View Full Version : Two males; timing question

01-28-2015, 11:05 PM
In about a month when her quarantine is completely finished, my parents' flame eastern is going to be spending a few months with me so I can breed her with one of mine.
In the thread I posted awhile back, someone suggested that I put my first choice male (albino with high red) in with her first then follow up with my second-choice male (albino with med/low red). Are there any suggestions on a timeline for this? Like, how long do I leave her with the first male to ensure that they've had time to mate before putting her in with the second one? I don't want to decrease the chances of getting a litter from my first pick, but I also don't want to run down the clock and end up with no litter at all.
All three snakes involved are first-time breeders; the first choice male is a bit young, which is why I think it's a good idea to follow him up with a slightly older one).

Again, this won't be happening for a bit, but I just like having everything planned out ahead of time. This will be my first litter, so I'm excited but also looking for any info on how to go about breeding (once I get the babies I'll be back in familiar territory!)

01-29-2015, 09:19 AM
I would put the desired male in for a few days and see what happens, if nothing happens I would take him out and wait for her to shed and put him back in with her and that should spark some interest! I keep pieces of the females shed in the cage with mine as the scent stays on it for awhile. At this point if he shows no interest I would put the other male in with them and see if some competition will get it going. If still no interest I would rotate between the 2 males every couple of days. I have had success with all of this and have even used pieces of a receptive females shed in with another female to spark interest from the male. Hope this helps! Good luck!

01-29-2015, 10:10 AM
Alright, thanks for the advice! Does the shed lose potency if it isn't fresh? If not I'll tell my parents to save any shed she might have while she's with them.

01-30-2015, 12:16 AM
She has yet to have a shed.

01-30-2015, 06:17 AM
Has she been brumated?

01-30-2015, 10:28 AM
Two months ago by the previous owner. But I might add that the room I keep my snakes in temperature ranges from 70 - 75 and my daughters snake room is considerably warmer.

01-30-2015, 12:00 PM
My males haven't been brumated, but they've been courting each other for awhile now, so I think they're going to be ready to go.

01-30-2015, 12:46 PM
Those 2 males will propably be waiting on her then, lol! How much longer until she is out of quarantine? You really need to introduce them as soon as the quarantine is up.
two months ago by the previous owner. But i might add that the room i keep my snakes in temperature ranges from 70 - 75 and my daughters snake room is considerably warmer.

01-30-2015, 03:38 PM
lol All three of my male easterns are acting funny. The old blind guy is out pacing around his tank again like he does every year.

Yeah, I'm planning on putting her in with male number one pretty much the second her quarantine is up. It's been over 60 days, so we're waiting the last week or two now. She's a great snake, so we're glad to have her regardless, but I really hope she'll still be receptive at the end of her QT.