View Full Version : poorly garter

05-04-2015, 11:49 AM
Hi I have a garter snake that is about 10 month old. the other day I noticed it was not flicking its tongue out. When he did there was a grey color to it and he moved it in and out very slowly. Can anyone help identify what is wrong please, before I take him to the vets. thank you.

Albert Clark
05-09-2015, 01:48 PM
Welcome to the club and we are happy to have you here. Firstly, what type of housing is the little guy living in? What are the temperatures of the housing and his humidity percentage inside. Is he a captive bred or wild caught garter? Is he eating? Do you notice anything else abnormal or suspicious about his behavior?

05-09-2015, 02:53 PM
That's not much to go on. First of all you need to describe your setup, what you're feeding, what his temps are, ect. Next, has he been acting lethargic or anything? That can be a bad sign.

Secondly, do you have a vet that specializes in reptiles? I've found that if you take a reptile to a regular vet without a very clear picture of what's wrong you will end up spending lots of money for not very many answers.