View Full Version : Multiple species in one enclosure
06-03-2015, 10:05 PM
In another one of my threads someone suggested that you could place two garters of different species in one enclosure together. They went on to say that males may even be calmer with another male around. I have been thinking about this and doing a bit of research but still have a few questions. First is do you think this is a good idea at all? I know with most other snakes forums suggest that you should not cohabitate for safety reasons. I know that some garters have huge dens with many snake, but is this the case with all species? Next I know that the snakes should be about the same size, but what exactly does that mean? I already have a California red sided and really like some of the radix morphs, so the finding one the exact same size may be difficult as they would be from different litters. If they must be the same size does it make the most sense to wait until they are both of adult size? Although as baby snakes are more nervous does it make more sense to put them together when they are small? I would also assume that growing up together would help when hormones start to join the party. I want to have a planted vivarium for them, what size tank would you recommend for two garters? I just wanted to pick your brains for any information you may have on this.
06-03-2015, 10:19 PM
Size-wise, I try to make them close enough in size that they would be a pretty even match if a food-fight broke out (of course, this all goes out the window if you put a male and female together to breed since the females are so much bigger lol). Some people on here have even kept Storeria dekayi-- common brown snake-- with garters with no problem.
I still separate my two co-habiting males out for feeding. One is a bit smaller and eats more slowly, and if they're together the other one just chases him down once he finishes his food to try and take it.
I use a 50 gallon long for my two males, but you could probably go a little smaller if you really wanted. The more space the better IMO.
There are probably plenty male snakes out there that don't care whether or not they have a buddy, but when I put them together the one that was always hiding started staying in the open and the one that was pretty much un-handleable would let me pick him up no problem. Like pretty much overnight.
Just so you know, there is still a VERY slight risk of cannibalism. This is more common when there's a big size difference, and usually seems to be a result of a food-fight gone wrong. In all the time I've been on this forum I think I've seen one case of similar-sized snakes cannibalizing each other (couple threads about a non-mother adult cagemate eating newborns). IMO this risk is pretty much negligible, but I just wanted you to know the possible risks.
06-04-2015, 05:09 AM
i keep all my males in the same enclosure including a ribbon. its a nice sized tank, a bit smaller than my females but i just make sure i split them gender wise. i have no issues keeping different species. i have a picture of them all cuddling a cpl days ago, ill try to find it
06-04-2015, 05:13 AM
obviously a size difference... they get extra special attention during feeding time for the reasons Lora had explained12089
06-04-2015, 08:36 AM
I keep a large storeria dekayi with my males(checkered and sirtalis sirtalis) with no issues, the large dekayi is still smaller than even male garters though but they are fed individually so there's no risk of food fights, never shown any stress or issues with eachother, they all tend to hang out in their own spots and despite the dekayi being known as a nocturnal snake he's out all the time, as much as the sirtalis.
Also you must be sure of the sex of the garters, don't keep different sexes of different species together or you are going to get hybrid babies that will probably be ugly and never sell and would muddy gene pools even if you did sell them, so it's overall frowned upon. Males with males, females with females, unless it's the same specie and you don't mind babies.
06-04-2015, 10:08 AM
Interesting thank you all for your personal experiences and information. I will definitely do my best to make sure I end up with another male. I do not want babies of any kind, be they dirty mutts or pure bred master race. To much work for my liking.
07-12-2015, 09:20 AM
Well the search continues. I am really starting to like the look of a simple checkered garter snake but found one site that stated they were known to be cannibalistic. Is this accurate?
07-12-2015, 09:28 AM
i dont have experience with checkereds but know someone who had a litter 3-4 days ago and he houses them together and has had no probelms
07-12-2015, 10:12 AM
That's the first I've heard of a T. marcianus being cannibalistic.
07-12-2015, 12:20 PM
There's a difference between a species being actively cannibalistic and feeding accidents that end with one snake eating another. I've never heard of T. marcianus being cannibalistic either. There has been the occasional 'accident' recorded for a lot of garter species, but the only one I know of that is truly cannibalistic is T. vagrans.
