think of any appropriate three letter words you wouldn't be able to write out . . .
can you give me a hint?
The secret word is "***". :D
I'll give you a hint after all: Equus asinus.
08-09-2007, 06:48 AM
oh - is it posterior or anterior?
how far distal to the navel and in which direction?
08-09-2007, 06:51 AM
oh - is it posterior or anterior?
how far distal to the navel and in which direction?
At the end of the dorsal stripe. ;)
08-09-2007, 06:53 AM
okay, thanks
got it now
makes perfect sense
James is not the only one keeping his brain there, though his seems to function better than those of others keeping theirs in that location
08-09-2007, 06:58 AM
:D It pays off to have a bit of decentralization and redundancy in the brain department, so that no real harm is done if you laugh your head clean off or fall on you ***. The drawback is that when you update some piece of information, you have to update it everywhere, or you'll end up typing "If I remember correctly" in every post. ;)
What I'm trying to say, is that he's definitely not the only one who keeps his brain there, but there are a few other places I keep mine as well. ;)
Actually, I'm saying all this just to pass the time. Well look at that, it's past four, time to head home.
edit2: I'm home.
08-10-2007, 04:05 AM
we where dispatched,for a vehicle fire on the highway,while enroute,we where notified,that the vehicle was a 18 wheeler,the cab was completely engulfed in flames,and the cargo onboard was hazmat,we where order to grab the 1 3/4" preconnect,the other guy that was with me jumped off the truck,grabbed the nozzle,and ran for the vehicle.leaving the rest of the hose in the tray,DAM!,i ended up pulling the rest of the hose,off the truck,then it needed to be spread out,so their wouldn't be any kinks in the line,the engineer is waiting for the hose to get spread out,so he can open the valve,charging the line,I'am spreading out the hose by myself,and the other GUY! he's screaming where the water!(he's supposed to stay with me,we spread the line together,wait for the line to get charged,bleed out the air,and attack the fire together) well in spreading the line,I got tangled up,went down,put my arms out to break my fall,SNAP!other than that,we where fighting a fire in the business district,we worked are way to the second floor and my right foot went threw the floor,ouch!and then their was a house fire,100 year old Victorian house,2 stories,steep roof,we where ordered to the roof,to cut the ventilation hole ,so the team on the ground could enter.Creek!Crack!Double Dam,rotten boards,we where in the attic.
Lol probably the worst injury I've ever had is when I pulled my back after swinging a large pick axe and mallet all day when landscaping... And moving huge railroad ties lol. Other than that nothing, a trip to the chiropractor fixes anything I've managed to do.
08-12-2007, 10:58 PM
Head on.
I had a concussion, a deep cut on my forehead, chipped some of the enamel off two front teeth, fractured a molar, had a blood clot in my leg.
The pinto was totalled.
The semi lost his front axle.
The semi was at fault... left of center.:eek:
08-13-2007, 03:16 AM
it sounds like it could have been worse for you
I was once hit by an 18-wheeler and the Renault Le Car I was in was history
that tractor trailer hit the car right where I was sitting and I walked away with a bunch of glass in my scalp and forehead (where I'd gone through the window)
I had a friend pick out the glass and clean it up and I ended up having little grains of glass turn up under my skin for years after
I seem to have a propensity for having run-ins with large vehicles
such as: me on a kick scooter - guy in an SUV
I am extremely fortunate to be in no worse shape than I am
08-16-2007, 10:46 AM
I heard about this one guy who got in a car accident, and glass when in his skull. And to this day the body works the glass out of his head which his barber usually finds. They were big chunks too.
08-16-2007, 10:53 AM
Fell down a hay chute in the barn when I was 5, fractured my skull. Walked out of the barn (was as dizzy as I have ever been... sober) sat down and woke up 2 days later. No ill effects..... that I am aware of.:D
08-16-2007, 11:15 AM
nice one Terry...........;)
08-16-2007, 05:15 PM
when I was a kid I'd be barefoot a lot and my soles had hard callouses that you could tap on
one evening I was trying to elude my parents' guests' kids in the barn and jumped down a bale drop
it wasn't a far drop and I could dangle from a beam and drop the rest
I felt something pinch at the base of my left big toe as I dropped, but I was on the move and just kept going
later when I came home and made my obligatory appearance with the adults to say good night, this aunt let out a scream, pointing to my bloody foot prints on the tile floor
I guess I'd landed on a knife that someone had dropped and the cut had gone to the bone right by the joint
of course I'd been oblivious and kept running around with it, spreading the cut and packing is with all sorts of dirt
Lulu Bennett
08-16-2007, 05:29 PM
Rhea, that is minging lol
08-16-2007, 05:37 PM
Rhea, that is minging lol
don't know that word
what's it mean?
