View Full Version : Constipated?

07-26-2015, 02:16 PM
This snake was being housed communally with some of her litter mates from last year. Everyone seemed to be eating, pooping and shedding just fine - a little hard to tell with 10 in the tank though. During today's feeding, I noticed this lump on her back end. The vent area looked like it was kind of crusted over with dry poop and then all this built up poop that's not coming out? That's just my guess, is that what you guys think is going on here? Either way, tell me your opinions and advice on how to correct it. Also - she's still moving around okay, inquisitive and flicking her tongue like normal.


07-26-2015, 02:46 PM
Okay, that really doesn't look good. Milder things that aren't really too worrisome like just taking a while to poo or slugs/babies will bulge out on the snake's underside, not the sides and top like what you're seeing. They also won't show signs of trying to go and being unable to (like swelling or crusty substances around the vent).
Is she showing other symptoms like lethargy or decreased alertness?

There's really no home remedy for this. IMO vet attention is the only way this is going to be corrected.
I think this would not be very effective for snakes, but it won't hurt anything to try... While you're waiting for the vet, you can put her in a warm water bath with honey mixed into it. This is a common treatment for impaction in frogs (works mainly because their bodies are one huge mucous membrane and the honey can do its thing better), but it may decrease any swelling at the vent, and if she strains to go and any of it can get into her cloaca, it should cause an influx of water into the area due to osmotic pressure and make going easier.
Like I said though, I think the chances of seeing actual results in a snake are pretty slim.

07-26-2015, 03:03 PM
I give a nice long warm soaking in a shed box. Keeping the water temp up, might help stimulate a bowel movement. I can also see a bit of retained shed above the blockage area, check to see if there isn't more.

07-26-2015, 03:28 PM
Thanks so far! Yes moving a little slower. Only snake to skip eating today, she would take the food from the tongs, act like she wanted it, then would release it and move on. I tried to run warm water over the area and very gently massaged. I have her seperate now and noticed after the warm water she was trying to have a movement but nothing came out:(. Worried about her. Thanks for catching the shed Steve!

07-26-2015, 06:18 PM
A good thing is the location of the blockage, right at the cloaca/vent.

Albert Clark
07-26-2015, 06:55 PM
Sorry to see this D. Is the communal housing a tank, tub, or similar enclosure? How old is this garter? What type of husbandry numbers are you working with? Temps , ambient and warm spot, cool side? Are they all cbb or w/c? I know you said her littermates are in there also. What size is the enclosure also? The area looks very reddened and irritated. Good thing you separated her from the others. I would change the substrate to paper towels for every body and actually I would house everyone in their own deli cup on a folded paper towel to better monitor everyone until this gets sorted out. Get the large deli cup bowls from the 99cents store. I would suspect parasites until proven otherwise. I think that is one of the worst things it could be. It certainly could be a blockage. :( :confused:

07-26-2015, 07:19 PM
This is my litter from last year, sexed to the best of my ability(I don't pop anyone) so 10 in a 10 gallon Wal-Mart fish tank. They have been on paper towel from the time they were born. Still are. The litter was 28, lost 2 first week, now this. Up until now all 26 have been snaky and healthy. Not to sound like a cruel monster but probably will not being doing a vet on this if we can't clear it up as a forum. Natures a bitch, 25 more, etc. I will do all I can do for the snake, my wallet does all it can for the six human mouths in this joint. I appreciate any and all ideas, the shared and to be shared. Thanks members.

Albert Clark
07-26-2015, 09:26 PM
This is my litter from last year, sexed to the best of my ability(I don't pop anyone) so 10 in a 10 gallon Wal-Mart fish tank. They have been on paper towel from the time they were born. Still are. The litter was 28, lost 2 first week, now this. Up until now all 26 have been snaky and healthy. Not to sound like a cruel monster but probably will not being doing a vet on this if we can't clear it up as a forum. Natures a bitch, 25 more, etc. I will do all I can do for the snake, my wallet does all it can for the six human mouths in this joint. I appreciate any and all ideas, the shared and to be shared. Thanks members.

Kool. What does popping have to do with a ill snake? Ok. I get it. Best of luck .

07-26-2015, 10:00 PM
Hm... If it continues to worsen, some vets will charge very little for euthanasia in cases of small animals in really bad condition if money is an issue. Worth a phone call at any rate.

07-26-2015, 11:46 PM
Thanks Lora. I might give them a call see what they say.

10-14-2015, 12:08 PM
I'm curious. How's the snake now? Did it survive? If so, what was the solution?

10-14-2015, 04:38 PM
Hope there is a good ending to this but I have a feeling that no news is not good news in this case : /

10-15-2015, 06:41 PM
Yeah, not good. Her overall movement got less and less over a couple days. Went in on the third day of her decline and found she had passed.

10-16-2015, 05:21 PM
I'm sorry for your loss.

I wish there were a guide to all the possible ills and how to cure them.

10-17-2015, 02:12 PM
Sorry for your loss Dan.

I wish there were a guide to all the possible ills and how to cure them.
Dr's all around the world keep asking for this every day :)

Albert Clark
10-19-2015, 09:11 PM
Deepest condolences D, nobody is prepared to lose (demise) any animal that they care for. You know you did the best you could under the circumstances and that's what truly counts.