07-12-2015, 01:10 PM
Ok that is exactly what I was wondering. Thanks for the info.
07-12-2015, 01:19 PM
Repeat post
07-12-2015, 01:20 PM
Ok that is exactly what I was wondering. Thanks for the info.
Considering a marcianus foryour next one then? I've never kept them, but they seem to be pretty chill.
07-12-2015, 02:07 PM
Yeah initially I was trying to find an anerytheristic T. radix but can not seem to locate any and the checkered garters seem to be readily available. I do not have any green in my collection currently and I really like the lines under their eyes. From what I read they are extremely docile and my little infernalis could use some good influence.
07-12-2015, 06:38 PM
Just be careful with infernalis during feeding, they can be VERY aggressive feeders.
07-12-2015, 06:48 PM
Just be careful with infernalis during feeding, they can be VERY aggressive feeders.
I separate the ones housed together for feeding and give them a little time to calm back down before putting them back together.
07-12-2015, 09:01 PM
I will definitely be separating during feeding, but thanks for the warning.
07-14-2015, 12:19 PM
So thinking this through another question has arisen. I know that the new addition needs a quarantine period of at least a month, but how long do you suggest? After he has served his time, how do you recommend I introduce to the two roomies? Just throw them in together and let them sort it out or is there another method some have used?
07-14-2015, 01:31 PM
I do 90 days for all. Longer if any problems arise.
07-14-2015, 04:03 PM
90 days for me too.
Whenever I introduce new ones, I start by letting them meet each other while I supervise, and then leave them together for longer periods until they're finally just living together. I'm probably a little over-cautious on that though. And if they're similarly sized there's less reason for caution than if you were dealing with one snake that's twice the size of the other or something.
Albert Clark
07-16-2015, 01:41 PM
The only time I put animals together is during breeding. Brumating animals are also in their own enclosures. Every snake has their own space ever since I went to rack systems. When I was housing in tank setups I would house some pairs together and usually they were younger males and females. I quarantine for 30 days unless I see or hear something suspicious.
07-16-2015, 07:15 PM
I tried introducing my eastern male to my checkered male once his quarantine period was over (3 months), to see if they'd get along and to house them together. I was hoping having a cagemate would help the checkered become less shy and I'd see him out more, but his reaction means I probably won't be able to have them together.
As soon as I put the eastern in his tank, he went straight to the defensive. He sat in place, staring straight at me and breathing fast. Despite the fact the eastern was crawling on him and he smelled the other garter, it was me that he struck at whenever I moved. The presence of the other garter had him extremely irritated and on guard, as he only strikes when he's really scared and he's never struck at me. I'm hoping he will be more receptive towards a female.
Now the eastern also gets overexcited/scared at the sight of other snakes around his tank to the point he jumps around like the checkered does and even musked, which he's never done.
I'm not sure if that's normal or even common or not, but that's my experience with it. I'm thinking it may just be that they're used to having their own space, as if I have them out of the tanks together they don't get worked up about each other.
07-16-2015, 09:19 PM
How long did you leave them in together? They're usually a bit nervous about a new snake at first, but that calms down pretty quickly in my experience. After about a ten minute freakout involving running to the other side of the tank whenever the new snake touched him, the two males that I usually house together calmed right down. One of the males that was always extremely skittish and basically impossible to handle was almost puppy dog tame within a day of having his cagemate there full time, and the other which was always very bitey and kind of aggressive mellowed out as well.
They are currently separated for reasons of illness, and almost immediately they both reverted to how they were before.
That being said, they don't really have any social need to be housed together, so keeping them separate is totally fine as well.
07-23-2015, 10:45 AM
I left them in there for about 20 minutes, but I got worried Draco would bite Demigod because Draco just was not calming down whatsoever so I separated them again.
I did try to see how they'd react again. This time I introduced them together in neutral country (on my hand) before putting them together in a tank. This time, both stayed very calm regardless of who's tank they were in. But I think I'll just keep them separate anyway. At least I know he's got the possibility of being civil now.
