View Full Version : Brumation/Hibernation

02-02-2015, 03:27 PM
I am in the process of moving and am keeping my young T. Sauritus at the other place (30 min from my new place) and so I had the idea already that it would be good to let him go into hibernation mode, seems most natural I guess. Now being in the process of moving and dealing with everything it would be easier to let him just hibernate so I wouldn't need to tend to him for a bit. How is the best way to have them begin? Is it typically best to leave the heat mat but turn the lamp/emitter off ? Any tips are much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

02-02-2015, 03:47 PM
It generally takes awhile to safely get them into brumation; how long are you planning on being in the process of moving?

EDIT: I'm a grad student so 'moving' may have a totally different meaning for me than you ;) Just thought about that

02-08-2015, 10:40 AM
Sorry to take so long to respond with moving and all schedule has been mixed up... I just yesterday got him to the new place. I think the drive has him stressed b/c he's just sits in the corner (over night and half the day) Im going to see if he'll eat something later today. Just about finished moving though.Thanks for your help.