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View Full Version : Breeding 2 non recessive traits

05-20-2015, 08:03 PM
I was wondering what would happen if you were to breed a normal common garter snake to a neon blue California red sided garter, would half the babies be regular black and yellow, and half the blue and red? I'm pretty sure neither traits are recessive so what would happen?

05-21-2015, 01:25 AM
Woah, you're talking about breeding two different species which is a BIG no-no. Hybrids are severely frowned upon in the hobby and won't sell. Also, they tend to look like mud.

Also, what you are talking about aren't dominant traits. They're morphs (made up of a multitude of different traits, some that are simple dominant/recessive and some that are line bred-- on a spectrum, like human skin color)

05-21-2015, 10:27 AM
Cross species breeding= muddy gene pool and snakes that look terrible compared to the parents. Please keep the species pure.