07-23-2015, 12:34 PM
Yeah, sometimes nervous ones will freak out when a new snake is suddenly dropped into their little world :) I'm glad he was calmer for you this time.
08-02-2015, 09:18 AM
Still looking for a cage mate. I have had better luck finding wild snakes then a cb buddy for my collection since the search started. The day after my wedding I realiazed I lost my $250 dollar ray bans. I searched all over the grounds until I found a baby garter snake crawling through the grass. He let me pick him up and was a very cordial little fellow. I am still trying to identify him from memory which isn't as easy as I thought. I took it as a sign and knew the day would be a good one, and not but fifteen minutes later I found my glasses unharmed buried in the grass.
In my search I have located some T. cyrtopsis ocellatus. They are certainly beautiful creatures I just do not know much about them. Does anyone here keep these? If so do you have any insight for me on temperament or care issues? Thanks all.
08-02-2015, 11:06 AM
We've had a number of people reporting feeding problems(not eating). I had issues with that and socialization. They never trusted anything I was doing.
08-02-2015, 12:46 PM
Interesting that is certainly not the type of snake I am looking for.
08-02-2015, 12:54 PM
I have two ocellatus. They are definitely not as friendly as my easterns. The female will tolerate being handled, but I'd say she's still jumpy for a female, and the male is absolutely insane. You can't handle him without getting bitten and musked (to be fair he is stunted and has neurological issues... so that may be the cause of his behavior). I personally wouldn't feel good putting either of mine in with another snake... It just seems like a fight waiting to happen.
As far as feeding issues, my parents own the parents of my two snakes, and they are constantly going on food strikes that get to the point of being worrisome. My two have never skipped a meal. I have a hunch that they are more sensitive to temp and humidity changes than some other species... I keep tropical species as well, so my reptile room ambient temp never strays out of a certain range, and I really think that has a lot to do with my luck getting mine eating.
They're a really beautiful species to work with, but if you want a nice social garter to be a cagemate for the one you already have they probably aren't what you're looking for... Eastern, radix, red-sided(parietalis), and checkered all seem to have reputations for being pretty calm and sociable. They might be a better fit for what you want.
08-02-2015, 05:01 PM
i had a couple black necks and at first the females were a bit angry but after some tlc they calmed down alot and were housed in a 75gal with female radix.
08-02-2015, 05:03 PM
08-02-2015, 10:42 PM
There is no doubt that they are stunning creatures but from the advice given I would say they are not right for my situation. The search continues. Thanks everyone for your input.
08-02-2015, 11:23 PM
If I may suggest T. radix - Plains garter, a female would be best. They can get very docile and are great eaters. Healthy, strong species. I might be a little biased in my suggestion though. Just a little bit.:D
08-03-2015, 07:36 AM
I am only looking for a male as my male T.s. infernalis needs a cage mate and I do not want babies. Ideally I would love to find an anerytheristic plains garter but have only found one and the seller was asking way more than I was willing to pay. Right now I am leaning towards a T. marcianus, because that is all that I can find right now. By the way has anyone ever dealt with
08-03-2015, 02:22 PM
I've never dealt with them, but I'm about 99% sure the picture they have as the thumbnail for the checkered garter isn't actually a checkered garter (I just woke up and I'm juggling several things, so someone correct me if I goofed and clicked on the wrong link or something)... I'd probably stay away from them.
Also, they say captive bred, but they have a LOT of species that are more typically wild caught... Sounds to me like they might be taking gravid wild females and keeping the babies or something.
I could be totally wrong here, but that place just gives me sketchy vibes.
08-03-2015, 03:37 PM
I've never dealt with them, but I'm about 99% sure the picture they have as the thumbnail for the checkered garter isn't actually a checkered garter (I just woke up and I'm juggling several things, so someone correct me if I goofed and clicked on the wrong link or something)... I'd probably stay away from them.
Also, they say captive bred, but they have a LOT of species that are more typically wild caught... Sounds to me like they might be taking gravid wild females and keeping the babies or something.
I could be totally wrong here, but that place just gives me sketchy vibes.
