View Full Version : Help! Wild injured garter snake

10-03-2016, 09:13 AM
Long story short, my dog got a garter snake. The dog dropped her pretty quickly and I was over there before she could try again. When I picked her up she had a pretty bad kink in her back. I put her in our front yard under a propped up flower pot so she could pass in peace if that was what was going to happen. A couple hours later when I checked on her she had left the flower pot. Shortly after that the dog found her again, this time just barking, so I picked she up again and brought her inside, thinking she can move, but not quickly enough to evade the dog or other predators, a few days for the muscle stiffness and swelling to go down may be all she needs. The kink in her back had largely straightened out and didn't look nearly so bad and I could feel muscle movement down her body.

This is was a week and a half ago. I've managed to keep her pretty well in a 10 gal. tank I had around and from looking at other websites to figure out what she needs. I am not a snake person so don't have any of the normal equipment, and my husband thinks I'm nuts, so spending money isn't really an option either. She has eaten and pooped, don't know about peeing. She is sometimes very alert, some times not. She a few times has moved vigorously in the tank, but mostly just rests on the hot side of the tank.

I thought she was doing well enough to release her a few days ago and that is when we hit a snag. I put her down near the wood pile I know she lives in and she did not move away nearly as fast as I would have liked and the way she has in the past. (I've rescued this snake from the dog a couple times where she hadn't been really hurt.) I picked her up again and set her in the grass to better assess how she was moving and it seems to me that she isn't using her body below the injury to propel herself. As the injury is about 1/3 of the way down her body, this isn't enough to let her move well or quickly. I know she can move her tail and I can feel muscle reaction in the lower part of her body. (I'm a massage therapist so I know muscles just not snakes) so even if her spine is injured the cord doesn't seem to be.

So my questions, does this sound like an injury she can recover from enough to be released? Am I just prolonging her suffering? How can you tell if a snake is hurting? Should I be looking for someone who wants a pet snake?

10-04-2016, 07:59 AM
Thanks for trying to help, it's certainly more than most people would do. You are in a tough spot. I'll give you what I see as your options.
1. Release the snake in the wood pile and let nature(good or bad) take its course.
2. Continue care in the hopes the snake will become more mobile. What if it doesn't become more mobile?
3. Find a reptile rescue that might take it in
4. Dispatch the snake humanly

Has the snake eaten anything? Is it drinking?

10-04-2016, 12:12 PM
She has eaten. She ignored everything I offered the first few days. Since then she has eaten three small worms. I'm not sure if she has drunk, but she cooled off in her water once.

10-04-2016, 05:18 PM
Those are good signs. I would guess she's drinking. You are doing great, time is needed to see how her body repairs or doesn't repair the damage. I've seen them make so remarkable recoveries. I've unfortunately seen the other end of the spectrum and had to dispatch them. Let's stay on the positive side here and hope for the best. Photos would also allow us to make some other observations.

10-04-2016, 06:53 PM
Here's a photo of the injured snake(T. radix)


10-04-2016, 06:59 PM
The injury is not as bad looking as I thought it would be. We are still back to time. Time will tell. I'd suggest a much bigger water dish so she can stretch out when in it. That will apply less stress to the spine. As far as I can tell it's a female and a radix to boot. In my opinion the best combination.

10-04-2016, 08:08 PM
I thought she was a female, since I see babies in the yard sometimes. I suspect she gave birth not too long ago since I've started seeing littler snakes again and for a while she was the only snake (I think) that I've seen most of July and Aug. Radix is the scientific name for a plains garter snake, right? Looking at a site to see what snakes are in my area, I thought that is what she is. Nice to know I was probably right! ��

10-04-2016, 08:43 PM
Thamnophis radix, is the scientific name. What State are you in?

10-04-2016, 09:36 PM
Colorado, Denver area.

