View Full Version : Communal housing/Species

05-31-2016, 03:21 PM
Hey everyone!
I've been reading that Garters tend to do well in pairs or small communal settings. If this is truly benificial, I'd like to get a cagemate for my male albino checkered, Timber. I just have a few questions that I'm hoping you all could answer!

First, I'm set on the idea of getting the largest terrarium possible, even if it's just for one snake. That way Timber will have plenty of room to explore and I'll always have the option to give him a snake friend. Is a 40 gallon too much for one 2 foot snake?

Second, are there any recommended species to pair with Thamnophis marcianus? I'm aware to steer clear of WC and wandering varieties for health and cannibalism reasons. And with that, where can I find reputable breeders who have these snakes?

Third, is there a time-span I should get a new one within? I've only had my checkered for a month, I'm sure a cagemate at this point would stress him out. But if I wait too long ( 1-3 years) would there be problems?

Lastly, what's the gereral consensus on housing snakes? Do the pros outweigh the cons? Tell me your thoughts!
Thanks so much for your time!

05-31-2016, 06:55 PM
Get a like sexed T. marcianus unless you want little scrubs. No matter what you decide on be sure it is same sex. I've housed like sexed T. radix and marcianus together.

My Thamnophis have always seemed less stressed and more calm in groups. More social also.

Albert Clark
06-01-2016, 07:22 AM
That's fine that you want to give him more room to explore but just be aware of the more attention to detail required for cleanliness and the health of the animals. Display enclosures are great and lots of people do communal housing with their animals. As long as you house them based on gender you won't get any surprise babies. When you house different species and sub species together you will have to be cognizant of their individual husbandry requirements and just make sure that you can provide for both. I don't foresee a big difference in housing Marcianus and Radix together. Just remember that anytime you add a new snake to your existing collection that new animal needs to be quarantined for at least 60 days preferably 90 days. This is done to protect your established animal from any potential health issues that the new snake will have or might have. Alternatively protecting the new snake from any possible health issues from the established collection.

06-01-2016, 11:54 AM
albert works with checkered. imo it would be best to house same sex same species.

Albert Clark
06-01-2016, 12:52 PM
The main issues are the continued regard of the health and safety of the animals!

06-01-2016, 08:42 PM
Thanks for the responses, everyone! I'll use this information to make the right decision for me and the animals!