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View Full Version : Achromatic Update

08-01-2015, 05:06 PM
So a friend of mine that I was introduced to by guidofatherof5 (Steve), Mark, has been working on what many will just see as a different type of axanthic or Steve's Black & Whites and both of those trains of thought could have some truth to them. Jeff Benfer had a litter a few years back that possibly had two types of axanthic in it, and I know his feeling is that we still don't know all we could yet about how axanthic works. Jeff has interest there with good reason and hopefully in time all of that can be explored more. Steve discovered the B/W by an extremely lucky pairing (IMO) of two snakes and that thread can be explored if you are interested, and you should be, very cool! Unfortunately with the B/W we may never know any more about them than what Steve knows because they have not been produced again. One day I hope.

As for the Achromatic. This radix morph was discovered by Mark while herping in Nebraska. He has been working with this morph proving it out and line breeding for years. Being comfortable with where he is on breeding stock, holdbacks over the years, etc for this project Mark is ready to bring them to the hobby so that others can enjoy them and work with them. For those that just want a very cool radix to call a pet, they don't get much cooler, IMO. For breeders with dreams of what new possibilities they may bring there is that to explore as well. Mark has the possibility of having multiple litters this year. The first came Monday. 14 in the litter, no jellies no stills. Hopefully there will be more, but with snakes you never now, right? Everything that happens with this project it is all Mark. His years of hard work, his name, it's his baby. Pics soon. Promise.

08-01-2015, 07:15 PM
definitely looking forward to breeding my hets in spring and possibly creating something new with the ones that are also het albino. thanks mark!

08-01-2015, 07:49 PM
When do we get pics already :eek:

08-01-2015, 08:23 PM
Patience grasshopper. Did that just date me? ;)

08-02-2015, 07:12 AM
Patience grasshopper. Did that just date me? ;)
yup your getting old my friend lol and you have pics. im almost ready to post one. cant keep them waiting much longer ahaha

08-02-2015, 07:38 AM
"When you can take the radix from my hand, it will be time for you to leave" I remember that show.:D Radix Fu

08-02-2015, 10:55 AM
Love it Steve, LMAO.

09-08-2015, 12:01 AM
So the final number on the axanthic from four litters are 22 axanthic and 11 het. After several more meals and a few sheds these scrubs will be good to go.

Albert Clark
09-08-2015, 08:38 AM
So the final number on the axanthic from four litters are 22 axanthic and 11 het. After several more meals and a few sheds these scrubs will be good to go.
Good luck and its going to be interesting looking at the possibilities! Can't wait.