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07-17-2015, 08:14 PM
so i think my albino is gravid again. she just dropped a litter may 16 and has been eating and pooping normal but her back end is getting scale spread. just wondering how often garters double clutch cause so far ive never had it happen without a brumation


Albert Clark
07-17-2015, 08:24 PM
Don't know how often it occurs but I know they can store sperm and have clutches at a later time. I think double clutching is more when you expect it because you willfully paired her up again with a male. The storing of sperm is known as "amphogenia retardata". That is the arrival of a clutch from a stored sperm without a new copulation or pairing of m/f . The causes are due to wanting to have a more appropriate living condition or lack of food supply among others. Hope this helped.

07-17-2015, 08:29 PM
ive only ever had her paired with a snow and he bred to 3 females this spring and she dropped 48 how could she have that many and still have sperm left or even ovulate so quick? in any case im not complaining hahaha

Albert Clark
07-17-2015, 08:45 PM
Well look at how healthy she is! If that was the only male she was paired with since dropping on 5-16-15 that could be the only explanation. IMO, of course. When was the clutch b4 this last one?

Albert Clark
07-17-2015, 08:53 PM
Maybe she just appears to be gravid and isn't?

07-17-2015, 11:14 PM
She looks like she's got some junk in that trunk.

07-18-2015, 05:32 AM
Well look at how healthy she is! If that was the only male she was paired with since dropping on 5-16-15 that could be the only explanation. IMO, of course. When was the clutch b4 this last one?
october 24th 2014 was her first litter. she was born feb 2 2014.

07-18-2015, 05:35 AM
She looks like she's got some junk in that trunk.
she feels nice n round in her back end the way a gravid garter would feel i guess if she didnt just have a litter i would say shes gravid but i have never experienced a garter the breeds so much lol

07-18-2015, 05:38 AM
I like watching YouTube related videos and one I just viewed on Snakebytestv, Brian at BHB was saying in it that garter snakes can dbl clutch.

07-18-2015, 05:52 AM
I like watching YouTube related videos and one I just viewed on Snakebytestv, Brian at BHB was saying in it that garter snakes can dbl clutch.
ive heard of it but its usually when they have a litter early in the year then have a fall litter. i did that last year. i had babies in feb/march then did a 30 day cool down and had fall litters but never right away like this. its litterally been 2 months since she gave birth and already looks like she is ready to pop lol when i did it last year they had 4 months in between birth/brumation

Albert Clark
07-18-2015, 09:17 AM
My young pastel granite who bred with her father and delivered those two scrubs and the the 1 stillborn in March went on to have another 1 month later. Although that one was a stillborn. Who knew? She was 9 mos. old.

07-18-2015, 09:18 AM
she appeared gravid to me visually yesterday and i think its a case of retained sperm regardless good for you now you can get that holdback anery het albino i mentioned lol your my boy blue and a dang good breeder by far have surpassed and of my pairing past or present

07-18-2015, 03:46 PM
she appeared gravid to me visually yesterday and i think its a case of retained sperm regardless good for you now you can get that holdback anery het albino i mentioned lol your my boy blue and a dang good breeder by far have surpassed and of my pairing past or present
thanks bro. and if she is i will hold back a pair of anery. i have yet to prove out my male anery to be het