That wasn't even a garter period. Colubrid yes but far from being a checkered garter. Stay well away from that place is they are that bad with their misc section.
08-03-2015, 05:31 PM
That wasn't even a garter period. Colubrid yes but far from being a checkered garter. Stay well away from that place is they are that bad with their misc section.
I can't place exactly what it was... Was it a corn? I'm not that familiar with those... Just not very common in my area, so the only ones I've seen are some of the morphs, not any of the wild types.
08-03-2015, 05:46 PM
I can't place exactly what it was... Was it a corn? I'm not that familiar with those... Just not very common in my area, so the only ones I've seen are some of the morphs, not any of the wild types.
I don't think it was a corn but I know some water snakes (nerodia) have diamond patterns like that. Pretty sure it's a colubrid though.
08-03-2015, 05:53 PM
I think it might be Senticolis triaspis
His "garter": 2
Senticolis triaspis:
08-03-2015, 05:55 PM
Green Ratsnake is common name.
08-03-2015, 06:04 PM
Yeah, that's definitely it. Haha, when I see something out in the field I'm immediately like "oh, it's definitely this" but when I see something mislabeled like that it seriously starts to make me question my sanity!
08-03-2015, 06:09 PM
I am only looking for a male as my male T.s. infernalis needs a cage mate and I do not want babies. Ideally I would love to find an anerytheristic plains garter but have only found one and the seller was asking way more than I was willing to pay. Right now I am leaning towards a T. marcianus, because that is all that I can find right now. By the way has anyone ever dealt with
i have male albinos availible but i think i remember you saying you hate red eyes or something
i have ones from a red plains pairing and ones from an orange albino x hybino pairing
08-03-2015, 08:43 PM
Yeah I noticed that one of their pictures was not the correct species. Anyway I called several other vendors who advertised checkered garters and they either did not have them or could not promise me a male. After talking to a actual person at Florida herps I felt a bit better and let my impatience get the best of me. So we will see how that goes but I should have a male checkered garter delivered to my house tomorrow. If it doesn't go well I can't say you all did not warn me. Xuihcoatl is a few months out from getting a buddy.
08-03-2015, 10:57 PM
We demand pictures pronto tomorrow.
08-04-2015, 10:31 PM
Well everything seems all well and good so far. He arrived on time with a cooling pack, and the interior temp seemed temperate. He is a cute little guy and I love how green he is. I am excited about how inquisitive he seems, he did not go into hiding at all today. Here are some pictures of him on his bush, so far this seems to be his favorite place. 1246612467
08-04-2015, 10:58 PM
Cute. At least they didn't send you that ratsnake lol.
08-05-2015, 03:03 PM
Cute. At least they didn't send you that ratsnake lol.
haha, no doubt.
08-05-2015, 05:21 PM
So is that darker green and orange dorsal well within normal checkered variation? Most look more like my Delilah from what I've seen.
08-05-2015, 06:50 PM
thats a radix lol
08-05-2015, 06:51 PM
id like to add its a nice looking radix at that
08-05-2015, 06:58 PM
Haha you might be right. As long as he stays green I could not care less as that is the other species I was most interested in.
08-05-2015, 06:58 PM
That and he has been awesome to watch no far. Ate some worm today.
08-05-2015, 07:26 PM
Haha you might be right. As long as he stays green I could not care less as that is the other species I was most interested in.
not might be...thats a plains gerter lol if hes green now hes going to stay that way might even have a blue hue when he gets older. i had a double het male that was the same way he had a nice blue tint when he matured.
08-05-2015, 07:56 PM
Interesting though I doubt he is het for anything. Thanks for the information, that makes this the first snake I own native to my own state. Might shoot them an email and let them no they have no idea what they have.
08-05-2015, 09:09 PM
I just added two northern redbellies to an enclosure with a male garter(who is a runt) and a Dekays brown. I think they should all get along as i've found these three species together under boards before.
They were all sharing the same hide within a few hours of being put in the enclosure and didn't seem concerned with each others presence, there's multiple hides I guess they just liked that one. Now today only one redbellied is still sharing, the other is burrowing in the pothos roots now.
