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View Full Version : 2015 Pastel checkered het granite garter .

Albert Clark
11-16-2015, 01:30 PM
12842This sub adult female is a healthy 100% het for the granite checkered gene garter. Feeding on f/t hairless hoppers, f/t pink mice, f/t smelt and fresh fish. Has taken f/t frog legs and feeder fish. 7 mos. old and growing like a weed. Asking 150.00 shipped priority overnight. The larger female is the one for sale. :)

Albert Clark
11-16-2015, 01:53 PM
Second picture to give a bit more detail. Female is in shed in this picture though.12843

Albert Clark
12-24-2015, 05:55 PM
The price on this little big girl is reduced for the holiday up until New Year's Day. 100.00 shipped. Grab her quickly. Going on 9 months old.