10-05-2016, 11:50 AM
Feeding Snakey

Since worms are getting harder to find as it gets colder, I bought some bait earthworms. (I looked at red wrigglers at the pet store so I would know what they look like to avoid them) I cut about a 1/3 of one to offer Snakey and she completely ignored it. Now there were several things that may have influenced her not feeding, the biggest being I worked yesterday morning, so there wasn't anyone to keep turning her heating pad on. (Going to ask about heating options soon) It took several hours to get her tank warm enough to offer food, by then it was evening.

This is morning I dug deep to find some garden worms since she has eaten those well to try and see if she just wasn't hungry. She scarfed down two of those quickly! :D How much of a bait worm can she eat? I keep seeing that young snakes can't eat a whole one and that night crawlers can actually crawl back out of a snake. O.o I don't think she is a juvenile, she is about 2'-2.5' long.

What do I do if she keeps refusing nightcrawlers?

10-05-2016, 12:19 PM
She is near adult unless I'm seeing her wrong. How big around is she? pinky finger, index? From the photo she looks well capable of handling an adult night crawler. Here's a little scenting trick. Take one of the earth worms and cut it up in a small dish. Add a table spoon of water to the mix. Now, take the night crawler and scent the front half with the mixture. Offer it up, more then likely she'll take it. Do this a few more times and she will probably start taking them unscented. Offer some tilapia or salmon. If she takes that you can scent the worms with that also. Yes, sometimes the worms crawl back up but they usually go back when they encounter those rear facing teeth. Hope this helps.

10-05-2016, 01:11 PM
She is near adult unless I'm seeing her wrong. How big around is she? pinky finger, index?

At which point? Lol. Right behind her head I'd say tip of the index finger, at her thickest point, maybe woman thumb thick. (I've seen some guys with thick thumbs! She isn't that big!)

I was hoping scenting them would work. I'll try that next time. Speaking of next time, when should I offer again? She ate two small I'd guess 3-4 inch worms today.

10-05-2016, 03:08 PM
I'd try feeding today.

10-06-2016, 10:43 PM
Since it looks like Snakey won't be able to be released for a while, I would like to improve her tank as much as I am able. But as my hubby is currently not working, I can't spend much money.

I'm looking around the house and may check out dollar store for a bigger water dish, like Steve suggested. I'm assuming long and skinny works? How long should I be trying for, the width of the tank or more the length of the tank?

My biggest concern is heat. I currently have a heating pad (like one you get from Walgreens to use on your back) which is doing a decent job, but auto shuts off every 2 hours, which is problematic over night and when I'm at work. I looked into them and can probably afford the $10-15 for an under tank heater, but a reastat (sp?) or thermostat is probably too much. I have an old timer I used to use for my fish tank that can be set in 15 min increments. If I'm remembering the packaging correctly, it was for reptiles too. Do you think I could use that to control a UTH if I have a day where I can watch it pretty closely to get it set up?

When I next clean her tank I would like to change the substrate a bit. Because of my heating options, I don't want to just use paper towels. She currently is on colored fish tank gravel covered by moss on the cool side and thin agate slabs on the hot side. I'm thinking of replacing the small gravel with a layer of 1" ish size pebbles a couple inches thick with paper towels on the very bottom to absorb liquid and the agate and moss or maybe pine bark pieces picked up from the wood pile she lived in on top again. My thinking here is the rock will heat up slowly enough to prevent her from getting burned by the UTH, yet cool slowly enough to help maintain the temp since I will only be able to set it on or off. What do you think?

last I'm not crazy about the lid of the tank. Right now it is a glass fish tank lid with the opening in the back for the filter and stuff taped shut with duct tape, no sticky side exposed. Right now it does help keep the heat in. My concern is this doesn't have much air flow. It isn't sealed by any means and I open it several times a day to let fresh air in, but the humidity from her water evaporating is starting to build up. Once I have a more stable heat supply, do you think cardboard with small, pencil tip sized, holes punch in it with small rocks to weight it down would be secure enough?

An other free or low cost ideas would be much appreciated! Thank you all so much for all your help!

10-07-2016, 05:53 AM
I'll send you a free rheostat and pad. Message/email me your address and I'll get it headed your way. A gift for your beautiful T. radix.

