View Full Version : The 8th annual L.I.H.S. auction.
Albert Clark
06-07-2016, 06:31 AM
Hey community, just want to briefly mention the success of the 8th annual L.I.H.S.(Long Island Herpetological Society) auction. The event took place on the campus of The Farmingdale State University- Conference center on June 5, 2016. Hosted by Rich Meyer, senior founding member and executive of the society. Took place from 1:00 - 4:00pm and included both reptile and non reptile items. This was a small venue that was opened to the public and was a huge success. It was billed as either a straight up donation to the society or a 50/50 split between the seller and the society. Alot of items were presented from A to Z. Great fellowship and a great society that is a asset to the reptile nation. Thanks to all the staff and to Vin Russo of Cutting Edge Herp/ President of the L.I.H.S.
06-07-2016, 06:43 AM
Sounds like a success.
Albert Clark
06-07-2016, 08:05 PM
This Saturday we (L.I.H.S.) will be heading out to the Cold Springs Harbor fish hatchery for a day of educational events surrounding reptiles and amphibians. A reptile appreciation exhibition and a turtle and tortoise pageant. If you want info concerning this event go to // turtle-tortoise-pageant/ >on Saturday, June 11th. Thanks. These events will all be taking place at the CSHFH on Long Island in N.Y.
06-08-2016, 06:57 PM
I love that place!!
Albert Clark
06-09-2016, 03:41 AM
I love that place!!
There will be alot going on and we would love to have a great turnout of support. The weather is supposed to oblige as well!
06-09-2016, 07:18 PM
I have to work all day Saturday. Take some pics of the wood turtles. Those are my favorites!!
Albert Clark
06-09-2016, 08:11 PM
Ok. I will get some pics to share.
Albert Clark
06-11-2016, 04:45 PM
Ok. Here we go! Total success at the fishery! Beautiful day to be on Long Island and we were set up in the shade. Nice crowd and the fellowship and interactions went on in full effect for several hours. Pics to follow later. I didn't know you can even go fishing here right in the pond for trout! Nominal fee but we'll worth it.
06-11-2016, 08:32 PM
Glad to here you had a nice turnout. I work 15 min from there and I wanted to sneak out all day. Maybe next time.
Albert Clark
06-12-2016, 10:21 AM
First picture is part of the admissions facility, the indoor exhibit building is attached to it. The rooster and chickens were some of the many outdoor exhibits. couple of my fellow members setting up the tables. A pond turtle exhibit along with a ton of captive raised trout in a adjacent exhibit. You can see pretty much our tables were still in the process of being set up. :) I keep calling it the fishery when it's actually "hatchery". Thanks and i do have a few more pics to post once i get them organized.
Albert Clark
06-12-2016, 10:33 AM few more turtle exhibits and the line of tables pretty well set up at this point. Wayne with one of his veiled Chameleons, He had his gray banded kingsnake and one of his milk snakes on display. Ed had his Thayeri kings on display. And of course there was myself with several albino checkered hatchlings and their parents. :)
06-12-2016, 12:31 PM
Awesome, thanks for posting the photos.
Albert Clark
06-12-2016, 04:12 PM
I didn't go inside the indoor exhibits nor out to the adjacent building for the other great works out there. However i will update this with additional pics soon. :)
06-12-2016, 06:11 PM
Great pics Albert!!
Albert Clark
06-13-2016, 07:43 AM this top photo on the right and in the background was my fellow member Kirk who brought his albino high contrast ball python and one of his gorgeous leopard tortoises. He also had his Northern pine snake and two hatchlings. If you look closely to the right you will see Kirk holding the ball python as he lectures to a group of visitors. On the far left is John, (back turned) one of the L.I.H.S. execs who had his reptiles on display as well.
Albert Clark
06-13-2016, 07:50 AM
Great pics Albert!!
Thanks Ed, really missed you. Yeah, next time.
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