08-06-2015, 05:53 AM
Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata, beautiful snake.
08-06-2015, 07:09 AM
Don't garter snakes and eat newts? Also if the fire bellies are poisoness the you are risking the health of both species. I could be wrong.
08-06-2015, 09:51 AM
lol Storeria occipitomaculata is like a small Storeria dekayi with a bright red belly. Google them, they're pretty. I rehabbed one that had gotten bitten by a cat a couple years ago... He ate a time or two for me, but it was clear he didn't like being in captivity.
Also, just for fun, there is a population of garters that overlaps the firebelly range, and those snakes are the only known animals on the planet with an immunity to the toxin. If you were to feed one to a garter from a different part of the country it'd probably die, but that one population seems to have won the evolutionary arms race with the newt.
Zdravko: What do you feed your occipitomaculata? I'm just curious since this is the first I've heard of one thriving in captivity. I'm sure it can be done, it's just uncommon from what I've heard :)
08-06-2015, 10:00 AM
Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata, beautiful snake.
They sure are and they come in a whole bunch of natural morphs, too bad they are so hard to breed because the babies come out 3 inches long. I still want to try it one day.
Zdravko: What do you feed your occipitomaculata? I'm just curious since this is the first I've heard of one thriving in captivity. I'm sure it can be done, it's just uncommon from what I've heard :)
I've been catching garden slugs and tiny worms and just release them in the enclosure for them to hunt when they want, I haven't had them very long so only time will tell how they do. But they are in a naturalistic setup, which I think is much better for this species. I don't think they would do well in barebones enclosures or with unnatural substrates, they seem more intolerable than garters or brown snakes. Live plants, slugs, pillbugs, sow bugs, springtails, beetles, etc, live in the enclosure, set it up all with stuff I caught in the backyard which is native to the area.
08-10-2015, 06:21 PM
Well you guys were right that really bit me in my ***. I will elaborate more when this is all resolved. For now I am looking at a T. s. sirtalis and wondering how they are as pets? How are they compared to T. s. infernalis and T. radix? Any information is useful.
08-10-2015, 07:20 PM
T.s. sirtalis are less defensive and skittish than Infernalis in my experience, eastern are about the same as Radix for temperament and feed response, both are really awesome snakes. I like infernalis a lot too, both of mine are a bit defensive though.
08-10-2015, 08:25 PM
Well you guys were right that really bit me in my ***. I will elaborate more when this is all resolved. For now I am looking at a T. s. sirtalis and wondering how they are as pets? How are they compared to T. s. infernalis and T. radix? Any information is useful.
Oh no, I hope nothing bad happened to the snake! :(
T. s. sirtalis are my absolute favorite. They have the most available morphs of any of the species, but I really like their personalities. Very friendly and pretty calm, though the males can be a bit jumpy (which is the case with any of the species really). I haven't looked through all the ads, but Jeff just put up a lot of snakes for sale in the For Sale section here. He's a pretty safe bet if you're looking for a nice looking, healthy snake :)
08-10-2015, 09:15 PM
You are right Jeff is a true professional, I got my infernalis from him and would not have second thoughts about buying from him again. Awesome thanks for the low down.
08-11-2015, 06:25 AM
You are right Jeff is a true professional, I got my infernalis from him and would not have second thoughts about buying from him again. Awesome thanks for the low down.
I just grabbed up that blue axanthic from him. he has a lot of nice easterns
08-11-2015, 06:50 AM
That axanthic is incredible, good buy.
Albert Clark
08-11-2015, 07:12 AM
Yeah, Tommy beat me to it! Haha. I was trying to figure out where to squeeze her in. Oh well, nice pick up T. :)
08-11-2015, 07:12 AM
BTW you still haven't elaborated for us like you said you were. At least let us know if the Radix is okay or not.
08-11-2015, 08:00 AM
The radix is alive and on his way back to Florida herps. It turned out that they sent me the wrong snake and admitted to making a mistake. Unfortunately the radix was wild collected and came with mites. I noticed the problem before it spread to my other snakes so it turned out the best it could. They offered to send me the correct snake free of charge, but at this point I had had enough and just told them to refund my money.
