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View Full Version : Snow VS Blizzard a Little Radix Help

07-16-2015, 06:44 AM
Questions for anyone that can help (Jeff please pay attention). What I think I know; the anery to albino is what produces snow. Axanthic to albino is what produced blizzard. In radix you have an Iowa and Neb albino, will either one work? Does the anery and the axanthic have to be het albino for it to work? If yes to that then I know you have to make sure your albino genes are paired correctly because the two are not compatible. I have an axanthic male, I also have one WC Neb albino female, and three Iowa albino females. If the axanthic male needs to be het albino for blizzards to be made then I'm guessing he is het for the Iowa strain (most people seem to work with them more than the Neb, I like em both). I think I might put him with all the girls and see what I get, but some guidance before jumping in blind would be appreciated, thanks!

07-16-2015, 02:50 PM
i was under the impression snow x axanthic het albino will produce blizzard it is confusing lol

07-16-2015, 02:53 PM
i was under the impression snow x axanthic het albino will produce blizzard it is confusing lol

...or "axanthic" het albino x "axanthic" het albino

07-22-2015, 03:34 PM
i was under the impression snow x axanthic het albino will produce blizzard it is confusing lol
it should cuz the axanthic is dominant over anery