View Full Version : I want a snake
Noahs Ark Exotics
06-27-2016, 12:42 PM
Hello everybody, i'm a new member with a question. But first i'd like to introduce myself. My name is Noah, i'm a reptile enthusiast, and I have 3 lizards. But lizards can get a little old when snakes are in the world. I want to get one, but like many people on earth, my mother won't let me. She says she doesn't like them because they slither. Any ideas as to how to convince her? Getting ahold of a garter snake is no problem, i just need to convince her.
06-29-2016, 10:05 AM
Does she have any specific concerns about you getting a snake other than her not liking them?
Noahs Ark Exotics
06-30-2016, 06:46 AM
She says she doesn't like that they slither and it freaks her out. I just want to show her that they aren't as creepy as they sound bus she won't even get near them.
06-30-2016, 04:48 PM
That is a very hard phobia to overcome if you are unwilling. I know people that freak at the mere sound of the word "snake". See if she will watch some YT videos showing others interacting with them. Don't show her a video of a 20 foot snake with a kid. See if there is anything on my channel(thamnophis14) that might help. Let her read some post from this page. Make sure she understands garters don't have fangs and don't constrict. Tiny steps will be needed but it can be done. I had a 75 year old neighbor lady that killed every garter/snake she saw. After watching my kids holding baby garters and the joy they were getting she warmed up and even touched one. From that time forward she called one of my kids over if she found a snake.
It can be done.
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