08-11-2015, 11:11 AM
MITES, toxic little creatures that can sweep though a collection like a plague. Be very aggressive in treatment. Best of luck.
08-11-2015, 01:26 PM
Send you the wrong snake, AND with mites? Gah! Shame on them.
08-11-2015, 03:57 PM
Makes you wonder what kind of shape the rest of their stock is in.
08-11-2015, 04:58 PM
Yeah that is one of the reason I refused to accept them sending the "right" snake. As luck would have it I found a melanistic eastern yesterday that should be coming my way soon. Don't worry I did my research this time and it is not from a huge online retailer. Uhg, I have always had a problem choosing to learn things the hard way.
08-11-2015, 06:55 PM
Yeah that is one of the reason I refused to accept them sending the "right" snake. As luck would have it I found a melanistic eastern yesterday that should be coming my way soon. Don't worry I did my research this time and it is not from a huge online retailer. Uhg, I have always had a problem choosing to learn things the hard way.
I'm same way man, I often learn things the hard way. Live and learn.
08-11-2015, 09:15 PM
Makes you wonder what kind of shape the rest of their stock is in.
I'm sure it's one of those huge companies that specializing in selling wild caught animals for $10-30, such a shame that kind of industry is allowed. Many animals suffer the consequences from that being legal. :(
08-11-2015, 09:38 PM
I'm same way man, I often learn things the hard way. Live and learn.
I just hope if I have kids they are smarter than me.
I'm sure it's one of those huge companies that specializing in selling wild caught animals for $10-30, such a shame that kind of industry is allowed. Many animals suffer the consequences from that being legal. :(
It most definitely was. You should read all the bull they sent me in the email about the mites and how this all wasn't a big deal. It is really too bad I real liked the little guy almost enough to keep him. I hope he finds a good home.
08-11-2015, 09:51 PM
I hope that radix wasn't anywhere near your other snakes. Mites are prolific, they must be attacked aggressively or they will spread for sure.
08-11-2015, 10:16 PM
He was on the opposite side of the room on paper towels. I only saw one mite and I promptly killed him and then cleaned the crap out of the cage. Over the next few days I gave him a couple of soaks betadine. I am watching the other snakes very closely and have not seen any problems yet.
08-11-2015, 11:12 PM
Provent a mite is a great produce to have on hand. You must follow the instruction to a T or the product(vapors) can be deadly to snakes.
Provent-a-Mite (
08-12-2015, 09:56 AM
I hope they didn't spread... I've been lucky in that I've never had to deal with mites in over 15 years except some on one of my frogs once (those aren't as aggressive or hard to treat as snake mites... basically they just wash off in a couple soaks of plain water and a tank cleaning).
He was on the opposite side of the room on paper towels. I only saw one mite and I promptly killed him and then cleaned the crap out of the cage.
Okay, I just woke up, and SERIOUSLY misread this bit. :rolleyes:
08-12-2015, 01:10 PM
That axanthic is incredible, good buy.
thanks im really excited to see her!
Yeah, Tommy beat me to it! Haha. I was trying to figure out where to squeeze her in. Oh well, nice pick up T. :)
thanks albert. I passed up scotts trio when he posted them and now im kicking myself in the butt because of it. the female he sold was het albino and dropped a small litter of 3 axanthic one normal het and a albino the albino was a stillborn but proved she was het. I tracked down all axanthics and there is not a lot out there and even fewer are breeding.
im only missing 2 radix to make my radix collection complete and that's dodge co. albinos that jeff has and steves b&w. once I get them I can die a happy herper until a new morph is found of coarse lol
The radix is alive and on his way back to Florida herps. It turned out that they sent me the wrong snake and admitted to making a mistake. Unfortunately the radix was wild collected and came with mites. I noticed the problem before it spread to my other snakes so it turned out the best it could. They offered to send me the correct snake free of charge, but at this point I had had enough and just told them to refund my money.