10-07-2016, 11:56 AM
Thank you so much! I am overwhelmed by the support I feel here! Everyone else just looks at me like I'm crazy for trying to help an injured snake from the backyard.

10-07-2016, 12:21 PM
You're not crazy, just enlightened.

10-07-2016, 09:28 PM

10-08-2016, 12:53 PM
Ok getting worried about Snakey again. She hasn't eaten for sure in several days. (There is a possibility of a small worm this morning) I have to main theories. One, since her heat varies quite a bit and I haven't given her a light source on the recommendation of a friend who use to have a snake, she is following her instincts and getting ready to brumate (hope I remembered the word right).

The other possibility is I didn't realize how icky her tank had gotten till I took it completely apart last night. So she maybe didn't want to eat because of that. She is on paper towels now, with the agate slabs on top for basking. But seems to be actively avoiding food, like she will move away from it.

I'M thinking of putting her in a bath in case she got dehydrated. How deep should the water be? Just enough to cover half the width of her body or deeper? If they swim that may be good exercise to loosen her up.

10-08-2016, 02:06 PM
Several days of not eating is no big deal but since we are dealing with an injury it's something to be aware of. Is she still moving the same? Same activity level? Quick head movements and the same amount of tongue flicking?

10-08-2016, 02:20 PM
Several days of not eating is no big deal but since we are dealing with an injury it's something to be aware of. Is she still moving the same? Same activity level? Quick head movements and the same amount of tongue flicking?

Um, I guess yes to all of the above. She only tongue flicks if there is a worm in her tank. She has only rarely been very active and pretty much only after eating. When she moves she is moving somewhat better. More bending of her body than before. Quick head movements when I accidentally startle her, or if a worm pokes her. Last nigh when I moved her to clean, she was moving a lot without actually changing location. S curving her body a lot with out moving her head, if that makes any sense. Today and yesterday before I cleaned the tank she was moving to actively avoid the food. I would put a worm a few inches in front of her head (same way I've always done) and she would move some times fairly far, to move away.

10-08-2016, 03:58 PM
I'd give her a couple to 3 days off from offering food.

Albert Clark
10-09-2016, 02:37 PM
Even reptile bodies are machines that constantly try to heal themselves. Nice job!

10-09-2016, 02:40 PM
I would not pick her up unless it is absolutely necessary. How's her pooping? Any and how often? I ask to see if that function has been compromised by the vertebra/nerve injury.

10-10-2016, 11:47 AM
I would not pick her up unless it is absolutely necessary. How's her pooping? Any and how often? I ask to see if that function has been compromised by the vertebra/nerve injury.

She is definitely pooping! Hard to say how often when I had the moss in the tank, it hid it too well. She pooped last night.
Speaking of pooping, I sort of accidentally did a float while cleaning the moss I had in there, so I know she has parasites, not surprising since she is wild caught. How careful do I need to be? I have cats in addition to the dog and I don't want to accidentally spread anything to them. Is common sense washing my hands enough?

10-10-2016, 12:05 PM
You saw worms? Hand washing is all you need.

10-11-2016, 11:09 PM
Snakey does not like big worms. I waited 3 days to feed her again as recommended. Today I dug her some fresh worms from the garden and jackpot found a big one! (Still not as big as a nightcrawler bait worm) So figured this one wouldn't smell weird to her! Offered it to her twice today and she turned her nose up to it twice even though once I removed it from the tank she ate a smaller worm. She has had 3 smallish worms today though! Funny how seeing her scarf down a worm makes me smile!

I'm planing on waiting 2-3 days and trying again.

You saw worms?
Yep, little tiny white ones floating in the water in which I was soaking the moss to clean it. Not a lot. I haven't seen any just looking at the poop, but white worms on white paper towels would be hard to see.

10-12-2016, 12:58 AM
Are you cutting the worms up with scissors or leaving them whole?

10-12-2016, 07:36 AM
The first time I offered a nightcrawler I cut it. But after checking that she should be able to eat a whole worm I quit cutting them. Do you think that will help? How small?