Lulu Bennett
08-16-2007, 05:56 PM
minging means disgusting lol sorry local slang
08-16-2007, 06:00 PM
thats kool, you learn new stuff every day......:D
08-16-2007, 08:07 PM
you know
I had some medical training
that's where you learn to talk about stuff most people think of as totally gross while chowing down on food with no apparent decrease in appreciation
I remember having study groups with friends at cafes where people near us were fleeing the vicinity, plates in hand, while giving us dirty looks
Chinese medicine goes on in great detail about the appearance of various exudates and body fluids . . .
minging . . .
08-16-2007, 09:42 PM
sounds kinda kool to me, but then again most people say I'm sick puppy.....:rolleyes:
Lulu Bennett
08-17-2007, 05:09 AM
lol rhea nice one lol
08-17-2007, 06:56 AM
The worst bite by a reptile was a bite from a Watermonitor (Varanus salvator) from about 100 cm.
It was a wildcaught animal that was housed in our quarantaine. He was rather wild. But he also was sick (Stomatitus ulcerosa, worms). So he had to be grabbed once a day.
One time he was faster than I was (I was not paying attention enough).
So het bit me with his whole beak in my hand, somewhere between thumb and indexfinger.
The only thing you can do when you get bitten by a monitor is: make no movements. Every movement you make will make the monitor bite harder.
After I sat still for some twenty minutes he let go.
I can tell you this: THAT HURTS!!!
Never been bitten by a monitor again.
08-17-2007, 08:05 AM
some learning experiences are really effective
08-17-2007, 01:29 PM
I was once bitten by a pretty big Varanus exanthematicus...that hurt!
08-17-2007, 01:31 PM
But the worst bite I ever got was from a cow!!
08-17-2007, 01:32 PM
how did you get biten by a cow??:confused:
08-17-2007, 01:36 PM
I head-butted it to see if I could knock it out...(I was younger and more foolish then)...and it bit me on the shoulder!
08-17-2007, 01:38 PM
I head-butted it to see if I could knock it out...(I was younger and more foolish then)...and it bit me on the shoulder!
08-17-2007, 01:40 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! !!!!!!!!!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! !!!!!!!!!
stiches twenty dollars
rabies shots fifty
getting bit by a cow after head butting it priceless lol
08-17-2007, 04:14 PM
When I was 5 i cut my leg open from just above the knee to the thigh on...(drum roll please)... GOOSE WIRE!!! Anyway i still have a huge scar on my leg:cool:
08-17-2007, 05:07 PM
But the worst bite I ever got was from a cow!!
Hay me too! I was letting a young calf suck on my fingers to try to get it to drink milk directly from a pail (rather then a nipple). I guess they got in a little to far, and I found out that cows are born with molars. Squashed the end of one finger.:eek:
08-17-2007, 05:35 PM
the worst bite I ever got, was from a cat
three big dogs were fighting over him
and I thought I'd just reach in there and pluck him out from their midst
he was in the crazed, slightly glazed over state, where it's just fight fight fight
he bit my thumb so hard, his teeth went through the thumbnail in two places
and to the bone in a few more places
plus the raked wrists and arms
by the time I had gotten him wrapped up and to the emergency cat hospital, my thumb had it all: rubor, tumor, calor, dolor (redness, swelling heat, pain) and loss of function
in fact the thumb was so red, it was purple, and it looked like it was going to burst
the receptionist of the cat ER sent me to the next human ER
by the time I got there I was feeling uncomfortably itchy, hot, and stiff all over and much of my skin had turned beet red
I was having an anaphylactic reaction to the cat dander
so they shot me up with a bunch of stuff and I think I was fine a couple of hours later
except the cat didn't make it through the night
and it took a long time for that thumb to get back to normal
I think almost a year
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