sorry to hear about the mites. I had mites last year from a purchase of 4 radix. one died. I used provent-a-mite as steve said and followed the directions and vacuumed twice a day and cleaned cages every day and still treat the bedding once a month. once I seen one it only took a day or 2 before I seen them on some of the others. they all got a soak in diluted betadine solution for the lil bites they had and I only seen a couple after i initially noticed them after 2 days of cleaning/soaking/treating I never seen a mite again. as steve said you have to be very aggressive cause they are aggressive. you can even transfer them to someone elses collection from your body or expos. the main thing I kept seeing when reading was that you cant kill the eggs without harming your snakes so they must hatch first and provent-a-mite lingers and kills them when they hatch its effective for up to 3 weeks I think. really great stuff even if you don't have mites as a preventative measure
Albert Clark
08-12-2015, 01:23 PM
He was on the opposite side of the room on paper towels. I only saw one mite and I promptly killed him and then cleaned the crap out of the cage. Over the next few days I gave him a couple of soaks betadine. I am watching the other snakes very closely and have not seen any problems yet.
Imo, you should still consider treating your collection prophylactically. If you saw one , then you missed 101. That is the mentality you have to have when it comes to mites! It is ok to treat your other herps as if they have been exposed. :)
08-12-2015, 01:52 PM
Imo, you should still consider treating your collection prophylactically. If you saw one , then you missed 101. That is the mentality you have to have when it comes to mites! It is ok to treat your other herps as if they have been exposed. :)
the eggs are so tiny and can be anywhere!!
08-12-2015, 01:54 PM
also check your snakes under their chin and near the vent that is where they like to lay eggs. check around eyes too
08-12-2015, 04:07 PM
Newly hatched mites are invisible to the naked eye. Everything in the area should be treated as toxic.
08-12-2015, 06:51 PM
I want to thank everyone for their concern. I most definitely will pick up some provent-a-mite. As for treating with out any evidence I just don't believe in that. I will continue to keep an eye on them with my provent-a-mite handy.
08-12-2015, 08:05 PM
I understand not wanting to treat but this is a situation that warrants treatment. The problem with snake mites is once you see them and recognize you have a problem, the problem is 1000 times worse then if you would have treated immediately. These bugs start out as something you won't see but they will be feeding on your snakes anyway. By the time you see them the population has exploded and spread. This isn't a wait and see situation. You have to be aggressive and diligent. I am sounding the alarm bell and yelling "fire". Please, don't take light of this serious situation. No offense meant.
08-13-2015, 02:42 PM
I hear what you are saying and I took the snakes in that room out and cleaned the crap out of their cages and now they are all on paper towels for a bit. I refuse to use a chemical that is potentially deadly on my snakes if there is no proof they need it.
Albert Clark
08-13-2015, 03:15 PM
Well, good luck then and I truly hope you are in the clear. On a side note , if the proventamite is used as per the instructions there really is no threat to your collection. That's all. The benefits outweigh the potential infestation.:)
08-13-2015, 03:23 PM
Well, good luck then and I truly hope you are in the clear. On a side note , if the proventamite is used as per the instructions there really is no threat to your collection. That's all. The benefits outweigh the potential infestation.:)
You could say that a lot of things people put into their bodies, but that does not in any way mean they are good for you.
08-13-2015, 07:14 PM
It's kind of like vaccines... Yes, there's a very small risk you'll have a bad reaction to one (I'm actually part of that very small percentage; had to get CDC clearance for my medical exemptions to attend college/grad school... It seriously would've been simpler to pretend I had a religious reason!) but the risk of not getting them is much higher.
I agree with not treating for most things when they aren't present... I know some people who automatically treat all new snakes for mites regardless. I'm not into that (one of the reasons I prefer a completely separate QT room). But when you have a known exposure of something as aggressive as mites it really is worth going ahead and treating. Even wearing the same clothes between holding the snake with mites and the others can spread them.
If you're wrong and they have spread but you wait until you see them, the treatment will probably take a lot longer, and IMO that would be much more dangerous than the lighter 'preventative' treatment.
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