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View Full Version : Surprised at this clutch..

Albert Clark
06-27-2015, 02:41 PM
Well back in March I spoke about this girl being gravid and I thought it was going to be a no go. Bc she kept feeding up until 1 week ago. Bizzare too bc she only moved out of her hide to snatch the food up and then disappear. Lol. So today I got back from the bait shop and opened the tub. When I lifted the hide up there were 3 scrubs crawling around. Two granite checkereds and 1 pastel het granite. This is the original 2013 pastel het granite pair from Jeff. I think she is finished delivering but I will keep watch and post the pics in a little while. :D:D The one granite appears strong but the other appears weak and smaller. The het looks strong as well.:)

06-28-2015, 08:29 AM
hey congrats on the litter.

Albert Clark
06-28-2015, 07:58 PM
hey congrats on the litter.
Thank you Tommy, I wish she dropped about 20 of these pastel granites so I had more to sell but I am happy with the healthy ones I have. Still waiting to see if the odds gods gave me a male. I will wait until they get a bit stronger b4 I sex them.