View Full Version : Demigod

05-18-2015, 05:18 PM
Here's the little guy I've been waiting to get since I got Draco back in October 2013. His previous owner kept him for me to grow him up until he was large enough for whole pinks, but the weather turned cold before she could ship him to me last year, so I received him ~5 weeks ago. He's also been receiving 2 pinks a week while in my care.

He's a lot more active than Draco, and is a lot easier to catch as well as handle. He all but crawls into my hand, and loves to people-watch. If I hold my hand above his tank, he'll also reach up towards my hand. He is a vigorous eater, and doesn't dance around eating like Draco does, he always chases the mouse down and rips it out of the tongs. Even with two big bulges from the mice, he crawls around for hours after he eats, and never really sits still. He explores off and on all throughout the day.

Apparently he had developed a habit of biting his previous owner, and when he arrived he bit me for about a week or two, but handling him 2-3 times a day for a week got him to stop that. Now he no longer even nose bumps me, and he only gets handled once a day maybe 3 times a week since he's given up his biting habit.

He was born on July 13, 2013.

05-18-2015, 08:11 PM
Very nice looking!

07-14-2015, 06:02 AM
Here's some recent pictures of this little guy. He now weighs 22-23 grams, but is still really gangly compared to Draco. Now that his quarantine period is up, I've moved him out into the room with the other snakes.

The only problems I've encountered so far is if when I have one of the other snakes out and they come up to his tank, he tends to get overexcited/scared and starts jumping around and even musked once, which is the first time he's musked. So, I may either have to change the direction his tank faces, or try to keep the other snakes away from his tank when I have them out. My BCI Cloud doesn't seem to bother him so much, because he'll just sit in place, but the retic is the one that really gets him worked up because she moves so fast and crawls on EVERYTHING.


07-14-2015, 08:02 AM
Looking good.

07-14-2015, 09:45 AM
nice looking eastern! kinda looks like the locale here


07-14-2015, 09:46 AM

07-15-2015, 12:29 AM
Well he was captive born, I believe somewhere in Indiana. The person I got him from captured an injured female and within hours she gave birth. She ended up keeping the injured female and the other babies, and shipped this little one to me since she couldn't keep all the babies. She passed away a few weeks ago from what her owner thinks was old age, 2 years after having her last litter.