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View Full Version : 2 dead Eastern babies

08-20-2015, 09:44 PM
Our family has been keeping a wild eastern for the past 3 weeks found in the yard. Intent is to only keep for 30-days per both State of VA law and for my son to fulfill Reptiles/Amphibians Merit Badge for Boy Scouts.

Day #30 is actually on Sunday August 23, 2015. We noticed the snake exhibiting increased activity over the past week; roaming and testing the 20 gal. High tank - presumably for an exit. I thought it may just be the "normal and assumed" nature to get back to freedom.

Suprisingly however I looked in tank about 2 hours ago and noticed 2 dead babies!

I did a decent amount of reading after capturing, and looking at various multimedia and posts here but, honestly thought we had a male; e.g., lon narrow tail but didn't try to view anal/underbelly because I didn't want the snake to get too used to being handled - keep it wild. Regardless, after this we think we should just release the snake as it appears healthy and has been eating both live toads harvested from the yard and nightcrawlers. Any thoughts...would you agree? Should it be released immediately or in the morning ok? Pics attached.

08-25-2015, 11:14 AM
Yes I would release her if you haven't already done so

08-25-2015, 11:55 AM
Yes, release her as soon as you can unless she's exhibiting serious signs of illness. High activity isn't a bad thing in garters.

08-25-2015, 01:14 PM
Looks like she's in the process of delivering her babies. I'd release her in as safe a spot as you can(lots of cover) so she can continue birthing her babies.
Just noticed the post date on this thread. Sorry, I didn't see it in a more timely manner.

08-26-2015, 02:16 PM
Thanks all...I did release her the next morning. Transferred her as gingerly as possible to a pillow case and per State personal use guidelines put her in the exact spot where she was captured, which is the corner of the shed. I created a small covered tunnel out of bricks so that I could lay the pillow case opening at the tunnel - so the release was as comfortable as possible. She casually made her way out of the pillow case, through the tunnel into the tall grass and eventually under the shed. I suspect she had a den under there to begin with. Naturally I wish the babies hadn't died but, this was a really cool experience not ever having had a snake before. I will certainly consider getting a captive bred.

Albert Clark
08-26-2015, 02:50 PM
Great update! Thanks for releasing her. Welcome to the garter nation, we are glad to have you around. With captive bred reptiles you have a endless array of choices. She did look like a exceptional specimen btw.:)

08-26-2015, 08:31 PM
Indeed she is a very beautiful girl. Hopefully she decides to hunker down under the shed and you get to see her in her habitat, keeping slugs, snails and worms at bay :D

08-26-2015, 09:57 PM
Definately agree with the comment about being a beautiful specimen, so I have attempted another pic if it works...pics make forums fun. Otherwise, this whole episode certainly has been a great learning experience but one key question that I have is about the birthing process...so can she essentially control her ability to birth over a certain period of time? I've seen posts where some broods have as many 20, 30 or more. Do I presume that she can exercise a limited release over a few days; presumably waiting for "safe" environment and/or conditions?

Jeff B
08-26-2015, 10:04 PM
From the picture she looked full of babies, with her spine pressed up on dorsal side. I would bet that she gave birth to more babies after you released her and possibly they where alive,healthy and fine. i have have many females drop a couple slugs or stillborns and then a day or several days later deliver perfect babies. I hope your son was still eligible for his reptile/amphibian merit badge for Boy Scouts. Please contact me if you are interested in a captive bred and born garter, you might be shocked by how generous my fellow Scout discount is :)

08-26-2015, 10:25 PM
I was just perusing the sale/trade section and saw you in there...was looking at the offerings. Then saw you had posted here...good to know she'll likely have more. And I can't imagine a merit badge counselor that would deny the requirement when the release was in the best interest of the animal a mere 2 days shy of the 30-day requirement. As an Eagle Scout myself I'd go to bat on it. Thanks for noting the potential discount, will contact if we intend to move forward aND see something of interest.

Jeff B
08-27-2015, 06:30 AM
To be clear the discount could be as high as 100% lol

Albert Clark
08-27-2015, 07:01 AM
Jeff, you really are a resource and always come through. IDK what the hobby and industry would be like without you. Thanks again.

08-27-2015, 10:50 AM
That's a nice offer man, the garter community is awesome keep rocking guys.

08-31-2015, 09:30 PM
I would like to express sincere appreciation to those who extended replies and offers. Ultimately, we were generously contacted by indigoman, who actually lives in our area. indigoman turned us on to the Expo at our county's fairgrounds and we went to the show...well, there was also a pretty good incentive - one of those Scout discounts that seemed to have been going around in Aug. 2015.

I made sure the kids wanted to continue with a family pet and we gladly accepted to meet at the Expo. indigoman thank you again - as I saw our boys pretty 'gooned up' earlier this evening for the first feeding since bringing the new addition home from this past Saturday. And, I would be liar if I tried to say that I haven't been just as 'gooned up'..!

So, we were blessed with an array of choices that were offered by our new friend, and our Boy Scout was given the opportunity to make the final decision; as that was the pretense under which this whole adventure started upon. So, what did he choose...see the pics. These are a little blurry but I'm sure we'll have better as our new addition becomes comfortable.

So, I guess now I need to update my signature to "On My Way" (Any Styx fans out there?) Thanks again all...great Forum, Community, Genuine People and Rewarding Experience.

Albert Clark
09-01-2015, 12:03 AM
Great pick up! Nice gesture Indigo.

09-01-2015, 12:08 PM
That a leucistic?

09-01-2015, 12:29 PM
looks like a checkered to me

09-01-2015, 01:23 PM
looks like a checkered to me
that's what I'm thinking as well.

Albert Clark
09-01-2015, 01:35 PM
Third that. Albino checkered.

09-01-2015, 02:25 PM
so blurry its hard to tell

09-01-2015, 03:36 PM
Albino checkered, Such a nice family I was more than glad to help out.

Albert Clark
09-01-2015, 04:28 PM
This was my male albino checkered male who passed away in late 2014 (DEC). Now his son is going to take his place breeding this year.12653 I'm pretty sure sonny can get the job done! The female is a whole size bigger this year, so it should be interesting. :D :D