10-12-2016, 10:13 AM
So, these worms you saw where from soaking the moss? The snake had no contact with the moss or water before you saw them?

10-13-2016, 01:00 PM
So, these worms you saw where from soaking the moss? The snake had no contact with the moss or water before you saw them?

The moss had been in her tank as a top layer of substrate. When I changed her to paper towels I put the moss in water as this is living moss and I wanted to clean the snake poop off if it. A day later is when I saw a few tiny worms.

10-13-2016, 04:34 PM
To be sure you're dealing with an internal parasite issue a fecal float needs to be done.

10-16-2016, 11:10 AM
Snakey is settling in to version 2.5 of her habitat! I got the UTH and thermostat given to us by Steve (thank you again!) installed, a new long water dish with a ramp, that hopefully will double as a hide, put in, and, after noticing she was moving herself into the indirect sunlight that hits the tank everyday, a light on a timer! There was a slight hiccup when I figured out this morning the reason the tank wasn't quite as warm as I set the thermostat was I didn't use enough tape and the UTH didn't have as good a contact with the bottom as it needs, but that was easily remedied.

I suspect Snakey has been dehydrated, even though she had water. I held her over her new dish when I put her back in, to show her what is was and encourage drinking and she gulped water down for several minutes! We could watch the water bulge move down her body! So I will probably continue reminding her about the water, till I see her drink without encouragement. It helps that I have a better visual what a dehydrated vs hydrated snake looks like now.

In the last few days she has started coiling her body, this is something new. Not super tight, but she spends a lot of time with her head resting on her body, looking alert. She is changing position in the tank a lot more often than she had been, and best of all, I am seeing more movement below her injury! I don't think she will ever recover enough to survive being released, but I'm hopeful that with time to heal, she will become the curious, some what more active snake you all describe! :D


10-16-2016, 11:33 AM
Great update. That's for giving her a chance to recover and a new life.

10-21-2016, 11:29 AM
Well' I'm getting concerned again. Snakey hasn't pooped much since being on paper towels. I suspect it has to do with her getting dehydrated, but the bump near her vent has gotten bigger. I have seen her trying to poop or pass something. I'm assuming she is constipated. I started soaking her yesterday. She has passed what I'm assuming are urates (bird poo looking white stuff) and the bump looks a bit smaller and softer. She isn't eating, but as you know she hasn't been a consistent eater anyway. Other than soaking, is there anything else I can try?

10-21-2016, 03:41 PM
Keep a close eye on here and keep up the hydration. How about a look at the vent bump, please.

10-21-2016, 05:06 PM
http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=14169&stc=1One picture is from above, the other from the side.

10-21-2016, 05:50 PM
To be honest that doesn't look good. Try warm water soaks to see if it can loosen that up if it is a blockage.

10-22-2016, 02:03 PM
Received an email from my friend Steve Schmidt. Thought I would post it up on the forum. Thanks for helping out Steve.


Regarding the thread "Help! Wild injured garter snake" and the possible blockage (remember I can't see the photo).

I've had some success removing blockages by inserting some mineral oil into the cloaca with an eye dropper or small syringe (remove the needle!).
Squirting ~ several drops may help expel the contents.

Of course, there may be an existing infection too, but that would be a separate issue. The blockage must be removed to have any chance of saving the animal!

Good luck,

10-24-2016, 08:56 AM
Snakey died last night while I was at work.

Thank you all so much for your help keeping her as long as I did.

10-24-2016, 10:11 AM
So sorry to hear this. Thank you for trying, you did your best. These are wonderful snakes so I hope at some point in the future you might get one.

Albert Clark
10-25-2016, 11:23 AM
Wow, sad to read on the loss. We really don't know for sure what it was that caused the demise of the snake but the swelling probably was the result of other things. You did a amazing job throughout her rehabilitation and you deserve alot of credit. The experience will help to keep other garters alive when you decide to take on a new one. Thanks and good luck.